The Patriot Post® · Harambe, We Hardly Knew Ye!

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I think the fanatics at PETA are all certifiable loons or they wouldn’t dare compare the plight of chickens to the Jews who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps. But I still share their basic concerns when it comes to the abuse of animals. Still, I would not prevent the use of animals in scientific labs. After all, if that is what’s required in order to find a cure for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or some forms of cancer, they have my reluctant blessing.

However, I do believe that chimps and dogs being sacrificed in the constant search for new cosmetics is inexcusable. If it were up to me, they would use war criminals, rapists and serial killers, in their noble pursuit of a non-smear mascara.

All this is by the way of full disclosure. I like most animals. And when it comes to dogs, cats, elephants and horses, I dare say I like them better than I do most people. But I am revolted by the amount of attention paid to the shooting of Harambe, the silverback gorilla. As over-hyped as it was, what made it even more abominable were the death threats made against the zoo employees and the parents of the little boy who had managed to crawl into Harambe’s enclosure.

These morons had already heard that a tranquilizer would have taken several minutes to take effect, and had seen the gorilla yank the little boy from one end of the enclosure to the other. Would they have preferred the guy with the gun to wait and see if the gorilla yanked the boy’s arm off and used it as a club?

In the meantime, dozens of people, including children, were killed that weekend in Chicago, and neither Harambe’s fans nor the media, aside from Fox, had a word to say about it.

Speaking of the media, while driving the other day, I heard a listener call in to Michael Medved’s radio show to accuse him of showing his liberal bias by always defending Obama. Medved, a widely syndicated conservative talk show host, took umbrage.

In his own defense, he said that the only things he had ever said in Obama’s defense were that he wasn’t born in Kenya, denied he was a closet Muslim or is intentionally destroying America. For my part, I nearly drove into a lamppost.

In the past, although I usually see eye-to-eye on the issues with Medved, I have taken him to task because he would frequently tell his audience that Hillary Clinton was really a nice person. His basis for that was that they were classmates at Yale. As foolish as that sounded — and suggesting that 50 years of living, most of it married to Bill, all of it in pursuit of power and money, had left her the same 20-year-old he had known, scored pretty darn high on the foolish meter — I, knowing something about Medved’s enormous ego and basic elitism, assumed it was merely his way of reminding us that he, too, was a Yale grad.

But this was a whole other matter. How could anyone unintentionally appoint two attorney generals like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch? How could anyone unintentionally double our national debt in seven years; betray Israel; allow ISIS to metastasize all over the Middle East; side with black mobs against the police; allow the military to shrink to pre-WWII levels; saddle us with the Affordable Care Act; lie about Benghazi; welcome Russia into Crimea and Libya; reward Iran with $150 billion and a clear pathway to a nuclear arsenal; cave in to the Cuban dictators; and release a hundred terrorists from Gitmo, providing them with transit back to the war zone?

If all of this was unintentional, Medved, what would Obama have done if he’d really set his mind to destroying America?

When Ted Cruz was finally knocked out of the primaries after losing to Trump in Indiana, the headline writers missed a golden opportunity to say he had met his Waterloo. It seems there is a Waterloo, Indiana, in De Kalb County.

I was happy to hear that David French had not fallen for the siren song of nutsy Bill Kristol and run as a third party presidential candidate. Trump will have a difficult enough time defeating Mrs. Clinton, the way that the electoral map always favors Democrats. Instead, Kristol should be encouraging Bernie Sanders to run, in order to suck young liberal pinheads away from Hillary.

That’s the trouble with arrogant Ivory Tower conservatives like Kristol. In their constant quest for influence and recognition, they lose sight of reality. Besides, if it’s all that important to keep Trump out of the Oval Office, why doesn’t Kristol don the clown suit and funny shoes himself? Apparently for the same reason that people like Osama bin Laden and the ayatollahs never strap on a suicide vest.

Having said that, as a Republican, I am irate that Trump prevailed. He is such a complete oaf, he actually goes out of his way to inflame the animosity of women and Hispanics. It’s one thing to level his fire at the likes of Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren or even Justice Sonia Sotomayor, but when he spouts venom at New Mexico’s Republican governor, Susana Martinez, or the judge in the Trump University fraud case, Gonzalo Curiel, he not only sounds racist, but dumb as a brick.

Although I will vote for Trump in November, I believe his appeal is to the mob mentality, which makes it somewhat ironic that it’s anti-Trump mobs who keep showing up at his rallies.

For years, Republicans have complained about Obama’s ignoring Congress and the Constitution, but here we have Trump promising to do the same thing and many of those same people can barely contain their excitement. It seems to me that we either have a democratic republic or we don’t. Personally, I don’t want another dictator legislating by presidential edict, even if he claims to be a Republican.

The reason that America is in such bad shape that we wind up with the likes of Clinton, Sanders and Trump, duking it out to be our Commander-in-chief is because the Left always thinks long term. They resemble Islamists in that regard, and that, alas, isn’t the only way.

When liberals set out to take control of the public schools and the media, they knew it wouldn’t happen overnight, but they knew it was inevitable because they had a battle plan and their conservative opponents didn’t.

So it is that today the Left has such total control of the education system that even kids in kindergarten are being taught to consider gender a flexible item that can change with their mood. By the time the kids reach college, they not only won’t know which bathrooms to use, but they won’t know in which century the Civil War took place, won’t be able to identify Dwight Eisenhower and the only things they might know about our presidents is that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and that Jack Kennedy had sex with Marilyn Monroe.

Speaking of ignorant, when Bill O'Reilly had Whoopi Goldberg on as a guest, she wanted to continue their squabble from “The Five.” It seems O'Reilly had said that most of the troubles in the world today were caused by Muslims.

Goldberg, who is a typical liberal in that she’s not embarrassed to flaunt her stupidity because in her circle if you constantly parrot high-sounding clichés, you are regarded as a humanist. So it was that we had to listen to her dodge the facts of Islamic terrorism by pointing out that not all Muslims are terrorists.

Not content with having been guilty of stating the obvious, while dodging reality, she went on to say, “Today, it’s Muslim terrorists. A short time ago, it was white terrorists.”

When O'Reilly asked what she was talking about, she couldn’t recall Timothy McVeigh’s name. But she had done what liberals always do; namely, point to a moral equivalency where none exists.

In the weird world of Whoopi, the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City 21 years ago is the equal of four decades of Islamic terrorism that includes, but is not nearly limited to, the attacks on the USS Cole and the Marine barracks in Lebanon; the first bombing of the NY Trade Center; the horrors of 9/11; ISIS; the Taliban; and the attacks in Paris, Brussels and San Bernardino.

When a reader here in California wrote to ask me why liberals demonize farmers and ranchers, and whether it all began with Joseph Stalin, I replied “It’s because the schools, the media and left-wing politicians, have coalesced to carry the message of ecology fascists, bent on brainwashing children and other ignoramuses to despise modernity.

"The message is that crops and cattle are of less importance than "endangered” bugs and other critters. As for Stalin, he didn’t hate farmers, except for those in Ukraine who resisted his efforts to collectivize their land. In retaliation, he starved them to death by the millions.

“But, then, socialism can only survive by inevitably morphing into totalitarianism. By nature, man is independent and competitive, and does not willingly enter into servitude.”

Someone sent me photos of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Next to their photos were matching photos of “Sesame Street’s” Waldorf, one of the two elderly curmudgeons who hung out in the balcony, and Miss Piggy. You could hardly tell them apart, except that Miss Piggy definitely had the edge over Hillary when it came to sex appeal, and Waldorf seemed to have combed his hair.

A reader named Ray mentioned that he and a friend named Al were so much alike, they could finish each other’s sentences.

It occurred to me that’s just the sort of friend I wish I had, especially if I found myself in jail.