The Patriot Post® · The Year Ahead

By Gary Bauer ·

Many people like to turn a new page at the beginning of a new year. We all like to forget about unfortunate events in the past. We want to jettison our problems and focus on becoming better people. New Year’s resolutions are always positive, right?

Many people may be inclined to think, “Well, we won and we can all work together now on positive changes for America.” That would be nice. But it is unlikely to happen in a deeply divided America, especially if the left has anything to say about it.

As I have reported, radical groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the Sierra Club and others have reported record fundraising since the election. They are not going to spend that money helping to “Make America Great Again.” The left is determined to fight tooth and nail for every inch of ground it gained over the past eight years.

Many on the left want bigger government and higher taxes, not smaller government and lower taxes. They want Israel thrown overboard. They think it is good that we are reaching out to enemies like Iran and Venezuela.

They think religious liberty should surrender any time it comes into conflict with their radical social agenda. They want more abortions, not fewer. They will not go quietly into the night.

Even though he is leaving office, Barack Obama remains the leader of the left. And unlike his predecessors he is remaining in Washington, DC. But he is not done yet. Every day, step-by-step, he is working to corral Trump/Pence, to tie their hands and limit their options.

Don’t take my word for it. Check out this headline from The Hill: “Nearing Exit, Obama Seeks To Tie Trump’s Hands.”

Politico is reporting that Obama will meet next week with congressional liberals to discuss ways to “shield Obamacare from efforts to dismantle it.”

The Washington Examiner reports that the Obama administration issued nearly 4,000 new regulations — just this year alone!

What Obama and the left feel really strongly about is freeing jihadists from Gitmo. They feel strongly about isolating Israel in ways that will take tremendous political will to undo. They feel strongly about grabbing more public land and putting more energy resources off limits.

I’ll make a prediction: In the coming days, Trump/Pence appointees will be shocked at the little “time bombs” they discover in the departments in which they are working. Perhaps the biggest time bomb was setup over the past eight years with the left’s takeover of the federal courts.

Yes, the Supreme Court was spared from total left-wing domination. But you cannot take back the entire federal judiciary in six months. There are grave concerns that much of what the new administration tries to do will be challenged and struck down in courts dominated by left-wing Obama judges.

Just look at the headlines today. I am no fan of Vladimir Putin. But the idea that Obama is suddenly getting tough and taking action against Russian meddling now, after the past eight years, is absurd.

And over what — leaked emails? Give me a break. This contrived controversy is just one more attempt to create trouble.

Buckle up, folks. There are huge battles ahead. The 2016 election may be over, but the battle for the heart and soul of America is still raging as fiercely as ever. We are already looking to 2018 — identifying Democrat senators who can be defeated so we can reach a filibuster-proof majority.

All of which is to say that I look forward to continuing to serve you and our values throughout 2017. Your continued prayers and financial support are essential to our success.

Thank you for standing with me. God bless you, and may God bless America in 2017!