The Patriot Post® · Bush Alumni for Trump

By Gary Bauer ·

Fifty top officials from the previous Bush administrations announced their support for Donald Trump this week. Their support comes amid headlines that some members of the Bush family may withhold their support for the GOP ticket this year.

In a press release, these officials stated that they were supporting Donald Trump due to “the need for bold leadership, a strong national defense, sound economic policy and a Supreme Court committed to preserving the freedoms framed in the Constitution.”

Among the former senior officials endorsing Trump are:

Attorney General John Ashcroft
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Treasury Secretary John Snow
Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao
HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson
Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer

Clinton Campaign In Panic Mode

After a ridiculous debate that focused on birtherism, whether and when Donald Trump first opposed the Iraq war and his tax returns, we are now turning to the really serious issue upon which Western Civilization will rise or fall … fat shaming.

I’m not going to waste time getting into all the details, but the “Clinton News Network,” a.k.a. CNN, is so concerned that Donald Trump once insulted a former Miss Universe that it has run multiple stories in the past 24 hours about this decade-old controversy. (By the way, Alicia Machado has a criminal history, including threatening to kill a judge.)

Hillary Clinton and her left-wing media allies evidently believe that this is a deal-breaker for the handful of remaining undecided female voters. Every day, I’m left with the same word — chutzpah.

This is coming from the same woman (and the same media who covered for her) who shamed the women who came forward to expose her husband. That wasn’t “fat shaming.” That was shaming the victims of sexual assault.

The media said then that it was none of anyone’s business. Just move on. Yet what Donald Trump thinks about a former Miss Venezuela is supposed to be earth shattering, breaking news.

Here’s another way you can tell that Democrats are panicking: Howard Dean tweeted this during Monday night’s debate: “Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?” Thanks for that expert analysis, Dr. Dean.

But if I were Dean, I’d be more worried about the latest poll showing that just 36% of Americans think Hillary is healthy enough to be president.

On a more serious note, check out this Politico headline: “Clinton Campaign In ‘Panic Mode’ Over Florida Black Voters.” The report adds, “Democrats are sweating over turnout in one of the most important states on the electoral map.”

And with good reason. A new Gallup poll finds that there is an 11-point enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats regarding their interest in voting this November. A major factor driving this decline is growing disinterest among younger voters.

According to Gallup just 47% of voters under 34 are committed to voting in this election, “down from 58% in 2012 and from a peak of 74% in 2008.”

But wait… There’s more.

Democrats are so worried about November that they are now going negative against Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate!

More Debate Analysis

While the media generally think Hillary Clinton won Monday’s debate, some on the left aren’t so sure.

MSNBC co-host Mika Brzezinski fretted Tuesday morning that in spite of Clinton’s “amazing” performance, Trump would still benefit. “I just think that he’s going to do quite well out of this,” Brzezinski said. “I know what is appealing to the American people … who are sick of what has happened the past few decades. He got in some things in there that make you go, ‘Yeah, exactly.’”

Evidently, she’s right. The Trump campaign reports raising $18 million since the debate.

Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore actually thought Trump won the debate.

And a focus group of North Carolina voters found that Hillary turned off several undecided voters.