The Patriot Post® · Anthony Weiner & Assorted Wieners

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I couldn’t wait to see the documentary “Weiner,” which in about an hour and a half documented the remarkable fall, rise and fall, of the former NY congressman and aspiring mayor of NYC.

Being a political junkie, I found the movie fascinating, funny and even a little sad. It was funny because here was a guy who, as a liberal Jew, could have spent 40 more years in Congress, rising, as every aging leftwing hack does, to the inevitable rank of statesman, if only he wasn’t fixated on texting pictures of what, in romance fiction, is often described as one’s throbbing manhood, to various women he had never even met.

If you think I exaggerate, merely consider the fact that former KKK grand kleagle Robert Byrd; Ted Kennedy, who let a young woman drown in his car rather than jeopardize his political career; and serial sexual predator Bill Clinton; all managed to achieve the status of party icon.

If Weiner had merely raped a woman or let one drown, he might have gotten to maintain his seat in Congress, but his offense was so embarrassing that even someone as cheesy as Nancy Pelosi couldn’t just let it slide. Besides, everyone knew that the demented voters in New York’s ninth congressional district could be counted on to elect someone equally liberal.

Two years after he had been booted out of the House, Weiner decided he had wandered in the desert long enough and decided to get back in the game by running for mayor. In what was regarded as a major political comeback, Weiner appeared to be leading the pack going into the final weeks of the campaign, when, suddenly, it was discovered that Weiner had resumed letting the world know that he spent far more time thinking with the little head below his belt than the big ugly one perched above his neck.

In the end, even New Yorkers couldn’t bring themselves to vote for the schmuck. Weiner wound up running a distant fifth. Fortunately, the knuckleheaded voters had a fallback position. They didn’t have to settle for just another run-of-the-mill liberal; there was an avowed communist on the ticket. And not just any communist, but one who was married to a black woman who had formerly been a lesbian. So, on top of all his other sins, Anthony Weiner is the reason that Bill De Blasio runs the biggest city in the nation.

I found the movie a little sad because, like one of Shakespeare’s tragic characters, Weiner carried the seeds of his own destruction within himself. As you see his fate unwind, there is no way to pull for him. But you can see that even he doesn’t comprehend how it has come about. Other politicians have been doomed by their greed or by taking up with someone else’s wife, but when you have done yourself in because of an unnatural desire to expose yourself to strangers electronically, that is textbook pathology.

In the end, Weiner tries to justify himself by pointing out that he didn’t kill anyone. He didn’t even hurt anyone. Weiner just seems to be at a loss to understand why anyone even cares, except for, maybe, his wife.

His wife, in case you’re unaware, is Huma Abedin. Now there is another case study whose life I would like to see documented on screen. I mean, imagine that you are not only married to Anthony Weiner, but at the same time work closely with Hillary Clinton. Huma must be one scary can of worms.

Some people might think I am too harsh in my criticism of Democrats. After all, they tend to say all the right things. They always seem to be concerned with the plight of the underprivileged. The problem is that their solutions never work, and invariably just make existing problems worse.

I mean, consider that with all the Democrats in Washington, the best they could do was come up with Hillary Clinton, evil personified, and a loon like Bernie Sanders, who was booted out of a commune years ago because he never did a lick of work and bored everyone to tears with his non-stop blather about the problems facing the working man.

Clearly, he preferred talking about working to actually working, so it was inevitable that he would consider a career in politics. In fact, his first full-time job was as mayor of Burlington, VT, when he was just shy of 40.

Speaking of which, when a reader recently let me know that he favored getting rid of all the politicians in Washington and replacing them, I said it would be a pointless activity even if you could bring it off. It’s the voters who need to be replaced.

Just as those who didn’t vote for Weiner instead found someone even worse to elect, it’s silly to imagine that if you could miraculously rid the nation’s capital of people like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Steny Hoyer, Charles Rangel, Patrick Leahy, Xavier Becerra, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Chuck Schumer, the voters would turn around and elect the solid likes of Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan and Mike Lee.

The fact of the matter is that in spite of the obvious perks, the best people don’t tend to pursue a career in politics. I didn’t. You didn’t. It wasn’t because we didn’t wish to serve our nation. And it certainly wasn’t because we thought it was beyond our abilities. You merely have to look at those who have served in Congress and even in the White House to know that just about anyone can handle the job, and if you ever question that statement, just check out those who belong to the Congressional Black Caucus.

No, the reason most decent, capable people don’t wish to get into politics is because, one, they don’t want a bunch of low-information ignoramuses deciding every two, four or six years whether or not they still have a job, and, two, they don’t want to constantly be going, hat in hand, to beg lobbyists and arrogant millionaires to accept their souls in exchange for campaign contributions.

Speaking of arrogance, Loretta Lynch has seen fit to comply with Obama’s demands that the Dept. of Justice persecute what he refers to as climate change-deniers. Just for the record, the use of the word “deniers” is a bit of verbal jujitsu. It is intended to suggest a moral equivalence between the anti-Semites who deny the Holocaust ever took place and the scientists who have disproven the hoax known at other times as global warming.

Anyone who continues to perpetuate the scam should be required to prove, one, that the earth’s temperature has actually gone up over the past 15 years or so since Al Gore first rolled out his scheme to the accompaniment of a carnival calliope; two, that whatever change has taken place is the result of man’s industrial sins; and, three, proof that a slight uptick in the earth’s temperature is a bad thing.

No more defending the indefensible by insisting that 97% of the scientists agree. If you said that in order to receive a government grant or a job at a college or university required claiming that the moon was made out of green cheese, 97% of the so-called scientists would swear to it and even claim it tasted just like chicken.

You would think that Bill Kristol, founder and editor of the Weekly Standard, would be one of my political idols. After all, he is a high-profile Jewish conservative. The problem is that he also happens to be delusional. At present, his favorite delusion is that there is someone out there, a conservative, it goes without saying, who could run as an Independent and defeat both Clinton and Trump.

In a way, it is so far-fetched it’s reminiscent of Anthony Weiner’s delusion that he could keep texting shots of his wienie and not pay a political price for it.

I don’t have Mr. Kristol’s ear, but perhaps someone who does could remind him that there was a conservative in the GOP primaries named Ted Cruz, and he wound up battered and bleeding by the side of the road. If Trump couldn’t be defeated when it was mainly Republicans who were voting, what possible chance would a conservative have in a general election?

It is possible that if someone like Mitt Romney had agreed to take on the suicide mission, he could have deprived Trump of the necessary votes to win. But, fortunately, Kristol is only demented, not contagious, so Romney wisely rejected the offer to make a bloody fool of himself.

Why Kristol would wish to deprive Trump of even a shot at the presidency, apparently preferring to grease the path to the White House for someone as evil as Mrs. Clinton, I can’t imagine. I suppose it might have something to do with GOP political gamesmanship. If Trump wins, it could spell the beginning of an end to the insider’s influence enjoyed by the likes of Kristol.

But as a conservative, I worry more about the country’s future than whether poohbahs like Kristol have a seat at the table. If Trump is the only way to stop someone like Clinton or Sanders or Biden or Elizabeth Warren, from getting their hands on the nation’s steering wheel, I say more power to him.

In referring to the Muslims who are drowning by the hundreds in the Mediterranean while trying to reach Europe, Pope Francis, who has a weakness for spouting bromides, recently opined: “Migrants are not dangerous; they are in danger.”

But only so long, I’d suggest, as they’re in boats. As Belgium, France and Germany, have discovered over the past year or so, once the Muslims hit dry land, it’s a whole different story.