The Patriot Post® · Celebrate Christ

By Gary Bauer ·

For those of us who are Christians and grew up in the ‘60’s, the attack on religious expression we are witnessing today is unsettling. The Christmas holidays of the past are now “Winter holidays.”

Displays of the Ten Commandments, once fairly common in and around courthouses and public parks, have been targeted by radical secular and atheist groups. Often federal courts have ordered them to be taken down or removed.

President Roosevelt led the nation in prayer during the dark days of World War II. Now the most a president could get away with is a moment of silence.

All of this and more has led alarmed Christians and intellectuals to suggest that we are living in a “post-Christian” America and era. It certainly feels that way.

Last week, in a compelling essay in The Weekly Standard, Andrew Ferguson objected to that depressing conclusion. Ferguson said, “[W]e don’t live in a post-Christian age after all, not really. More to the point, it’s impossible to live in a post-Christian age.”

He is right, of course. Certainly, America in the hands of the secular left might finally succeed in destroying the evidence of Christianity in our fair republic. It is possible that someday, God forbid, our churches in America will be historic curiosities and more like museums than the places where voices were raised to the heavens singing praises to Immanuel.

But the Christian era won’t be over even if America loses its way.

The Baby was born. History was split in two. God became man. Angels announced the Good News. The blind saw. The lame walked. The cross beckoned. The perfect lamb climbed it! Our sins were washed away. The stone was rolled away. Death was defeated. The gates of hell did not prevail.

When He returns in glory, every knee will bend, every head will bow, praise will fill the air, and, if not, “the very stones will cry” out their adoration.

While we must continue the battle, do not ever doubt that when history ends the King of all kings will be on the throne!

Merry Christmas, my friends.