The Patriot Post® · On the Road With Hillary

By Burt Prelutsky ·

As you may have heard, Mrs. Clinton recently channeled Michelle Obama when she said “When they go low, we go high.” Naturally, the “they” the ladies were referencing were Republicans. So when Hillary called Trump’s supporters “deplorables” and “irredeemable,” we’re supposed to assume she was engaging in lofty rhetoric.

Presumably, when she called Bernie Sanders’ supporters “losers” and “self-righteous whiners,” while she and her inner circle dismissed Catholics, Latinos and southerners, as second-raters, that was simply tough love. After all, how will these people ever measure up if Hillary, her campaign manager John Podesta or one of her other surrogates, doesn’t share a few inconvenient truths with them?

But it wasn’t just large groups of Americans they tried their best to straighten out. For instance, Mr. Podesta called NY Mayor Bill De Blasio “a terrorist.” Apparently, his terrorist act consisted of supporting his fellow socialist, Bernie Sanders, in the primaries. Moronic, absolutely; but hardly an act of domestic terrorism.

It seems that when some people get caught up in speaking their minds, nobody is safe. It appears that after one of Mrs. Clinton’s televised interviews, one of her advisors is reported to have breathed a sigh of relief before reporting that her boss had somehow managed “not to come off as a bitch!”

Marco Rubio, upon hearing that Obama has lifted the embargo on Cuban cigars and rum, said: “The Obama administration, in collusion with American companies, is now responsible for essentially bankrolling a Communist dictatorship which works each day to undermine America’s security and national interests.”

Keep in mind that the lifting of the embargo took place no more than a day or two after it was reported that Raul Castro and Vladimir Putin are discussing placing Russian military bases in Cuba.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first dictatorship that Obama has propped up economically. In case it slipped your mind, we recently handed over nearly two billion dollars to Iran, the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Even with the recent deal with Cuba, I guess the U.S. still has to settle for being the number two sponsor.

Joe Biden, when asked to compare Donald Trump’s despicable words to Bill Clinton’s despicable actions, said: “Bill Clinton expressed deep sorrow and acknowledged what he did.” Funny, but Biden either has a better memory than I do or I must have been napping when that acknowledgment took place. The last thing I recall was Clinton’s trying to figure out the meaning of “is” and attempting to convince us that oral sex isn’t, strictly speaking, sex.

Biden added: “Bill Clinton paid the price for his conduct. He was impeached.”

Good try, Joe, but no Cuban cigar. Clinton wasn’t impeached for rape or sexual harassment. Clinton was impeached for perjuring himself while testifying before a grand jury. And while it’s true that the perjury involved sexual misconduct, the jury could just as easily have been impaneled for his accepting campaign financing from China or accepting a bribe in exchange for granting a presidential pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich.

When it comes to comparing the offences committed by Trump and Bill Clinton, I would sum it up by saying that Bill couldn’t keep his zipper zipped and Donald can’t seem to keep his lip zipped.

One of my readers wrote to me complaining about being dunned by some of the very Republican politicians doing their best to elect Hillary Clinton either by abandoning Trump or by openly supporting her.

I replied: “Republicans in Congress often seem to prefer being in the minority so they can devote their time to attacking Democrats and getting themselves re-elected by pointing out the hazards of liberal rule. I suspect that something similar can be said of a great many Republican voters. Why else would so many of them make a bigger deal of Trump’s character deficiencies than of Mrs. Clinton’s abominable policies?

"After all, Trump’s crudeness won’t have the slightest effect on them personally, whereas Mrs. Clinton’s filling the Supreme Court with left-wing justices will have both an immediate and a lasting effect on them and the nation for the next 30 or 40 years.”

I mean, even if you’re one of those registered Republicans who doesn’t care that Hillary Clinton lied about her private server; doesn’t care that she set it up in the first place in order to conceal the size and the source of bribes; and aren’t even concerned that her private server provided America’s enemies with easy access to matters of national security, aren’t you troubled by the fact that she has promised to double down on Obama’s policies regarding immigration, sanctuary cities, the economy, race relations and climate change?

Even if it’s true that Trump grabbed some woman’s butt back in the days when he was still a registered Democrat, doesn’t that seem like small potatoes when compared to Mrs. Clinton’s declaring that food stamps are a boon for the American economy and, presumably, intends to increase the number of recipients?

Speaking of the economy, when exactly did we adopt Haiti? It seems as if every time I turn around, we’re trying to dig them out of an earthquake or a hurricane or raising money to feed them. Perhaps it’s time I quit turning around.

Understand, I don’t object to people donating to charities if it makes them feel good about themselves. But I do resent my tax dollars constantly going to a place that, so far as I’m aware, has given nothing to America except to increase an AIDS epidemic a while back.

I am embarrassed to admit that in a recent article, “The Thrilla in St. Louis,” I once again typed “Trump” when I meant “Clinton.” The amazing thing is that before a piece is posted, I read it several times, my wife reads it twice and my computer tech reads it at least once. I can only suggest that by this time the two names have become hopelessly intertwined in my brain, and perhaps in theirs. Even in email exchanges, I sometimes type the one when I mean the other. Just one more reason I’ll be happy to have the election in my rearview mirror.

I’m not a big fan of prizes and awards, especially, I admit, when I’m not winning them. The Academy Awards are bad enough. After all, there’s no way to defend a group that never even nominated Edward G. Robinson, Dana Andrews, Myrna Loy, Joseph Cotton and Steve Martin, for an Oscar. But that’s nothing compared to the Nobel Prize, which has awarded Peace Prizes to the miserable likes of Woodrow Wilson, Henry Kissinger, Le Duc Tho, Yasir Arafat, Jimmy Carter and the United Nations, and has now made itself a complete laughing stock by bestowing the Nobel Prize for Literature on…(a drumroll, please)…Bob Dylan!

In other news, pigs were spotted flying over Kansas; a dish, according to eye witnesses, has run off with a spoon; and the weather channel reports that Hell is experiencing snow flurries.