The Patriot Post® · The Statues Are Coming!

By Burt Prelutsky ·

The mass hysteria that has been generated by George Soros and his paid minions would be amusing, at least in the way that zombies searching for brains in sci-fi movies are amusing, if only this were a movie. Unfortunately, this is what passes for real life in 2017 America.

With this sudden insistence by the Left that every vestige of the Confederacy be erased from the nation, one can’t help but wonder how it is that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal, Maxine Waters and the rest of the chowderheads in Congress all failed to notice the Confederate statues at their place of work for all these years.

If these statues and monuments are such a stain on America, how is it that Barack Obama, the first black president, failed to have them removed? He never even commented on them. And once the barbarians succeed in removing the Confederate combatants from view, will they move ahead to topple the Washington Monument, torch Monticello, burn the Constitution and shred the Declaration of Independence, those other reminders of the slave holders who created this nation out of their bone and blood and brain?

The truth is, the liberals, including the black ones, don’t give a damn about the statues. They have only brought it up in the wake of Charlottesville, an event hijacked by bought-and-paid-for thugs hired by George Soros, as a way to tar and feather Donald Trump.

My question is whether the barbarians will next demand that all the military bases, such as Fort Hood, Fort Bragg, Fort Gordon, Fort Beauregard, Fort Hill and Fort Pickett, along with a few others, named in memory of Confederate generals, be re-named or simply shut down.

As I see it, the Left is trying to destroy our past by toppling statues, trying to destroy our future with abortions on demand, and they’re pretty much stinking up our present.

Sometimes, I wonder if I had as many insults hurled my way as Trump does — including a great many from those who allegedly share his party affiliation — would I begin to believe them? After all, we all know what people say about smoke and fire.

If, however, I read them in the NY Times or Washington Post or heard them on CNN or MSNBC, I’m sure I’d have no trouble dismissing them as a conspiracy of lies.

When I heard Rex Tillerson spewing left-wing blather about increasing female and minority representation at the State Department, my blood ran colder than usual. To me, his curtsy to the wonders of diversity sounded like he’s already laying the groundwork for his next career, as a college president.

While it’s true that some jobs can be performed easily by anyone with a pulse, some careers are supposed to be rather demanding. One would normally assume that, along with being a nuclear physicist, a brain surgeon or an amusing political pundit, holding down a job at the State Department would be above the average pay grade.

Yet there was the Secretary of State babbling away like a New York City social worker about the need to have a more diverse work force at State. If I’m not mistaken, he said something along the lines of: “We want the very best people for these extremely demanding jobs, so long as they’re black, Hispanic, female, gay or transgender.”

During the past week, the Islamic swine expanded their usual targets from Britain, France, Germany and Sweden to include Spain and Finland.

The European leaders, starting with Angela Merkel and the EU bureaucrats in Brussels, have a lot of innocent blood on their hands, but, unlike Lady Macbeth, they don’t even try to wash it out. Instead, they have shown themselves to be even stupider and more stubborn than the two foolish pigs who built their homes out of mud and straw. These European swine invited the big bad wolf indoors. He didn’t even have to huff and puff to gain access.

Once inside, he repaid their hospitality by slaughtering the entire household.

Only in Eastern Europe, in places like Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Lithuania and the Czech Republic, where they have had firsthand experience with both the Nazis and the Russians, they’ve learned their lesson. It is there that the Muslims have had the door slammed on their snouts.

So, it figures that in the United States, where Donald Trump has attempted to build a wall of brick, the anti-American Left and their Quisling-like allies in the media have naturally vilified his efforts to protect us from a world filled with wolves.

In Western Europe, nationalism is regarded as a negative, as a synonym for Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy. They invented the European Union as a way to stop its members from invading the turf of their neighbors. But as with most bureaucracies, the end result more closely resembles the Tower of Babel than the Garden of Eden.

Here in America, Trump’s call for nationalism is taken to be an endorsement of slavery and white privilege. The interesting thing about slavery is that it had been around for thousands of years all over the world, at least until it was banished in the United States. It was even quite commonplace among the so-called noble savages of North America, who were frequently far more savage than noble.

It is those on the secular Left who most robustly defend Islam in America and Europe. It isn’t because they love Muslims or are unaware of the hatred of the West at the core of Islam. It’s that they, too, have a contempt for traditional values and national pride. They are every bit as offended as Muslims by those who practice the other major religions. Water finds its own level, as does sewage.

In spite of their only recently discovered hatred of the Confederacy, liberals aren’t even slightly troubled by the fact that slavery continues to exist, unabated, in the Middle East and Africa — just as the plight of women in Muslim nations fails to arouse the fury of American feminists.

It only makes sense that someone like Trump, who speaks of American exceptionalism and thinks we should take pride in our nation, would trigger contempt among the globalists who don’t really believe that all cultures are equally admirable. That stupid they’re not! Instead, it’s their core belief that against all odds and contrary to the evidence, they’re convinced that the U.S. is the most evil place on earth. That’s how stupid they are!

To the extent that America is as bad or worse than other nations, it’s because of them — the slobs and brutes who take to the streets, calling for the murder of cops, who vandalize campuses and shout down speech by those who voice contrary opinions and who call for the impeachment and even the assassination of a duly-elected president every time that George Soros snaps his fingers.

The question that buzzes around in my head is whether the greatest failing of this administration so far has been its reluctance to investigate and indict Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Susan Rice and Samantha Power for a variety of federal offenses or its hands-off policy when it comes to former Nazi collaborator George Soros, who has used his money and influence to incite violence in all quarters of America.

When I recently wrote about the fact that it was the Tylenol scare of 1982 that led pharmaceutical companies to package their products in those annoying child-proof containers that just might be impervious to dynamite, Howard Last let me know that when his daughter was five years old, his mother-in-law lived with them. When the old lady would have trouble getting at her various pills, she would regularly hand the problem off to her granddaughter, who apparently had no trouble at all.

Some people have suggested that one of the major aims of ObamaCare was the creation of death panels; the panelists, like the reigning Caesars at the Roman Coliseum, would, with a twist of their thumb, decide if a fallen gladiator would live or die.

These days, they don’t need the panels. When you realize how difficult the pharmaceutical companies have made opening the bottles and how tiny they print the warning labels, it’s a wonder any one of us makes it to 75.