The Patriot Post® · Meet Hillary's Basket of Deplorable Anti-Christian Bigots

By Todd Starnes ·

Some of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign staff appears to hold a deep reservoir of contempt for Catholics and Evangelical Americans, according to the latest batch of WikiLeaks emails.

The new revelations came from a 2011 email exchange between Campaign Chairman John Podesta, Communications Director Jennifer Palmiere and John Halpin from the Center for American Progress.

The emails portrayed Conservative Catholicism as a “bastardization of the faith” and seemed to imply that Evangelicals are a bunch of impoverished country bumpkins.

Mr. Halpin fired off an email titled “Conservative Catholicism” to Mr. Podesta and Ms. Palmieri referencing a New Yorker article written by Ken Auletta.

The article pointed out that 21st Century Fox Chairman and Fox News Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch along with News Corp Chief Executive Robert Thomson raised their children Catholic.

That bit of news was just too much for Mr. Halpin’s delicate psyche to handle.

“Friggin’ Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus,” Mr. Halpin wrote.

Getting dunked like a Mississippi Southern Baptist seemed to set off Mr. Haplin

“Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the medial and social groups,” he went on to say.

Ms. Palmieri piled on with a nasty slap at Evangelicals.

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion,” she replied. “Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

Mr. Halpin went on to call the conservative movement within the Catholic Church “an amazing bastardization of the faith.”

“They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy,” he wrote.

Outrage was fast and furious.

The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue called on Clinton to immediately sanction the campaign staffers.

“Hillary Clinton is not responsible for this Catholic bashing, but she has a moral obligation to sanction Mr. Podesta and Ms. Palmieri immediately,” Donohue said. “Their contempt for Catholicism is palpable.”

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told Fox News the email exchange was troubling.

“They believe that people who want to live by their faith are backwater people,” he said. “Hillary and her team hold Evangelicals in disdain.”

If the Clinton campaign wants to address the issue of bastardizing faith, perhaps it should have a coffee klatch with their boss.

In 2015, Mrs. Clinton suggested that Christians should change their religious beliefs to expand abortion.

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will,” she said. “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Hillary Clinton is not just running for president. Now, she wants to be pope.

I’m not terribly surprised that this sort of anti-Christian bigotry has infested Clinton’s campaign. She’s cut from the same cloth as President Obama — the one who labeled folks who “cling to their religion” as bitter Americans.

Nevertheless, what Clinton’s campaign staff said about Catholics and Evangelicals was shameful and must be repudiated.

I doubt she would tolerate anyone on her staff uttering a cross word about Muslims — so who does she harbor anti-Catholic and anti-Evangelicals on her campaign team?

Then again, this is the same crowd that tossed all of us Bible-believing Christians into her basket of deplorables.

They think we’re irredeemable.