The Patriot Post® · Liberalism: Just Another Name for Fascism

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Emotions like euphoria and jubilation are alien to me, but that is how I’ve felt since the wee hours of November 9th. Talk about Hope and Change! Whereas I usually get a nose bleed long before I get anywhere near cloud nine, I’ve been floating on cloud eighteen for days now. To sum up, I can only say that Thanksgiving came a little early this year.

As great as election night was, the aftermath may have been even better. Few things, I’ve discovered, are more delightful than watching Juan Williams’ head explode night after night on Fox News. Then there are those mobs who have taken to the streets to burn effigies of President-elect Donald J. Trump. Just imagining the distress they’re experiencing and the embarrassment I hope they’re causing their parents is enough to make me smile.

Adding immeasurably to my enjoyment are all those scenes on college campuses of students sobbing on each other’s shoulders. If you are a Republican who has suffered under eight years of Barack Obama and fully expected to suffer through eight more under Hillary Clinton, life doesn’t get much better than this.

I am also getting a big kick out of watching all those show biz pinheads like Lady Gaga, Barbra Streisand, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Jay Z and Cher, putting their hypocrisy on full display by canceling their proposed departure to New Zealand, even after I and several others offered to drive them to the airport.

Liberals are all fascists at heart. They pretend to believe in free speech until someone disagrees with them. They believe in free elections until a Republican wins one. There is something going around on the internet that illustrates their unmitigated gall. The first photo shows a Hillary sign reading: “I believe in love and kindness. Love trumps hate.” The second photo shows Hillary’s rabble in the streets of L.A., New York and Oakland, setting fire to our flag.

These people are bad winners, as exemplified by Barack Obama reminding John McCain at an allegedly bi-partisan meeting that he won and McCain lost and that Republicans should “sit down, shut up and get out of the way.” It seems that they’re also lousy losers. But perhaps they’ll get better at it if, God willing, America continues to provide them with more opportunities to learn these all-important lessons.

Another sign of their fascistic tendencies is that Change.Org has been passing out a petition via the social network, urging the members of the Electoral College to break the law and cast their votes for Hillary Clinton.

For those of you unaware of, it is the brainstorm of a young guy named Ben Rattray, who, I suspect, is regarded as the spawn he never had by George Soros.

Rattray’s mission statement for the for-profit organization reads: “The power that’s unlocked when people have the capacity to move rapidly and to effectively organize with others is unprecedented in human history.”

You might have thought that described Donald Trump’s miraculous victory over the forces of the media and the most corrupt political machine the world has ever known, but left-wing activists like Mr. Rattray only believe in the power of people when they agree with the results.

A mock-up of the front page of the New York Times was headlined “Trump Forces Black Family from Home.” It reminded me that I recently joked that if Trump had cured cancer, the media would report that he had put thousands of doctors and nurses out of business.

Next to Trump’s victory, the one thing that surprised me the most is that Hillary Clinton capitulated so easily, even if it took her a bit too long to concede. But perhaps she was too busy climbing the walls, breaking glassware and blaming everyone but herself for her defeat. To be fair, who can blame her? It’s not everyone who is denied a coronation twice in a single lifetime.

Still, I frankly expected that Hillary’s team of lawyers would have started appealing election results in those states where Trump’s margin of victory was narrow, giving her stooges time to start discovering missing ballots in closets, under kitchen counters, in the trunks of ‘98 Buicks and in a certain doghouse out in Chappaqua, New York.

The most troubling sign for the country was that on college campuses, our future doctors, lawyers, engineers, historians, sociologists and, heaven help us, politicians, were behaving either like hooligans or like little babies beset with the vapors. Worse yet, leftist professors, who suffered from the same symptoms, were excusing their young charges from classes and even tests so that they could somehow cope with the trauma of reality.

I know that pundits and historians will be trying to analyze Trump’s victory for decades to come. For my part, I was worried when I heard that Latinos were voting in record numbers, that Trump had cost himself the election when way back in July, 2015, when instead of just announcing that he planned to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, he felt the need to label millions of illegal aliens rapists and drug dealers.

It didn’t help when Trump said he preferred soldiers who didn’t get caught to POWs, and when he expressed his disapproval of a judge born in Indiana because of his Hispanic surname, instead of by pointing out that the guy belonged to a number of La Raza-type radical groups.

But somehow, in the end, none of those things seemed to matter. Perhaps it even helped because it proved conclusively that not only wasn’t Trump your typical politician, but helped to underscore the abyss that separated the authentic, Trump, from the fraudulent, Mrs. Clinton.

It even turned out that the Republican politicians who rebuked Trump’s candidacy not only lost their elections, but had additional salt rubbed in their self-inflicted wounds when they saw some of their colleagues eke out a victory, thanks to Trump’s coattails.

In retrospect, it’s possible that Hillary Clinton never had a realistic chance of winning. It wasn’t just that Wikileaks proved beyond a glimmer of a doubt that she and her sleazebag husband were as corrupt as most of us had always assumed, but that there was a gulf as wide as the Grand Canyon between what she said and what she’s done.

For instance, she declared that she had experience and that Trump had none. But her experience as a senator consisted of naming post offices, while her four years as Secretary of State resulted in chaos in the Middle East, a more aggressive China and an unfettered Russia. And that’s not even counting the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Clinton Foundation sucked up from foreign nations during her tenure at the State Department.

She claimed to have devoted her entire life to working on behalf of women and children. But as a young attorney, she boasted about springing a 42-year-old client she knew to be guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl. During her married life, this defender of womanhood has spent most of her time slandering the women assaulted by her husband. Speaking of Bill Clinton, does anyone doubt he would be in jail today if he had taken up any profession in life other than politics, the ultimate refuge of scoundrels, thieves and sexual predators?