The Patriot Post® · Who and What Is Barack Obama?

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I have been wondering, now that Barack Obama only has another six months before he has to leave the key under the White House mat, what his presidential library will be like.

With nothing to boast about in terms of foreign or domestic policy, with former allies not trusting us and current enemies not fearing us, with an economy that is on life support and a health care system that nobody envies, what could he possibly have on display? Heck, even at this late date, he refuses to divulge anything about his shadowy past, including school records, travel visas and even his questionable sex life.

If he possessed even a glimmer of wisdom, instead of a library, he would create a theme park, built along the lines of Disney’s Fantasyland with fun rides and perhaps a House of Horrors with life-like replicas of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Al Sharpton.

Barack Obama claims we may never know the motives of Micah Johnson, the Dallas assassin who killed five police officers, even though Johnson told the Dallas Police Chief that he was out to kill white people, especially white cops. But, then, Obama is the same odd creature who decided long ago that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam even though those committing the carnage invariably shout “Allah Akbar!” while shedding innocent blood. Obama prefers to attribute it to workplace violence or to some mysterious urge beyond human ken.

Apologists for Obama are forever claiming that any attack on his policies or character are the result of bigotry, but they are never required to explain why that bigotry is never extended to include people like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Herman Cain, Condoleezza Rice, Tom Sowell, Walter Williams or Jason Riley. My guess is that liberals would dismiss these people of accomplishment as a bunch of Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas, which would merely highlight their own bigotry.

The liberals also fail to explain how it is that Obama was twice elected to the highest office in the land in a nation where blacks only represent 12% of the population. I, of course, attribute it to the general feeblemindedness of the electorate, but I would love to hear their explanation.

I wonder if even Republicans realize how often they feel obliged to praise Obama’s oratorical gifts. Having had to listen to him far too many times over the past eight years, I’d say the man could put hummingbirds to sleep. So why the disconnect between me and all those others? I believe it’s the result of diminished expectations. So little is asked of black people that even in 2008, Joe Biden felt called upon to reveal that Obama smelled good. It was Joe’s way of letting us know that the presidential candidate apparently showered regularly or at least had the decency to use a name-brand deodorant.

When it comes to his speechifying, Obama gets brownie points simply because you can understand him when he speaks, which isn’t often the case when it comes to such Congressional Black Caucus luminaries as Elijah Cummings and John Lewis.

This double standard was on full display in the wake of the Dallas memorial for the five murdered police officers. Everyone on Fox News, or so it seemed, felt obliged to praise Obama up until the moment he veered away from lauding cops back into his comfort zone by pretending that guns, not Micah Johnson, had been responsible for the five dead bodies.

Anyone who has been paying attention realizes that Obama hates and distrusts cops, and that he was only saying what decent people actually believe about them — that they bravely lay their lives on the line to protect all of us for very little money and even less gratitude — so that he could segue into his canned harangue about guns.

As my wife Yvonne pointed out, it is the exact same approach that one of Obama’s Chicago mentors, Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, has employed for decades. He starts out sounding reasonable, suggesting ways that urban blacks might improve their lot before inevitably getting back on point and blaming all the ills of black Americans on the blue-eyed devils!

It only recently came to light that in 2015, Obama’s State Department, through the auspices of a group calling itself One Voice, spent 350,000 of our tax dollars trying to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in his attempt to retain the Prime Ministry. Fortunately, as is usually the case when Obama spends our money — be it to build renewable energy plants, track weapons into Mexico or prevent illegal aliens from facing deportation — his efforts failed.

I wonder what it is about liberals that not only encourages their leaders to lie to them, but why it is that no matter how blatant the lies, it never seems to bother the true believers. When Bernie Sanders said that by simply raising taxes on the wealthy, it would cover the $18 trillion his policies would have cost, how is it that not one of his fans bothered doing the math? And how is it that when Hillary Clinton spent a year lying about her private server and FBI Director Comey then testified she had lied every single time she’d opened her yap, she didn’t take a nose dive in the polls?

Furthermore, when Barack Obama, at the Dallas memorial, said it was easier for a black kid to get his hands on a Glock than a computer or even a book, why wasn’t he booed off the stage?

Not only is what he said a lie, but if it were true, what would it say about the way black kids are raised in America that they would very much prefer getting their hands on a Glock?

In the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s announcing that a Donald Trump presidency would mean an end to western civilization, which is a clear violation of judicial ethics, we learned that such ethics don’t apply to Supreme Court justices. That’s according to Supreme Court justices. If so, it sounds like it would be a perfect fit for Bill Clinton in his wife’s administration.

Mrs. Ginsburg went on to say that the mere possibility that Trump might be elected served as a reminder that her late husband used to say on similar occasions — such as when Ronald Reagan was on the verge of being elected, no doubt — that it might be time to move to New Zealand. Well, just say the word, Mrs. G, and I’ll gladly drive you to the airport.

Finally, I won’t be at the GOP convention, but just in case one of you has Donald Trump’s ear, might I suggest that he not limit the spotlight to himself, his wife and the Pences? If it were me, after checking on their availability, I would ask to be joined on stage by Newt Gingrich, my Secretary of State; Dr. Ben Carson, my Surgeon General; Ted Cruz, my nominee for the Supreme Court; Carly Fiorina, my Secretary of the Treasury; Gen. Mike Flynn, my Secretary of Defense; and, last but not least, Chris Christie, my official food taster.