The Patriot Post® · Liberals Say the Darnedest Things

By Burt Prelutsky ·

It was the legendary Art Linkletter who first pointed out that kids say the darndest things, but kids can’t hold a candle to Democrats.

Although Barack Obama has spent nearly eight years shortchanging NASA, forcing our scientists to hitch rides on Russian spacecraft, he has now announced that he wants to see Americans on Mars in the near-future. He didn’t specify who those Americans would be, but I have a hunch it’s Republicans he’d like to shoot a kazillion miles into outer space. Still, since it’s nicknamed the Red Planet, you would think it would be a more natural habitat for communists and their fellow travelers in the Democratic Party.

For his part, while campaigning on behalf of his wife, Bill Clinton noted that Trump’s supporters are mainly rednecks. Then, just in case people might take that as a compliment, he said: “West Virginians only watch Fox News. But to be fair, they think we only care about our political base and the people that agree with us culturally. It’s not true, but that’s what they think.”

Of course it’s not true. All of us rednecks know that the Clinton clan only care about themselves.

You may have noticed that one of Hillary Clinton’s former political foes, Al (“Hot Air”) Gore, showed up to campaign with her in Florida. One has reason to wonder how much money changed hands. After all, it has been fairly well-established that Bernie Sanders was brought on board for the price of a new home on the banks of Lake Champlain. It certainly explains why Bernie has been so strangely silent even in the wake of leaked emails showing that Hillary’s minions did everything short of committing him to an asylum for elderly socialists to guarantee she’d garner the nomination.

Speaking of Gore, the abortion-on-demand crowd was hit with one of his inconvenient truths when a team of UK scientists determined that the heart of a fetus begins to beat far sooner than anyone suspected. It seems that it can be detected a scant 16 days after conception.

To those who suggest that abortions should be left entirely up to the woman, even up to the moment that the baby has packed its bags and is ready to vacate the womb, my question is: Why? What gives her the moral and legal right to commit murder? After all, if you kill a dog or a cat, you will be arrested. How is it possible that a human life can be held less sacred than an alley cat’s?

Those who are in favor of abortions argue that the contents of a woman’s womb are hers to deal with as she wishes. In a sane world, that would be universally dismissed as the silliest sort of sophistry. By that reasoning, that same woman would have every right to kill a dog or cat simply because it had been fed and sheltered in her home for two or three or, let us say, nine months.

In what sort of barbaric society would a cat have more rights than a baby?

A reader in New Jersey, who has no use for Trump, let me know that he intends to write in the name of a candidate he likes better. He pointed out that because he lives in a state that will surely go for Hillary, his vote won’t make the slightest bit of difference, and he’ll feel better about himself.

I wrote back to say: “I also live in a state that inevitably elects the wrong people, California. But I will still vote for Trump. One, because he would make a better president than Mrs. Clinton. But two, because even our votes matter because if she wins, as seems likely, she will no doubt point to her margin of victory and claim a clear mandate for her agenda if the differential is significant.”

Another reader let me know that he regards Congress as a monolithic creature, and that it makes absolutely no difference whether Democrats or Republicans are in the majority.

Although I certainly understood where he got that idea, I don’t believe it is entirely true. “Otherwise,” as I replied, “the vote on the Affordable Care Act wouldn’t have been down partisan lines. Not a single Republican in the House or Senate voted for it, and if Al Franken hadn’t won a Senate seat thanks to a fraudulent vote count in Minnesota, the ACA would have remained nothing more than a gleam in Barack Obama’s eye.

"What’s more, if it hadn’t been for Republicans like Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz, Congress would never have had the chance to at least question Mrs. Clinton about her various sins. And if there were a Republican, say Donald Trump, in the White House, we wouldn’t have had an FBI director and an Attorney General slipping her a Get Out of Jail free card.”

A third reader, in trying to explain why he thought America was going down the tubes, said that the problem is that today’s youth worship Saul Alinsky and Noam Chomsky.

To which I responded: “They may worship them, but I suspect that graduate student Hillary Clinton was probably the last person who attempted to read their boring blather. It’s enough that the young imbeciles sense from what they’ve heard that Chomsky and Alinsky agree with the half-baked conclusions they have come to as a result of a corrupt media and schools that have spoon-fed them left-wing Pablum since they were knee-high to a socialist grasshopper.”

A fourth reader blamed the current mess on the destruction of the concept of God and the underlying Judeo-Christian teachings. “We’ve been busy eliminating the ability/desire/willingness to determine Right from Wrong.”

I agreed, merely adding that “The liberal pinheads decided it was immoral to be judgmental when it came to nations, cultures, religions or even individuals. As Obama famously and shamelessly observed, ‘America is exceptional, but Greeks think Greece is exceptional.’ The difference, and one that Obama has never been able or willing to acknowledge, is that America, thanks to its founding principles, actually is exceptional. But it helps explain why Obama has spent eight years governing this nation as if it were Greece or one of those other equally exceptional places, such as Kenya or Indonesia.”

As a music lover, something I’ve never fathomed is why for the past 60 years or so, every piece of music and every singer or musician has been identified with rock ‘n’ roll.

During my teens, I thought I recognized what was rock and what wasn’t. I assumed if it was raucous, involved electric guitars and hurt my ears, I could safely avoid it by not walking down certain aisles at the record store.

But before I knew it, everything got the same label, except, for a while, country and western. But soon that, too, got lumped with the other stuff, possibly because they started using those stupid laser lights at country concerts.

As a test, I googled the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, which is situated in Cleveland, Ohio. And sure enough, its inductees are a hodgepodge of every conceivable genre, except classical, atonal and polkas.

I mean, nobody in his right mind would even invite Bob Dylan, Ricky Nelson, Elton John, Johnny Cash, the Bee Gees, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Smokey Robinson, the Righteous Brothers, Duane Eddy, Simon & Garfunkel, the Supremes, Janis Joplin, ABBA, Stevie Wonder, the Four Tops, the Beatles, Neil Diamond and Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five, to the same party, let alone label them all rock ‘n’ roll musicians.

There are laws preventing supermarkets from pretending that ground chuck is ground sirloin or trying to pass off tuna as swordfish, but when it comes to music, apparently all bets are off. I assume it’s only a matter of time before Rudy Vallee, Perry Como and Lawrence Welk, belatedly take their rightful place in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame.