The Patriot Post® · And Starring as God, Al Gore

By Burt Prelutsky ·

In the latest issue of the New American, in an article titled “Green Religion,” John Larabell makes a persuasive case for the argument that environmentalism is a religion.

Mr. Larabell points out that there is basically no scientific basis for the claims of the believers, that it relies entirely on the unquestioning faith of the devout. Like the old time Catholic Church, it even offers indulgences in the form of carbon taxes that can be paid in order to offset the sin of using fossil fuels.

The new religion even has holy days, such as Earth Day, which the UN decided would be celebrated on the March equinox. But because no religion worth its salt would be limited to a single observance, former Wisconsin governor and senator Gaylord Nelson declared April 22nd as another date on which the true believers could prostate themselves in homage to Mother Earth.

It figures that, like other major religions, which honor such cities as Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Mecca, the Greens, as they like to call themselves, despite the fact that most of the planet is blue (water) or brown (earth), bow down to New York, the sacred site of their 39-story temple, the United Nations. To the rest of us, the UN building is the latter-day equivalent of the Tower of Babel (or Babble, if you prefer), but to those primitives who, like the ancients who worshiped trees, rocks and the moon, it is the spiritual source of all knowledge, wisdom and goodness.

They even have their own holy writings, but unlike the Old and New Testaments, theirs comes out on a daily basis and is called The New York Times.

What makes these New Age worshipers so comical is that they look down their noses at devout Christians and Jews, dismissing them as superstitious louts. They actually believe that the basis of their bizarre dogma rests entirely on science and logic.

If you even attempt to point out that there is a world of difference between actual science and junk science, they will mock you as heretics, and stone you for questioning their god, he who goes by the name of Al Gore.

It is mind-boggling that those on the Left are so susceptible to lies and hoaxes. I understand that we are all under a constant barrage of propaganda from the media, but just how stupid do you have to be to accept that some foreigners — specifically Muslims and Latin Americans — not only have a constitutional right to come here, but to take cuts ahead of those who have waited for years to enter legally, and, what’s more, to be supported by American taxpayers once they arrive.

Those on the Left are such knuckleheads that even when the choice is merely between Israel and her enemies — enemies shared in most cases with the U.S. — they will side with those who adhere to Sharia Law and jihadist terrorism. They see nothing amiss about taking Israel to task for building homes and apartment houses, while labeling suicide bombers and those who desecrate historical sites “freedom fighters.”

Congress will soon determine whether to grant Puerto Rico statehood. Any Republican who votes for it should be perp-marched out of his office, horsewhipped in the public square and then hanged from the nearest lamppost.

For one thing, Puerto Rico, with just a population of 3.5 million, has a debt of $120 billion. As if that’s not bad enough, it would be in line to elect two Democrats to the U.S. Senate and roughly half-a-dozen left-wing representatives to the House.

Joe Biden’s niece, Caroline Biden, 29, was arrested for engaging in a $100,000 credit card scam, and got off with a reprimand; just the way she did in 2014, when she got into a fight with her Tribeca roommate and then took a swing at a female cop, all the while shouting: “You don’t know who you’re doing this to.”

Whatever you may think of your own relatives, you have to be glad you’re not a Biden. First, there’s Joe, perhaps the single most ignorant man in national politics who isn’t a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and now this!

But the fact that Joe’s niece has never spent even a single day in the hoosegow once again underscores the sad truth that anyone who brags about America’s legal system is a nincompoop.

The fact that Jane Fonda (traitor), Hillary Clinton (various forms of corruption), Charley Rangel (tax evasion), James Comey and Susan Rice (leaking national security secrets to the media) have never even been indicted for their crimes is proof that there is one set of laws for the infamous and another for the rest of us.

If you need further proof, consider that financial fugitive Marc Rich was granted a presidential pardon by Bill Clinton, who was the beneficiary of a million-dollar donation to his re-election campaign, while Bradley/Chelsea Manning had 32 years lopped off his 35-year sentence for espionage by Barack Obama, along with everything else he had lopped off along the way.