The Patriot Post® · Searching for Intelligent Life on the Left

By Burt Prelutsky ·

It’s easy to see why liberals are convinced that they’re superior to conservatives. For one thing, in nearly all cases, professors in the liberal arts and members of the mainstream media are left-wingers. But you don’t have to be very intelligent or even the slightest bit honest to make one’s living in either field. To be a liberal arts professor, the major prerequisite is a willingness to endure sitting in classrooms from the time you’re six years old until the day you die. Once you’re into your post-graduate years, you merely have to concentrate on your specialty, be it Elizabethan poetry or the mating habits of the loon. That hardly bestows genius status on anyone. In fact, if you spot one of these bores headed your way at a cocktail party, my advice is to either feign a case of the vapors or grab your hat and go home.

The requirements for working in the mass media are even less stringent. You merely have to be hired. If you work in front of the camera, it goes without saying that you do have to have nice hair.

While I acknowledge that being a member of these professions is not absolute proof that one is an ignoramus. But neither is it a sign of superior intellect. Least of all is it an indicator of wisdom.

In fact, just about the only thing one can garner about these people is based, not on their occupation, but their politics, which shows them to possess the intellectual curiosity and independent thought of sheep.

There is a reason, after all, that liberals will unquestioningly accept all sorts of claptrap. For instance, like small children covering their ears and chanting, “Can’t hear you!” they ignore the fact that the earth’s temperature has been declining over the past decade, that Al Gore has been lining the pockets of his parka with bald-faced lies and that the East Anglia emails, aka Climategate, prove that academics, along with “scientists” affiliated with the United Nations, have been promoting the global warming hoax for their own selfish purposes.

Liberals want to expunge the Second Amendment from the Constitution even though the data proves that wherever law-abiding citizens, and not just the criminal element, carry concealed weapons, the crime statistics quite logically decline. Because liberals ignore facts about guns just as they do about freezing temperatures, even as their teeth are chattering like castanets, they refuse to debate the opposition, preferring to merely debase them.

Liberals don’t even question their like-minded politicians when folks like Obama, Pelosi and Reid, insist that it is possible to add millions of people to the Medicaid rolls, lower the minimum age for coverage to 55, and simultaneously cut costs without affecting care for the elderly. I do seem to recall Obama’s stating that a massive savings would come about through the elimination of medical fraud, but you can forget about a true blue left-winger ever asking him how he intends to go about it; or why, after all this time, he hasn’t even begun.

Liberals can be counted on to oppose drilling for oil in ANWR because they’re so concerned about the caribou and about spoiling the ecological state of frozen tundra. The fact that drilling for oil in Alaska would no more bother the caribou than drilling in Texas annoys jack rabbits, and that anything that affects frozen tundra would obviously be an improvement, doesn’t faze these blowhards in the least. But, then, neither does the fact that ANWR is nothing more than a tiny speck in our largest state, or the indisputable fact that the overwhelming majority of Alaskans are in favor of drilling.

But, of course, there aren’t a lot of academic pinheads residing in our 49th state and the only time the MSM types ever set foot within a thousand miles of caribou is when they head north, panning for dirt about Sarah Palin.

If the only thing that those on the Left lacked was intelligence, it would be bad enough, but that wouldn’t necessarily make them insufferable. But their ignorance is compounded by their snobbery. I mean, when egotistical lunkheads like Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, Henry Waxman, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank, Keith Olbermann, Al Franken and Danny Glover, are convinced that they are intellectually superior to Charles Krauthammer, Andrew Breitbart, Glenn Beck, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Jonah Goldberg, Ralph Peters, Michelle Malkin, Ronald Radosh, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter and Bernie Goldberg, you have to wonder if they also believe that the moon is made of blue cheese. But, of course, if it were, Al Gore would be out peddling Uncle Al’s Roquefort Dressing.

But worst of all is the belief widely held by liberals that they are nicer and far more decent than those Americans who happen to be conservatives; you know, the poor besotted folks that those compassionate liberals are only too happy to label fascists, Nazis, racists and astroturfers. Their conviction seems to be based in large part on the peculiar notion that if you object to Obama’s transformation of America from thriving free-market capitalism to state-run socialism, you must be a bigot. However, when they dismiss Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Ward Connerly and Clarence Thomas, as oreos and Uncle Toms, that merely proves that they, rather than DNA or pigmentation, can truly determine racial identity.

Ideologically, these moral cretins embrace the beliefs of Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevara, and physically embrace the likes of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

These self-anointed intellectuals are people who think that those who believe in God and Jesus Christ, those who “cling to their guns and their religion,” are a lower form of animal life, while they, themselves, have no problem whatever accepting Obama as a messiah and, in the past, deifying the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Let’s face it, when you kneel in a church, you’re accepting that there is something greater and wiser than yourself in the universe. When, on the other hand, you kneel to a left-wing politician, you’re merely emulating Monica Lewinsky.