The Patriot Post® · The 'Real Boy' of Fake PBS

By L. Brent Bozell & Tim Graham ·

Liberals made a big deal out of the report that Fox News has dropped its old slogan “Fair and Balanced.” The liberal media always made a mockery out of it, rejecting it as “false balance.” It’s “false balance” because the conservative view is false. From their arrogant viewpoint, only the “truth” is worth reporting.

That same worldview infects public broadcasting, which has been a left-wing propaganda project from its very beginnings in President Lyndon B. Johnson’s days. They passed the Public Broadcasting Act with a meaningless rhetorical bow to fairness and balance, and liberals made sure any legislative teeth in that law were pulled.

The gender deconstructionists on the left are now using PBS to solely push their viewpoint. On June 19, the documentary film series “Independent Lens” aired a one-hour film called “Real Boy.” The star, naturally, is a girl named Rachael who wants to be a boy named Bennett, and her goal in this film is “top surgery,” known in less euphemistic terms as breast amputation.

The “balance” in this film was Rachael’s mother, Suzy, who the LGBT activists on the “NBC Out” news and information section of NBC News described as “frustratingly apprehensive.” Inside the LGBT media bubble, acceptance is mandatory. They routinely employ emotional blackmail: Resistance is worse than futile; it encourages self-loathing, and even suicide.

Inevitably, as a PBS documentary would, it shows how Suzy comes around to support the amputation, as a fellow mother of a trans boy tells her: “We just have to support them and love them, love them through it. That’s all you can do.” They cannot be told they’re mistaken.

Gushy music plays in the background, as Suzy continues to be pushed. The mother says: “There’s so many other people in this world that would love to bring them down. We just have to make sure we’re not any of those people.”

“Those people” means people who accept that allegedly oppressive binary view of gender.

Rachael’s father and sister do not support the amputation, so they’re off camera. They “bring people down.” In one scene, Rachael tells her father over the phone, “I’m not interested in arguing with you.” Then she hangs up and yells, “My f— family!”

Rachael is a musician, and early on in the film, she sings a song with lyrics that include, “If the skin your soul embodies doesn’t seem to fit quite right, and you hate what their god gave you, fear not my love.”

God is not a favorite at PBS. This is certainly part of what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI meant when he denounced a “dictatorship of relativism.” A religious view, or even a common sense nonreligious view of how the human race was created — male and female — is cast aside as hateful and discriminatory … and not worth air time on a TV network funded by the taxpayers. Relativism will allow no rebuttal.

The film was funded through the “Independent Television Service,” a PBS offshoot that subsidizes documentaries, which are overwhelmingly leftist. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting claims it helps “inform civil discourse essential to American society.” Translation: It creates essential change.

Shaleece Haas, the maker of “Real Boy,” is upset that there isn’t a glut of pro-transgender propaganda films and claims that the media part of the cultural revolution isn’t sufficient. She says: “It does not solve the problem of homophobia and transphobia, of all the various forms of hatred … alongside storytelling, we really need to be working to create safe, inclusive spaces, in our schools, communities, in our institutions.”

The cultural revolution will be televised … and then it will be imposed. Dissenters will pay for the privilege of being denounced. Then the Left will complain that conservatives hate democracy.