The Patriot Post® · The Democrats Are Melting...Melting

By Burt Prelutsky ·

There was that moment in “The Wizard of Oz” when the Wicked Witch of the West got splashed with a little water, and it spelled her doom. Before anyone knew what was happening, she evaporated, leaving only her black cloak and pointy hat in a small puddle.

I think that on a somewhat larger scale, we are seeing that scene recreated for our amusement. But instead of its being character actress Margaret Hamilton, it’s Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Leahy, Bernie Sanders, and the whole rancid pack of them we hear whimpering, “We’re melting, we’re melting.”

As a conservative, I’m obviously prejudiced, but it’s my opinion that Ms. Hamilton handled her own dilemma with far more style and grace than the Democrats are handling theirs.

They are dragging their feet on Trump’s cabinet appointments for no other reason than to show their lunatic base that even if they’re toothless, they can still try gumming the Republicans into submission. Even though they know that Trump will inevitably have his team in place, they can’t help behaving exactly like a two-year-old who refuses to accept that it’s his bedtime.

During Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing, Elizabeth Warren tried to paint herself as a martyr when she was denied the time to read a 31-year-old letter written by Coretta Scott King, insisting from the grave that Sessions was a racist.

In a way, Hillary Clinton was passing the torch to Sen. Warren when she tweeted, quoting Sen. McConnell: “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted,” adding, “So must we all.”

Speaking as a conservative, nothing would make me happier than to have Mrs. Clinton handing the baton off to the demented Warren, who first came on the scene claiming she was a Cherokee because she discovered that she had cheekbones. No brain, you understand, but discernible cheekbones.

Just the thought of Warren in tandem with Bernie Sanders or Al Franken as the standard bearers for the socialists in 2020 makes me drool in anticipation. They could run as Dumb and Dumber or Left and Lefter.

Something that makes no sense to me is that there are 11 states that are represented by a Democrat and a Republican in the Senate. It’s one thing, after all, when both parties are represented in their state delegations in the House because even adjoining congressional districts can be diametrically opposed politically. But how is it that in these extremely partisan times, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wisconsin, have one of each in the Senate?

I didn’t mention Vermont or Maine because Bernie Sanders and Angus King continue to claim, for purposes I can’t imagine, to be Independents, although they’ve never yet cast a vote that displeased Harry Reid or Chuck Schumer. So, Vermont has two senators who should both have a (D) after their names. As for Maine, Susan Collins identifies herself as a Republican, even if nobody else does.

One strong indication that the Left has gone even further off the rails than usual is that it has now become commonplace for leftists and the mainstream media (aka the propaganda arm of the DNC) to refer to President Trump as either Hitler or a generic Nazi; to Clinton advisor Steve Bannon as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS; and the newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions as Bull Connor.

How would they like it if we called Barack Obama a chickenhearted pansy who spent eight years betraying America and Israel at every turn? Or if we called Bill Clinton an unindicted rapist and sexual predator? Or if we called his wife a traitor who let four Americans die in Benghazi in order to help Obama win an election, and used a private server for no other reason than to conceal a criminal conspiracy known as the Clinton Foundation?

I bet they wouldn’t like it one little bit, but I sure feel a lot better.

I just discovered, thanks to Tucker Carlson, that there have been seven directors of the Arizona V.A. hospital since 2014, and in an attempt to improve health care for military vets dependent on the facility, its annual budget has been increased by $100 million.

But despite the flood of negative publicity we all recall from 2014, nothing has changed. At least not for the better.

It seems that not all the heroes the V.A. is mistreating once wore uniforms. As is all too typical in the bureaucratic universe, the fellow who first blew the whistle on the fact that men were dying while waiting months to see a doctor has faced constant retaliation from his superiors.

The current director, Rima Nelson, formerly headed up the St. Louis V.A. from 2009-2013. During her time, 1,800 patients had to be notified that they had potentially been exposed to hepatitis and HIV when it was discovered that the hospital’s instruments were unsanitary!

We’re talking St. Louis, not Chad or Ethiopia. Nobody, least of all wounded warriors, are supposed to go to a hospital with a broken wrist and come out with a case of hepatitis or AIDS.

I guess when the Washington bureaucrats were trying to decide who should be the next director of the V.A. and it came down to a competent professional or Typhoid Mary, the choice was never in doubt.

When a reader asked me why Trump wasn’t pointing out all the travel bans that other presidents, including Clinton, Bush and Obama, have instituted, I guessed it was because those having a hissy fit over his recent ban on immigration from seven terror centers in the Middle East already know it. Their outrage has nothing to do facts; it has everything to do with the man in the Oval Office.

Another reader, a native of Maine, wrote complaining about the fact that he is stuck with Angus King and Susan Collins in the Senate. After telling him that I’m stuck with Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, so I could spare him very little sympathy, I asked why Republicans would vote for Mrs. Collins, a flunky of the corrupt teachers’ unions. He explained that the southern portion of the state, which he refers to as “upper Massachusetts,” unfortunately has the bulk of the voters.

I understood. As I wrote: “Even here in California, if you could divide the state by building a wall roughly 40 miles in from the coastline, the state east of the wall would be as Republican as Utah.”

A friend wrote, fraught with concern over the vicious tactics of the Soros-funded nihilists on the streets and college campuses, letting me know that even with Trump in the White House, he could no longer be optimistic about America’s future.

I explained that despite my natural cynicism, I had no choice but to be optimistic. After all, I had fully anticipated less than three months ago, that Mrs. Clinton was going to wind up in the White House, selecting cabinet secretaries and Supreme Court justices who would be easily confirmed by a Senate controlled by Chuck Schumer, and then doubling down on Obama’s domestic and foreign agenda.

In the biggest upset since David slayed Goliath, Trump somehow managed, despite his gaffes, his bluster and being outspent 2-1, to triumph over the latter-day Lady Macbeth.

If that’s not cause for a little optimism, I don’t know what is.