The Patriot Post® · 'New York Values' vs. 'Duck Dynasty' Values
Liberals and the mainstream media are foaming at the mouth over the comment Senator Ted Cruz made Thursday night about “New York values.”
Now, all of us folks who are not New York City liberals know exactly what Senator Cruz was talking about — and it had nothing to do with the aftermath of 9/11.
Senator Cruz was talking about cultural and political values.
“Duck Dynasty” values versus Big Apple values.
As an expatriate Southerner who resides among the indigenous liberal population of Brooklyn, I know of what the senator speaks.
And to suggest that the senator was referring to the brave firefighters and police officers who were massacred in the 2001 terrorist attacks is not only disgusting but an outright lie.
But liberal politicians have never let the truth get in the way of their ugly agendas.
“I am disgusted at the insult that Ted Cruz threw at this city, and its people,” de Blasio said Friday. “And the bottom line is he does not understand, in the least, New York values.”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the comment “offensive” and said if he “had any class he would apologize to the people of New York.”
That’s the same governor who once said that “extreme conservatives” who are pro-life and pro-gun are not welcome in his state.
“They have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are,” the governor told a radio host in 2014.
What was truly offensive is how liberal politicians and the mainstream media intentionally distorted what Cruz said.
So let’s talk about those “New York values” that Senator Cruz was talking about.
He was referring to the permissive New York values celebrating public debauchery that would make the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah blush. Just ask the families from the Heartland who’ve been accosted by topless women in Times Square.
Remember Occupy Wall Street — turning public parks into human cesspools, people defecating on police cars? He was talking about those values, too.
Along with the values that propelled citizens into the streets to justify violence against police officers.
Senator Cruz was talking about the values that banned churches from public spaces and relegated Christians to second class citizens.
He was referring to the values that let a candidate says he’s a pro-abortion Democrat one day and a pro-life Republican the next — the kind of values that would compel someone to use a national tragedy like 9/11 to score cheap political points.
You see, in that land New Yorkers like to call fly-over country, character counts. A man’s word matters.
Those are the values Senator Cruz was talking about.