The Patriot Post® · Voters Don't Want to Alter the Altar

By Tony Perkins ·

America may recognize same-sex marriage now — but not because voters asked it too! And if the Left thinks the Supreme Court has finally decided the issue, it’s in for a major surprise. Turns out, the court of public opinion has its own verdict on the subject — and new polling shows it’s anything but liberal.

A year and a half into this experiment in judicial activism, the opinion of most voters hasn’t budged. When asked by Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research if they agreed with this statement, “I believe marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman,” a solid 53 percent agreed. That’s a 16-point difference between those who disagreed at 37 percent (another 10 percent were undecided). No wonder liberals had to win same-sex marriage through the courts. It isn’t nearly as popular as the Left insists it is! Sixteen months into this illegitimate ruling, nothing about the people’s opinion has changed. According to Wilson, the 53 percent support for natural marriage is identical to what it was pre-Obergefell. Even the five justices of the Supreme Court haven’t managed to move the needle on America’s views!

For once in her life, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was right. If it weren’t for the Supreme Court forcing this decision on America, redefining marriage would have taken years for the Left to accomplish — if ever. “Legislatively, we couldn’t really succeed,” she admitted in May, “but from the courts and the rest … that victory has been won.” For years, the media managed to create this phony narrative of support — even when ballot boxes and state laws told another story. It’s encouraging to see that even when the laws change, people’s understanding of right and wrong do not. Obviously, voters — especially conservative Christians — are looking for politicians who will stand up to the cultural elites and their radical agenda.

That may be one reason why Donald Trump enjoyed such overwhelming support. As the poll goes on to say, nearly six in 10 Trump voters were swayed by the pro-life, pro-religious liberty planks of the GOP platform. And, as someone who served on the RNC Platform Committee, I can tell you that the 2016 document is the most conservative it’s ever been on every issue, including marriage. So when 66 percent of voters tell pollsters that the “Government should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage between one man and one woman as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses,” it’s really no surprise that Donald Trump enjoyed the record-breaking evangelical support he did. He was the only candidate in the race that showed his commitment to religious freedom, especially when it comes to giving churches the ability to speak freely about politics from the pulpit (which 53 percent support).

As I told Fox News’s Todd Starnes, the Republican Party’s platform positions on the unborn and religious liberty were the bridge between Donald Trump and Christian conservatives. And he sealed that deal in the final debate when he vividly described a partial-birth abortion and pledged to appoint pro-life justices. If the liberal press had bothered to listen to what voters believe — instead of telling them what to believe — this election wouldn’t have been nearly as shocking. Because if there’s one overwhelming message everyone should have heard on Tuesday, it’s this: the media, the courts, and the Left don’t speak for the American people.

For more election analysis, check out my op-ed in the Christian Post, “The Religious Right, Thought Dead, Helped Trump Win.”

Originally published here.

Serving Those Who Serve Us

Every night of every day, Americans sleep in peace because of men and women they’ve never met — and some they’ll never have the chance to. Even today, as our troops fight the faraway forces of terror, there are still flag-draped caskets returning to Dover Air Force Base. There are still fresh graves watered by families’ tears at Arlington and across America. And while other veterans suffer from wounds no eye can see, millions of others stand ready, willing to give “the last full measure of devotion” to let strangers pursue the freedom and happiness so many served to give us.

Only a tiny fraction of our population, less than one percent, shoulders that burden of fear and sacrifice. And they shoulder it for us. These are good and decent young men and women who have performed remarkable acts of heroism for a cause they have decided is bigger than themselves. Let’s hope that this week’s election of a commander-in-chief who respects the selflessness of our military is a huge boost to the millions of families and service members who give all to defend the democracy we exercised Tuesday.

To help in the vital task of rebuilding our military, FRC, along with a coalition of organizations, launched, a resource on all topics related to military religious freedom. The website highlights related news, features military religious freedom resources, and shares various petitions on behalf of veterans and current members of the military. FRC’s Lt. General Jerry Boykin (U.S. Army-Ret.) hopes the website will be a tool for all Americans to aid in the defense of our military members’ First Amendment rights. “I am hopeful that in the new Trump administration military religious freedom will become a top policy priority.”

Then, putting the spotlight on his fellow vets, he went on to say that, “Despite the rancor and chaos that some are attempting to incite, let us take a moment instead to focus on the best of us today, veterans. We honor those who have served and answered the call to defend this country and our freedom. We are grateful for the men and women who answered the question in Isaiah 6:8: ‘I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am. Send me.’”

Originally published here.

This is a publication of the Family Research Council. Mr. Perkins is president of FRC.