The Patriot Post® · Hillary Will Do to America What That DNC Bus Did on the Streets in Georgia

By Todd Starnes ·

If you believe the television pundits, Donald Trump is going to wage a one-man revolution if he loses the 2016 presidential election.

That was the media’s big takeaway from the third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas between Trump and Hillary Clinton. At issue was a question posed by moderator Chris Wallace regarding whether Trump would accept the election results.

“I will tell you at the time,” Trump replied. “I’ll keep you in suspense. OK?”

The mainstream media went apoplectic.

They want you to believe that Trump is going to gallop down 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on a white stallion leading a battalion of Minute Men armed with muskets and waving the Gadsden Flag.

The MSM is advancing this outrageous narrative to avoid covering legitimate scandals — like the James O'Keefe videos exposing DNC thuggery and the WikiLeaks emails that reveal media collusion with the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton and her minions have attacked Catholics, Evangelicals, Republicans, rednecks and southern beauty queens as a bunch of irredeemable deplorable bigots.

Her outright contempt for everyday Americans and our values should disqualify her from being the next leader of the free world.

I have no doubt a Clinton presidency would soil the U.S. Constitution much like that DNC tour bus did on the streets of Lawrenceville, Georgia.

So here are my top 10 takeaways:

1. Mr. Trump needs to stay focused on the issues. The American people don’t care about the alleged sex scandal and I doubt they care about his remarks on whether he will concede the election if he loses. Voters do care about jobs, securing the border, protecting the Second Amendment and preventing radical leftists from commandeering the Supreme Court. The American people do not care about phony crises and scandals manufactured by Hillary Clinton’s fanboys in the mainstream media.

2. Unborn Lives Matter. Christians who are still undecided about voting should reflect on Clinton’s and Trump’s comments regarding late-term partial birth abortions. “If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of a baby,” Trump said. Clinton did not deny the charge. Instead, she called it “scare rhetoric.”

3. Hillary’s basket of dirty tricks. Thanks to the fine undercover work of James O'Keefe we know that the Democrats were allegedly involved in a dirty tricks campaign. They disrupted Trump campaign events, leaving innocent Americans bloodied and battered. WikiLeaks revealed that her campaign’s goal was to portray Republicans as bigots and extremists. Mrs. Clinton and the Democrats must be held accountable.

4. Add gun-toting toddlers to Hillary’s basket of deplorables. Mrs. Clinton offered a bizarre theory for why she wants to crack down on the Second Amendment. “Dozens of toddlers injure themselves, even kill people with guns, because, not everyone who has loaded guns in their homes takes appropriate precautions,” she said.

5. Liberals accused me of being sexist. A motley crew of leftists slammed me on social media last night for calling the Democratic nominee “Miss Hillary.” Upon deep personal reflection, I’d like to offer a public apology to Mrs. Bill Clinton.

6. Chris Wallace was the winner of last night’s debate. My colleague at Fox News delivered a fair and balanced debate to the nation. He kept the candidates and the crowd on point. It was a tremendous job. How refreshing to have a moderator instead of someone auditioning to be Hillary Clinton’s press secretary. Well done, Mr. Wallace!

7. The Case of the Hanging Chad. The mainstream media once again is predicting Trump’s demise — furious over his refusal to say whether he will concede the election if he loses. CNN called it a death blow. One well-known pundit said it was political suicide. Mrs. Clinton said she was horrified. I wonder if she was horrified when Al Gore challenged the 2000 presidential election. The MSM seems to have come down with a sudden case of amnesia.

8. It depends on what Open Borders means. Clinton was asked to explain a quote from a speech divulged by WikiLeaks on her dream for “open borders.” She dodged the question. But I’ll be glad to answer for her. She wants to sacrifice American sovereignty. Under President Hillary Clinton, our nation will be overrun by illegals as well as Islamic radicals disguised as refugees.

9. Mrs. Clinton should consider purchasing a lovely American flag pin. It’s a must-have patriotic fashion accessory — especially for presidential candidates. And it goes well with anything — including pantsuits.

10. Let’s keep things in perspective. No matter what happens on Election Day, remember that God is still in control — so let not your heart be troubled, America.