The Patriot Post® · Lipstick on Pigs

By Burt Prelutsky ·

The Democrats would have us believe that these are the best of times and that we are on the verge of seeing Barack Obama’s head added to the four already immortalized on Mt. Rushmore. The question is whether in November the majority of Americans will actually ignore all of the disheartening facts concerning our economy, race relations, terrorist activity here and abroad and the fissures growing between us and our traditional allies, and vote for eight more years of the same or worse.

If Hillary Clinton is able to rally the forces responsible for re-electing the tyrannical wannabe in 2012, she will be able to combine the worst ideas of Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders going forward. Worse yet, she will be able to leave, as her legacy, a majority of leftist loons in complete control of the Supreme Court.

I wish that every last Never Trump holdout would pause and consider how much permanent damage a Court consisting of seven or eight justices cut from the same cloth as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, could do.

It amazes me when I consider such matters as the Second Amendment, religious rights and the criminal justice system, that anyone could despise Donald Trump for his rudeness and occasional oafishness so much that they would even consider staying home on Election Day and allowing the Clintons to return to the scene of their earlier crimes.

When Chris Wallace had Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort on his show, Wallace, an acorn who didn’t fall far enough away from Mike Wallace’s uberliberal oak, insisted that Barack Obama is carefully vetting Syrian refugees, and that the process is taking between 18 and 24 months to complete. What Wallace didn’t bother explaining is how it is in that case that Obama’s open door policy has already let in nearly 7,000 of them since last October, especially as it was less than 12 months ago that the ISIS-inspired vermin first began swarming out of the Middle East.

Frankly, I was surprised that even after we got proof that he was right about the DNC rigging the primaries that Bernie Sanders rolled over like a puppy dog. What did it gain him besides the opportunity to address the convention and have his erstwhile followers boo him off the stage? He went from being the leader of a children’s crusade to his former role as an inconsequential senator from an inconsequential state.

As I see it, the DNC can apologize all it wants and can continue to claim that Mrs. Clinton would have emerged victorious in any case. However, what they can’t deny is that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scheduled the half dozen debates — down from the 20-odd in 2008 — when they were sure to draw the smallest possible audience, thus denying the formerly unknown Vermont senator a decent chance to make his wacky case to the greatest possible number of pinheads.

When you combine that with the 600-odd party big wigs who have the power to out-vote millions of Democrats, the DNC didn’t just have a finger on the scales, they had their entire fist on it.

Old Bernie was so totally emasculated by the Clinton machine that he didn’t even dare squeak when Hillary then turned around and named Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz the honorary chair of her presidential campaign, proving that if there’s one thing the woman appreciates, it’s dirty tricks performed on her behalf.

Understand that I hold no sympathy for Sen. Sanders, an alleged Jew who sides with Israel’s enemies, and who invited Paul Bustinduy to be his personal guest in Philadelphia. Senor Bustinduy is the Secretary of Spain’s far-left/anti-Semitic political party known as Podemos. The only surprise is that he wasn’t allowed to address the crowd. With his credentials, he would have brought down the house.

Speaking of leftists, I made a mistake in a recent column, “The Wretched Refuse,” when, in referencing the words inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, I credited them to Emma Goldman instead of Emma Lazarus. I wouldn’t want to be responsible if you found yourself on “Jeopardy!” and my mistake wound up costing you money. All I can say in my own defense is that in a certain light, all those old Jewish lefties look alike.

I trust that somewhere between now and Election Day, Donald Trump will ask Americans if they are better off than they were eight years ago. If enough voters answer the question honestly, he should win in a cakewalk.

Their politics aside, I can’t picture a bigger bunch of ignoramuses than the 40-odd members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Still, some are dumber than others. I’m sure you all remember that CBC member Hank Johnson (D-GA) once garnered his 15 minutes of fame after confessing to his fear that Guam might tip over if too many Navy families were allowed to join their husbands and fathers on the Pacific island.

Well, the big news is that the congressman hasn’t gotten any smarter in the intervening six years. While addressing the anti-Semitic scumbags who constitute the group calling itself the “U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation,” he garnered a standing ovation by referring to Israelis as “termites.” But, to be fair, he may just be following the lead of his glorious leader, Barack Hussein Obama, who also favors the Islamists over the Jews.

In addressing the DNC convention, Bill Clinton wanted us all to believe that he and Hillary are the most loving couple since Romeo and Juliet, and that theirs is truly a match made in Heaven. Ha!

Having read the accounts of Ron Kessler and Dick Morris, I know that the origin of this particular union was cobbled together in a much different place. It’s a place where a serial adulterer and a harridan given to profanity-laced tirades directed at Secret Service agents, uniformed military personnel and the aforementioned sexual predator, will eventually spend eternity, unless, of course, Satan is merely an unfounded rumor.

Instead of Shakespeare’s doomed lovers, the couple that the Clintons most closely resemble are Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler in 1939, when the two slimiest creatures in the world signed a mutual non-aggression pact.