The Patriot Post® · Ripple Effect

By Gary Bauer ·

Yesterday I mentioned that Hillary’s weekend health scare was leading to some whispers among Democrats about the possibility of finding a new nominee. It didn’t take long before those whispers became audible.

Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler [Monday] called for Plan B. Stressing the urgency of the situation, Fowler said, “I think the plan should be developed by 6 o'clock this afternoon… It’s something you would be a fool not to prepare for.” Fowler added that Clinton had better get some rest “because if she gets back out there too soon, it might happen again.”

Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, currently running for the Senate, suggested that Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, is “a wonderfully prepared person to be vice president, and to be the president if that ever became necessary.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement of Hillary’s health!

Desperate to tamp down all the talk, Kaine tried to reassure nervous Democrats by saying that Hillary was “very responsive” when he talked to her Sunday.

Talk about setting a low bar. Isn’t that the bare minimum we expect of our presidential nominees?

Joe Biden chimed in too. “I’m encouraging her — if the doctor says, ‘Take three days off,’ take six days off. Take the time,” Biden said. Joe sounds a bit TOO eager. Perhaps he is looking for time to audition for the nominee role himself!

Clinton’s Hollywood friends were quick to provide cover for her. Some suggested that her attempt to campaign with pneumonia was evidence of her “strength.” Okay, sure. At least until she collapsed.

Media Propaganda

One of the things we try to do for you in these reports is cut through the media’s fog of propaganda. The liberal media take whatever theme the left serves up and they eagerly repeat it.

In the last 24 hours, the “big lie” has been that Hillary Clinton’s “penchant for privacy” caused her fainting spell to become a bigger problem than it needed to be.

But Hillary doesn’t have a “penchant for privacy.” She has a penchant for lying.

When it came to the truth about Benghazi, she wasn’t concerned about her privacy or the privacy of an unknown film maker. She lied about what happened that night and she ruined an innocent man’s life.

As first lady, she wasn’t interested in privacy. She rifled through the FBI records of her adversaries. Remember Filegate?

She also threatened the privacy of the people who investigated her husband.

Her unsecured email server wasn’t about privacy. She didn’t have to send personal emails from her official State Department email account.

She set up a private email server so she could cover-up Clinton Foundation corruption. And if Clinton is so transparent, why is her IT specialist who set up the private server STILL pleading the Fifth?

Many people are rightly asking, “What else is she hiding?”

Here’s something to think about. Let’s assume the video of her curbside collapse didn’t exist. What do you think her response would have been yesterday and today when asked why she suddenly left the 9/11 ceremony so early?

There is no way Hillary would have told the truth. How do I know that? Because she deliberately avoided going to the emergency room (opting instead for Chelsea’s apartment) in an attempt to keep up the lie that she is healthy.

If the video were not out there, Hillary Clinton and her campaign would be attacking anyone who dared to even ask why she left. They would have been accused of spreading conspiracy theories. And — here’s the really sad part — the majority of the media would be parroting her lies!

Talk show host Laura Ingraham recently said that the only way the Clintons tell the truth is if there is DNA evidence or a subpoena from a judge. Well, we can add one more to that list: If someone catches her on a cell phone video.

Deplorables Fire Back

Donald Trump brilliantly turned Hillary Clinton’s comment about “a basket of deplorables” against her. First his campaign posted a picture of a packed stadium from a Trump rally with the caption, “Looks like we are going to need a bigger basket.”

Then, at a rally in North Carolina [Monday] night, Trump said to the audience:

“While her campaign slanders you as deplorables and irredeemables, I call you hard-working Americans patriots [who] love your country and want a better future for all our people. You are everybody. Above all else, you’re Americans and you’re entitled to leadership that honors you, cherishes you and totally defends you.”

He also invited people in the audience to come on the stage and introduce themselves. One black couple came on the stage. The husband said, “My wife and I represent non-deplorable people… We are not racists at all.” His wife added, “As a black female American, I say let’s get out and support Donald Trump!”

“I am probably a lot of things, deplorable is not one of them,” another woman said. “We are going to make America great again. And Hillary needs to take a nap!”

Meanwhile, Hillary’s phrase has taken on a life of its own. Trump fans are embracing Clinton’s epithet with T-shirts and other items. But as humorous as that may be, don’t miss the bigger issue, my friends.

Hillary Clinton may be physically ill, but she is accusing the rest of us being mentally ill with all those “phobias” she rattled off. Clinton and the left are trying to make conservatism illegal or unspeakable.

For example, the Justice Department and some state attorneys general are considering prosecuting corporations that oppose global warming. On university campuses, expressing conservative opinions — or just common sense — is a “micro-aggression” that can lead to punishments.

If you believe in the sanctity of life, you hate women.

Now, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights says that even phrases like “religious freedom” and “religious liberty” are code for bigotry and intolerance.

The left is bound and determined to silence conservative speech and shutdown the conservative movement.

We must fight back!