The Patriot Post® · Rats Abandoning the Ship

By Burt Prelutsky ·

No matter how awful we all know Hillary Clinton is, and no matter how many more terrible things we’re finding out about her through the email dumps by Wikileaks, it doesn’t seem to faze some Republican politicians and pundits the least little bit. They are jumping ship without even waiting for the lifeboats to be lowered.

I readily admit I don’t believe that Donald Trump has a very good chance of winning, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t disgust me to see the likes of Paul Ryan and Glenn Beck showing their true colors and abandoning the GOP nominee. It’s bad enough to hear Mr. Beck, who somewhere along the way presented himself with the deed to the moral high ground, pretending that Trump’s vulgar speech is worse than all the things that Mrs. Clinton has said and done over the past several decades, but where the heck does Rep. Ryan get off?

House Majority Leader Ryan, after all, owes his power and influence to having garnered 182,000 votes in his last congressional race and another 193 when running for the speakership. Trump, on the other hand, collected over 13 million votes during the GOP primaries. Talk about the tail wagging the dog!

The left-wing media, together with Charles Krauthammer, accused Trump of acting like the tinhorn dictator of a banana republic for warning Mrs. Clinton that if he wins the election, he’ll have his attorney general conduct an investigation of her, with the possibility that she’ll end up in the hoosegow.

One has come to expect such a kneejerk reaction from a press that is so deeply embedded in the pocket of the DNC that they can actually be heard coughing up lint, but there is no excuse for Krauthammer to sound so foolish.

After all, Trump didn’t say that he intends to toss her and her pantsuits in prison; he clearly stated that there would be an independent investigation. Apparently, Krauthammer has spent so much time listening to the likes of Juan Williams, George Will and Kirsten Powers, that he no longer recognizes that it’s not Trump, but a partisan FBI, Justice Department and Attorney General, that are the scofflaws.

Surely not even Krauthammer believes that when Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch for half an hour on the tarmac, we were witnessing impartial American justice in action. And when that sleazy event was followed by FBI director Comey spelling out a litany of crimes and misdemeanors committed by the Secretary of State before concluding that nobody on earth would recommend an indictment, Krauthammer should not be so blinded by his hatred of Trump that he’s unable to recognize a whitewash.

Apparently, Dr. Krauthammer is more than willing to overlook the fact that Mrs. Clinton lied to Congress, risked sharing national security secrets with hostile nations and even went so far as to destroy evidence after it had been subpoenaed by congressional committees and a federal judge. You would think that Krauthammer would understand that a banana republic is where the politically elite get to stick their snouts in the public trough and break every law in the book without fear of legal consequences.

The new Black History Museum in Washington couldn’t help displaying its own bias. While honoring former Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall with photos, a bio and even quotes from his liberal decisions, the only recognition they bestowed on Clarence Thomas was to mention, midst the tribute to the loathsome Anita Hill, that the second black Supreme Court justice had sexually harassed her.

Speaking of sexual harassment, I couldn’t help noticing during the second presidential debate that Chelsea Clinton was often seen exchanging confidences with her father. I generally have no tolerance for those who attack the spouses or children of politicians, but the 36-year-old daughter of the vile twosome is an exception to the rule. For one thing, she went along with her mother’s lies when Hillary claimed the two of them dodged sniper fire when they landed on the tarmac in Bosnia. For another, she has been a major campaigner for her mother this year. And, finally, she is up to her neck in the money-laundering conspiracy known as the Clinton Foundation.

The questions I would put to her if I ever had the opportunity is how she feels about being the daughter of a man who has shown himself to be a sexual predator for most of his adult life; and how it is she can pretend her mother is a defender of women, when Hillary has spent the past quarter century trashing the victims of Bill’s unbridled lechery.

However much the Clintons pay their defenders, it’s not enough. For one thing, they have to be available 24/7. For another, they have to be willing to have their own reputations trashed. Consider the plight of James Comey, who had been generally regarded as the one member of the Obama administration who did his job independent of partisanship. Today, his reputation is in tatters.

In fact, one of my readers who wishes only to be identified as George in Pennsylvania, let me know he has taken to referring to Mr. Comey as an “un-indicted co-conspirator.” Perhaps if Trump somehow wins the election, he’ll ask his Attorney General to do what he can to drop the “un-.”

But the same is true of people like John Podesta and Lanny Davis. These are people who have made careers out of being Clinton loyalists, forsaking even the appearance of being decent human beings, choosing instead to lie on behalf of Bill and Hillary and to tell lies about their detractors. And for no other reason, it would seem, than to be allowed to continue sucking off the Clinton teat.

Podesta’s official designation is Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, but he’s nothing more than a well-paid stooge who spends most of his waking hours trying to deflect attention away from Hillary’s embarrassing emails by taking pot shots at the suspected messenger, Russia.

But even Mr. Podesta must find it embarrassing to blame a foreign entity for disclosing what Mrs. Clinton has spent several years concealing from Congress and the American people, forcing him to act like a cop at a traffic accident, insisting there’s nothing to see here and we should all just move along. He probably wishes that he could also blame Hillary’s calling half of Trump’s supporters “a basket of deplorables” and referring to Bernie Sanders’ fans as “a bucket of losers” on the Russkies.

Someone recently sent me photos of tramp steamers headed from Libya to Sicily, loaded with thousands of young Islamic males.

Some big shot Italian politician, who apparently doesn’t require Sicilian votes to remain in office, said it was a welcome sight because now Sicily would be known for something besides the Mafia.

You would have thought the Italians would have learned something from the bloody events that France, Belgium and Germany, have experienced time and again since throwing their doors open to the followers of Islam.

I suspect the politically-correct, butt-kissing, Italian politician will be eating those words, sans marinara sauce, soon enough.