The Patriot Post® · The So-Called Jewish Lobby

By Burt Prelutsky ·

There are a fair number of anti-Semites in America who insist that every time the U.S. does something to support Israel, it proves that influential Jews are exerting undue influence on the person in the White House or on Congress.

They never attribute it to the fact that Israel is a democracy and an American ally in a part of the world where they’d be hard-pressed to find another country that was either one or the other.

As for all that influence, it was nowhere to be seen when Obama was calling the shots from the Oval Office. While it’s true that Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and a few other Jewish senators, voiced opposition after Barack Obama, in his final days, choreographed America’s betrayal of Israel at the U.N., they were strangely silent during the eight years that Obama repeatedly showed his contempt for the Jewish nation and its duly-elected president.

Also, if the Jewish lobby is so powerful and monolithic, how is it that several left-wing Jewish organizations have signed on to the BDS (Boycott, Divestments & Sanctions) campaign, which was organized by Hamas and Hezbollah, and no doubt funded by George Soros, in order to delegitimize Israel?

Finally, if support of Israel is the result of the Jewish lobby, how do the Jew-haters explain that evangelical Christians are the most reliable supporters of the little country?

The attacks on Trump and his administration continue unabated. I’d just like to be sure that the IRS is devoting the same fervor to making certain the rioters are reporting the taxable income they’re deriving from Mr. Soros for burning cars and breaking windows, that they did to targeting Tea Party conservatives under Obama.

I also hope that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will consider indicting Soros for committing sedition by inciting mobs to commit violence in opposition to the current administration.

What surprises me is that millions of people have been out in the streets and on college campuses displaying their displeasure over Trump’s temporarily banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority nations.

It shows a terrible lack of imagination. For one thing, nobody can make a very good case for allowing additional Muslims into our country. Just look at what’s been happening in places like Germany, France, Holland and Sweden.

As for income inequality, which also causes them undue distress, redistribution of wealth only ensures that some rich people will be made permanently poor, while the previously impoverished will only temporarily be made slightly better off.

It would make far more sense if people demonstrated against the real inequalities of life. For instance, why should some people be so much taller, smarter and better-looking than others? Heck, if someone wants to organize a million-man march against the unfairness of baldness, count me in!

Because we have grown so accustomed to hearing celebrities spouting nonsense that it takes an extraordinary effort to rise above the crowd. So, you have to hand it to Sarah Silverman, a pinhead who gets to call herself a comedienne on her tax returns, who declared: “It’s time to wake up and join the resistance. Once the military is with us, fascists get overthrown, Mad King and his handlers go bye bye.”

Okay, we can all agree that stylistically, it left a lot to be desired. But it may have been a tweet, and even I would probably find that being limited to 140 characters would be challenging. But consider the content. For one thing, most people of Silverman’s political persuasion consider the military a fascistic organization, and don’t mind saying so. But how stupid does someone have to be to even suspect the military would be opposed to Donald J. Trump? If such a coup was ever going to turn the U.S. into a full-fledged banana republic, it would have happened during the past eight years; certainly, not today when an actual patriot is the Commander-in-chief.

Ever since I wrote about the farcical names that black parents slap on their newborns, additional examples have been trickling in.

I heard from someone who recently went shopping in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The lady at the cash register, she reported, wore a name tag that read “Ladynasty.” When asked if her name really was Ladynasty, the cashier got upset and insisted her name was pronounced La Dynasty. Much better, I’m sure we’d all agree.

Another wrote to say that when her sister was in nurse’s training many years ago, in Fort Smith, Arkansas, a black lady heard a word she was unfamiliar with, but thought it was so pretty, she planned to name her baby girl…. Vagina.

And yet they, and their various politicians and race hustlers, continue to insist that it’s Whitey who’s holding them back.

Chuck Schumer insists that the Democrats will do everything in their power to deny Neil Gorsuch his seat on the Supreme Court because he, along with the other 20 judges Trump had on his list of potential justices, was outside the mainstream. The “mainstream” is a nonexistent point that the Democrats have decided exists wherever they say it is. But wherever it is, you can be sure that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, Sonia Sotomayor and Chuck Schumer, are well within its boundaries.

What is fascinating about this belief is that, judging by the number of elections the Democrats have lost over the past six years, the majority of Americans are no longer in the mainstream!

Which leads me to conclude, along with my friend Steve Maikoski, that we are judging such matters incorrectly. Instead of measuring the political center by wherever the Democrats determine it exists, the true measuring point should be the text of the U.S. Constitution. That is a much easier way of judging how far in the fringe members of the two parties reside.

The New American magazine at least made a valiant attempt to base their determination on votes cast in Congress on a variety of issues. The higher the score, the more aligned with the Constitution the members of the House and Senate were; the lower the score, the more questionable their dedication to America’s most sacred document. Although we might not all be in agreement with their conclusion, I doubt if anyone would be too surprised to find that those with the highest scores had an ® after their names, while those at the bottom had a (D).

In the House, those with the highest regard for the Constitution were Blum of Iowa, Huelskamp of Kansas, Amash of Michigan, Mulvaney of South Carolina, Duncan of Tennessee and Golmert of Texas, but only one, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, had a perfect score.

In the Senate, the highest scores were achieved by Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Bob Corker of Tennessee and Ted Cruz of Texas, but none came close to Mike Lee of Utah, who, not too surprisingly, scored 96%.

One reader tried to bring sense to the meltdown that’s taking place in certain quarters of America today by writing: “I try not to comment about what’s in the news, but I’ve seen a lot of hate spewed in recent days about a man who is a constant winner and overachiever, but that’s what the people who support him like about the guy. Yes, he’s been caught in some lies and maybe twisted the truth a little, but he’s still out there proving his detractors wrong time after time!

"Some people are simply jealous of someone who is successful and has money. Throw in a hot foreign model at his side and they tend to hate him even more. You may not have wanted him to win, but he won and there’s nothing you can do about it. Whether you like it or not, Tom Brady is a Super Bowl champion again!”