The Patriot Post® · 32 Years After 1984

By Burt Prelutsky ·

We shouldn’t adopt too superior an attitude when condemning Islamic theocracies such as Iran. I’m not suggesting they don’t have it coming, just that we aren’t all that different. It’s more a matter of degree and, of course, the foolish things that each side deems sacred, though equally foolish, are worlds apart.

Ours has become a society that frowns on diversity of opinion, while ballyhooing diversity on college campuses, by which the Left means racial quotas.

In the blink of an eye, we have devolved from being a democratic republic to being a totalitarian state with a theocracy based on a religious belief in green energy, along with a conviction that blacks and illegal aliens hold the moral high ground and that the source of the world’s evil is the Caucasian race.

Our politicians rail against white privilege, but provide a soft form of slavery known as welfare. Instead of being sheltered, clothed and fed, in exchange for picking cotton, these days, blacks only need to keep electing Democrats.

If you wished to be hired as a teacher in the Soviet Union, you had to pledge allegiance to Stalin; today, you have to pledge your fealty to global warming, along with a doctrinaire belief in racial preferences, politically correct speech and feminism.

So whereas Iran deals with homosexuals and, one assumes, transgenders, by tossing them off rooftops, we place them on pedestals, insisting that they have rights and privileges denied others.

You think not? Then why are parade permits granted to gays? The groups that streets are customarily cordoned off for are those representing the military, a particular nation of origin or to commemorate a day important to America, such as the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. Only gays are encouraged to parade on behalf of their sexual proclivities any day they happen to feel like it.

And can you imagine the ridicule that would rightfully descend on Elks, Moose, Rotarians and Shriners, if they insisted they should be able to use any bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, they felt like using?

As a nation, we pander to illegal aliens, feminists and especially urban blacks. How many times now have we seen mayors and police chiefs order the cops to stand down rather than confront black mobs rioting in the streets?

In Benghazi, because having the military intervene to save Americans under attack by Muslims would have conflicted with a president who was campaigning as the man who had defeated Al Qaeda, our soldiers were told to stand down. Four dead Americans who, by all rights should be alive today, is what this administration calls collateral damage and what Hillary Clinton calls a bump in the road.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R, WI) has announced he would sue President Trump if he tried to ban Muslim immigrants. But when was the last time that Ryan or any other Republican in Congress sued Obama over his constant unconstitutional overreaches? And perhaps I missed it, but I don’t recall the Republicans in Washington doing anything to curb the scores of mayors and councilmen around America who thumb their collective noses at federal law by providing sanctuary for illegal aliens.

There are other sacred cows that often slide by, neglecting to receive the contempt they so richly deserve. I refer to civil servants. Prior to John Kennedy’s realizing what a huge bloc of voters could be sucked up by the Democrats if he granted them the right to unionize, people entered the civil service for the job security. But once the bureaucrats discovered how easy it was to negotiate with politicians who weren’t protecting their own money, but merely seeking a quid pro quo in exchange for votes, civil servants quickly began being paid more and receiving larger pensions than the people who labored in the private sector to pay those salaries and pensions.

The only such bloc that exists on the right is the NRA, which is why the Left hates it so much. That is also what compels the likes of Obama and Mrs. Clinton to ignore the role played by Islam in the Orlando massacre, and to rail instead against guns. Nullify the Second Amendment and banish guns and you banish the political influence of the NRA. A side benefit is that by disarming a nation, you make it that much easier for a federal government to expand its authority over every aspect of our lives.

What makes the Left’s case against guns so absurd and hypocritical is that it’s only your guns they want confiscated. While they insist that you rely on 911 phone calls to protect you and your family, their own heavily-armed defenders are never more than a few feet away.

For good measure, we have a pinhead like Sen. Joe Manchin (D, WV) suggesting we do away with the 5th Amendment, the one dealing with due process, because it prevents the government from denying Americans access to firearms. “Can’t we just say that if a person is under suspicion, there should be a five-year period of good behavior before he can get a gun?”

“Under suspicion”? Whose suspicion? Joe Manchin’s? And who gets to determine what constitutes good behavior? Would referring to Joe Manchin as an idiot bring about a lifetime suspension?

Let’s see now — the 1st Amendment has to go because some Americans insist on speaking their minds, free of liberal cant and false pieties. The 2nd Amendment is banished for obvious reasons, and now the 5th Amendment is to be made null and void. Perhaps once they get done nullifying Amendments, the left-wing fascists will move on to eliminating some of those annoying 10 Commandments.

The role that feminism has played in turning recent generations of women into left-wing sheep cannot be exaggerated. People like Gloria Steinem, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton, have colluded in convincing young women that ours is such a hateful patriarchal society that for doing what they insist is the exact same job, employers gladly pay men 30% more than they pay women. If you want to know the core of my argument against colleges and universities, it’s that millions of women have been fed that fanciful bit of financial malarkey and, totally unprepared to think for themselves, they’ve swallowed it whole.

A reader who, like me, acknowledges that the best reason to vote for Donald Trump is that if he doesn’t win, Hillary Clinton will, wrote to say he wished Trump would display some presidential restraint before he shoots himself in the foot one too many times.

I wrote back to say, “Trump has already stuck both feet in his mouth, so the next shot would go through his skull. Frankly, I think he is so accustomed, as the boss of so many people who have to bow and scrape in his presence, that he imagines that tens of millions of voters will have to do the same. His chances at this point depend entirely, I believe, on the FBI forcing the Department of Justice to either indict Hillary Clinton or show that the refusal to indict rests entirely with Obama.”

When a second reader asked if, feeling about Trump as I do, I would consider voting for Mrs. Clinton or a third party candidate such as Libertarian Gary Johnson, I replied: “No. I will vote for Trump because an oaf and a boor is preferable to someone who is not only a left-wing bonehead, but a vile and criminal bonehead. I don’t believe in voting for third party candidates because, one, it would only make it easier for Hillary Clinton to win, and, two, I don’t believe in casting symbolic votes because elections are not symbolic. Elections have real and, as we saw in 2008 and 2012, often dire consequences.