The Patriot Post® · Movies, Muslims & Morons

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I suspect I’m not the only person who assumed Muslims were behind the massacre at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino as soon as the first reports went out. When later in the day, the media began to act coy when it came to naming the killers, we knew our first instinct was correct. No way would they have held back if the names had been Jimmy Jones or Susie Smith, but God forbid they report that 14 people had just been massacred by the usual suspects.

The full extent of their Islamic depravity is that Syed Rizwan Farook and Mrs. Farook, Tashfeen Malik, had just had a baby six months earlier. Only the followers of Islam would think the best way to celebrate a birth in the family was to go out and destroy as many other families as possible.

Although, as I sit here, the authorities haven’t yet explained the motivation behind the bloodbath, I feel safe to assume that Mr. Farook simply couldn’t abide his co-workers celebrating the birth of another baby, the one named Jesus Christ.

Does anyone still doubt that there were Muslims in New Jersey, or in St. Paul, Minnesota, or Dearborn, Michigan, celebrating on 9/11?

Liberals, including Barack Obama, who refuse to acknowledge that a war between civilizations is taking place, are eager to label the slaughter that left 14 dead and 21 maimed “workplace violence,” lest anyone get the idea it had anything to do with Islam. As I see it, where Muslims are concerned, terrorism is workplace violence. It is, after all, the only work for which they seem to have a genuine aptitude.

Speaking of death, I have never understood why any decent person would oppose assisted suicide. If I were to be cursed with a disease that caused me excruciating pain, I would hope my loved ones would provide me with a painless exit.

I realize that some people have moral objections to any form of suicide, and I can respect that. To them, I say, “Don’t take advantage of it for yourself. May your own suffering be of short and endurable duration. But why deny to others what is otherwise available only to our beloved pets and, oh yes, serial killers?”

Speaking of suicide, when pacifists here and in Europe adopt “no boots on the ground” as their favorite mantra, one can only suspect that they haven’t considered the long range problem. For 36 years, the world has pretty much allowed the jihadists to get away with murder. But at some point, someone on our side is going to say enough is enough. Someone will say that we have put up with enough burnings, beheadings and crucifixions. And that someone just might be somebody with a nuclear arsenal at his disposal. And if that someone is anyone like me, he’s going to use it.

An IQ of 100 used to be regarded as the national norm. But the existence of gun-free zones is proof that the average has dipped into the 70s. You would think the fact that all the massacres in recent years have occurred in places with that designation — be they movie theaters, school grounds, military bases and induction centers or government buildings — would alert people to the fact they might as well have signs posted that welcomed those interested in shooting fish in a barrel.

Unfortunately, logic doesn’t work with the majority of people. In fact, in most quarters, logic is now regarded as a concealed weapon.

Whereas a single law-abiding citizen with a gun could go a long way to stop massacres from taking place, what the government provides for is the TSA, which exists in order to give stupid people jobs, but does nothing to prevent terrorism.

But the TSA is worse than useless because, one, it encourages its greedy agents to confiscate items that pose no danger to anyone and, two, it simultaneously gives people a false sense of security while causing them a great deal of actual frustration.

It should come as no surprise once you realize they’re employed by the federal government that, to date, 73 TSA agents have been flagged for terrorist activities.

In the meantime, however, the government does nothing to prevent those Americans who have recently gone to Syria and Iraq in order to link up with ISIS from returning to the U.S. or to prevent those who come by way of Europe from taking advantage of our hospitality. On the contrary, Obama thinks it makes sense to invite 10,000 Muslim refugees, whom he likens to 17th century Pilgrims, to our shores.

A challenge to my readers: Can anyone recall a single instance when Obama has displayed more or even equal respect for America’s history, people or values, than he has for that of our existential enemies?

I assume it’s because Hollywood is rampant with leftists that they keep making movies in which members of the FBI, the NSA and the CIA, are invariably depicted as ruthless and corrupt. But at the same time, they troop out to pricey fund raisers on behalf of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

Understand that when I spoke about the average IQ in America now being in the 70s, I wasn’t referring to the folks in Hollywood.

Out here, to achieve that high a mark, they’d have to copy off some Republican’s test paper.