The Patriot Post® · Slavery & Pogroms

By Burt Prelutsky ·

In the wake of the massacre of the cops in Dallas, I have been thinking long and hard about race relations in America. I think that even Barack Obama, who has been a major contributor to the chasm that now exists between blacks and whites, would agree they haven’t been this awful in decades.

The problem with Obama is that his instinct is always to side with blacks, even when they are obviously thugs, punks and gangbangers. He will occasionally pay lip service to police officers and mouth the usual pieties about those who risk their lives to protect others, but its sole purpose is to camouflage his true feelings, which is that cops are brutes who take advantage of their badges and guns to wage open warfare on black people.

Except for the time and place, it is exactly how his communist, race-fixated, father felt about the colonial powers and their treatment of Africans.

The oddest thing about those in the Black Lives Matter movement and their white camp followers is that if they truly believed their asinine, hate-filled, rhetoric, there is no explanation for their remaining in the U.S.

I’m certainly not insisting that they pack up and leave, but merely suggesting that they don’t believe the nonsense they chant. If they really believed that white cops were targeting them, wouldn’t they seek greener, safer, pastures?

I mean, great masses of people have gone from one place to another in order to improve their lives and the lives of their children. In ancient times, the Jews spent 30 years leaving Egypt. More recently, we have seen huge migrations of Irish, Russian Jews, Poles, Germans, Scandinavians, Mexicans, South and Central Americans, Arabs and Muslims — sometimes motivated by potato famines, wars, religious persecution or Nazi ovens; other times for strictly economic reasons. The cause, whatever it is, compels them to leave their native lands and cross continents and oceans. But for all their endless grievances, American blacks stay put, even though Canada is right next door.

As I say, I’m not telling them to go. Heck, if I thought they’d listen to me, I’d suggest they get off the welfare gravy train, get an education, get a job, get married and raise their children. But, clearly, millions of them prefer to live off the labor of others, to never really grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

I can only assume that it’s a lot more fun to engage in self-pity and occasionally break up the monotony of their pointless lives by taking to the streets and claim martyrdom for some creep who never gave a thought to anyone but himself in his entire life.

Apparently, these urban riots that flare up whenever a cop, be he black or white, shoots a black criminal, provide some sense of meaning in the lives of those who have no real reason to get out of bed in the morning because they don’t go to school, hold down a job or help raise a child.

In my own family, I had paternal and maternal grandparents who gave up what little they had in order to escape the Czar and the Communists, respectively. If they stayed put, I, as a Jew, would have either wound up freezing to death in Siberia or as a cadaver in Auschwitz. If I were a black man and actually believed the crapola that Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Richard Fowler, Juan Williams and black mobs, spout on a daily basis, I would be writing this from Saskatchewan.

When I was in my 20s, I knew a guy who was a college graduate who became a cop for all the right reasons — to protect and to serve, and who, as an idealistic liberal believed all the horror stories he’d heard about the way that cops treated black people. He decided he’d do his part and set a good example, by being the exception to the racist rule. Within six months of working in South Central, the predominantly black section here in Los Angeles, he was referring to the local residents as the Mau-Maus.

It is also worth noting that when those in Dallas who were demonstrating against “racist cops” heard shots ring out, they panicked and ran off in all directions seeking a safe haven. The only people running towards the gunshots were those same racist cops, 12 of whom were shot, five fatally, while trying to protect the protestors.

Speaking of liars and hypocrites, Barack Obama announced: “There has never been a man or woman who has ever been more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president.” He spouted this drivel shortly after his Director of the FBI reported that Mrs. Clinton had recklessly placed the nation’s security at risk every day of her four-year term as his Secretary of State.

If he had merely compared her experience to his own, Obama might have had an argument. But the fact of the matter is that our little dog, Angel, is better suited than Mrs. Clinton to be president. For one thing, Angel is a true patriot and would never dream of sharing state secrets with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. She does not say nasty things about Christians and cops or travel to foreign lands and denigrate America’s history and traditions. Moreover, she fully supports our men and women in uniform, although she seems to draw the line when it comes to mailmen.

A Boston taxi driver found a satchel containing $187,000 left on his backseat, and, because he’d been taught right from wrong by his parents, turned it into the cops. I never did find out who left the money or why he was carting around $187,000, although I definitely have my suspicions. but when it was returned to its rightful owner, the cheapskate tipped the Good Samaritan $100. Clearly, his own parents have a great deal to answer for, starting with not having practiced birth control.

Although the favorite pastime of liberals in Congress is to demonize their Republican brethren as obstructionists, the Democrats recently refused to pass two pieces of legislation. The first bill would have mandated prison sentences for illegal aliens sneaking back into the country after having been deported — a law that would have prevented five-time deportee Jose Lopez-Sanchez from killing Kate Steinlee in the sanctuary swamp known as San Francisco.

The other bill would have cut off funding to cities such as San Francisco that flout federal law by offering sanctuary to the likes of Senor Lopez-Sanchez.

But because congressional Democrats crave the votes of Hispanics — who apparently have the same soft spot in their hearts for their own criminals that blacks have for theirs — they don’t even have to think twice about doing the right thing. So far as people like Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Elijah Cummings, Xavier Becerra and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, are concerned, if they can turn Hispanics into the same sort of robotic voting bloc as urban blacks, the lives and concerns of law-abiding, tax-paying, Americans don’t matter in the least.

Finally, I don’t believe I have ever recommended a product, except perhaps for Reminsce, a magazine that reminds us on a monthly basis of times gone by when America truly was the shining city on the hill, but I’m about to break with custom.

I kept waking up with a stiff neck and decided that perhaps I needed a different pillow. Although I had seen all those commercials for My Pillow on TV, I decided to go shopping. Fortunately, at the store my wife and I visited, they had pillows you could test. The best one seemed to be My Pillow. But laying one’s head on a pillow while standing up is a lot like buying a pig in a poke. But I have now been using it for a few months and in all that time, I haven’t once awakened with a neck I would wish on Hillary Clinton.

Just in case you were wondering, as I was, what a “poke” actually is, I just looked it up. The word is of Scottish derivation and means a sack or a bag. Which would definitely be a silly way to buy a pig. Or a pillow, for that matter.