The Patriot Post® · It's Time We All Grew Up

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Last Friday was quite a news day. We finally got wind of what Hillary Clinton was telling the sharks of Wall Street for $250,000-a-pop. At the same time, we got to hear what Donald Trump says about women behind their backs.

I don’t want to sound as if I’m bragging, but I wasn’t the least bit surprised by anything I heard or read. I mean, did anyone really think the Wall Street scumbags were coughing up big bucks to listen to sermons advising them to give up their money-grubbing ways if they ever wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Sermons delivered by the biggest money-grubber in America?

As for Donald Trump’s lewd talk about the mutual lust that he and a great many women, including married ones, have for one another, while it was certainly unseemly, it was hardly shocking. Is anyone surprised that men — at least those between the ages of 14 and 107 — spend an inordinate amount of time fantasizing about sex? The difference is that if a man happens to be either very handsome or as rich and famous as Donald Trump, you’ll find that a great many women are engaged in similar fantasies.

Or do you really think that guys like Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio have as hard a time getting a date as you do or once did?

Hell, even Hugh Hefner, who always looked like a weasel and now looks like a decrepit, hairless, toothless, weasel, never gets brushed off or is told by some 25-year-old beauty queen that she really just wants to be friends.

You can blame God or hormones or human nature, but if you blame Donald Trump, you’re either engaging in hypocrisy or partisan politics. It might also be worth noting that at the time he was making those crude comments, Mr. Trump was still a registered Democrat, and I think we all know what potty-mouths those people are.

In a just world, it’s Hillary Clinton who would have to explain to those fans of Bernie Sanders, those millions of brain-dead millennials, why she tells them one thing and then, when she’s out to garner money rather than votes, she says something entirely different.

But this isn’t a just or logical world. Otherwise, she would have to explain to her female followers why Donald Trump’s off-color comments make him disqualified to be president, but her husband’s abhorrent actions didn’t disqualify him. After all, nothing that Trump said rose to the level of using violence or intimidation to sexually abuse women.

But, then, her female fans have never questioned the morality of a female lawyer who, many years ago, bragged about helping a middle-aged man get away with raping a 12-year-old girl and later, as a middle-aged woman, trashed the reputations of the women who had already been victimized by her lecherous husband.

Although it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to those in the Black Lives Matter movement or to their defense counsel, Hillary Clinton, the truth about Keith Lamont Scott, the black man who was killed by a cop in Charlotte, has finally come out. Although he was inevitably described by the media as a family man, he had been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in two states and convicted of simple assault in three other states. His crimes also involved assault on a child under the age of 12 and assault on a female.

There was a reason, after all, that Mr. Scott had served a good portion of his adult life in prison. The mystery is how he found the time to sire seven children.

When a reader asked me why the media would go out of its way to portray him as a decent, law-abiding, citizen, I pointed out that liberals inevitably use an airbrush to erase the sins of every black man shot by a cop during the commission of a crime.

The sad truth is that the media and left-wing politicians would defend Lucifer if they knew for a fact that he was dark-skinned.

My wife and I always cast early absentee ballots. That’s because we’re elderly and nobody can predict whether we’ll be dead or at least incapacitated on Election Day. Plus, unlike the way it works with Democrats, it’s the only way that dead Republicans ever get their votes counted.

In case any of you conservative parents waste time wondering how it is that your kids wound up cancelling out your votes, a recent poll found that left-wing professors out-number their Republican colleagues 12-1 on college campuses. When it comes to journalism departments, the ratio is 20-1. In history departments, it’s 33-1. At Brown University, it’s 60-1.

That’s why when I hear people say that Barack Obama will be harshly dealt with in the history books, my response is always “How much do you want to bet?”

In spite of liberals often quoting Santayana’s observation that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, the reason that they themselves can’t learn from history is because they don’t even know basic history. That is the main reason they continue to promote socialism as superior to capitalism.

But the real reason they refuse to study history is because they’re not interested in anything that took place before they were born. That’s because, in their egotistical heart of hearts, they’re convinced that prior to their birth, the world didn’t actually exist.

Obama boasts that the unemployment rate is 5.0%. What he doesn’t mention is that 94.2 million people are not working or looking for work, and are therefore not being counted. That, in turn, means that only 62.9% of American working-age adults are either employed or seeking employment. Only a leftist, and not a very bright one at that, would regard that as something to brag about.

Finally, what we were told in civics class is that we are a nation of laws, but what we really are is a nation of judges.

After all, it was Superior Court judges who determined that abortions would be legal throughout the United States, just as it was they who decided that same-sex marriages were constitutional.

Here in California, even though the majority of citizens at one time or another, through the proposition process, determined that capital punishment would be legal and that same-sex marriages would not be, the opposition merely had to find a like-minded judge to over-rule several million citizens to get their way.

At present, we see that when it comes to transgender bathrooms, sanctuary cities and voting rights for convicted felons — all matters opposed by the majority of Americans — it’s only the opinions of those select few who get to wear their bathrobes to work that really count.