The Patriot Post® · Donna Brazile Spills Her Guts

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Editor’s Note: An old video of Burt being interviewed is here.

It is very weird to see Donna Brazile — the former head of the DNC and the person who funneled debate questions to Hillary Clinton and later lied about it, accusing those who accused her of such a dastardly deed of being racist swine — being hailed as the great truth-teller.

No doubt her kicking Hillary to the curb will help her sell a lot of copies of Hacks, but somehow the notion that one is not supposed to profit off one’s crimes keeps occurring to me.

It just makes me wonder what Bill Clinton will accuse his wife of when he gets around to writing his next book. Actually, if he has his eye on the best seller lists, he would be well-advised to write about his own sexual misadventures, although he better be quick about it, as I’m sure that Harvey Weinstein is already weighing hefty offers from the major publishing houses.

Some will insist that Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the nomination because Mrs. Clinton had gained a stranglehold on the DNC by paying off the $15 million debt Obama had run up. But the thing that Sanders couldn’t have overcome is that her nibs also had a stranglehold on most of the party’s several hundred so-called super delegates. Made up of governors, mayors, party hacks and major donors, their votes constituted a sizable percentage of the number of delegates required to garner the nomination, and they were solidly behind the shrew in the pantsuit.

Still, to suggest that the DNC had a finger on the scale is to understate the obvious. First Debbie Wasserman Schultz and then Donna Brazile had their hands, legs, both feet and their rumps on the scale.

If the Republican Party primaries had been set up that way, the 2016 GOP nominee would have likely been Jeb Bush.

During a recent TV appearance, Mrs. Clinton, when asked what she would have come as if she’d been invited to a Halloween bash, said, giving one of those lilting little laughs that can cut glass: “President.”

An odd choice inasmuch as she already has a broomstick and one of those black conical hats in her closet.

Sen. Bob Corker, who has been an embarrassment to the GOP, the state of Tennessee and every other person in the world named Corker, has accused Donald Trump of eroding America’s belief in our institutions. I would like to put his mind to rest and assure him that his concerns are ill-founded.

Speaking, as I am often wont to do, on behalf of America, after the past eight years, we have no faith in our institutions. None. Zip. Zero.

Why would we? Top level people in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and Homeland Security have shown themselves to be political partisans who aren’t above divulging private conversations between the president and foreign leaders and leaking sensitive information to the media, so long as it portrays or could be made to portray Donald Trump in a bad light.

Or perhaps Sen. Corker is concerned we might lose faith in the military, which in recent months has seen two large Naval ships involved in serious, but easily avoidable, accidents at sea, and which took yet another major hit last week when Col. Jeffrey Nance cut loose Bowe Bergdahl from the Army with a dishonorable discharge and a small fine.

After hours of interviews with the Army deserter, who was described as a hero who “had served with honor and distinction” by the previous administration, the lead investigator, Gen. Kenneth Dahl, decided that Bergdahl was “unrealistically idealistic … very bright and well-read.” And, reading between the lines, not too bad-looking, either.

It almost sounded like a description of Othello, who, after strangling Desdemona, was said to be a man who loved not wisely but too well.

There is something suspicious, perhaps even sinister, about a man named Dahl helping to determine the punishment of a man named Bergdahl. I ask you, would we have allowed some Revolutionary general named Arn or Arno to play any part in determining Benedict Arnold’s sentence? I think not.

And since when is a mere colonel going to overrule a general’s order? I mean, of course, his recommendation.

Frankly, I find it extraordinary that Gen. Dahl had so many flattering things to say about the young man whose desertion not only led to the deaths of several soldiers — whose mission was to go into hostile territory to rescue him — but also led Barack Obama to liberate five terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for Bergdahl’s safe return. It makes a person wonder if Dahl has gotten around to asking the dashing young traitor for a date on New Year’s Eve.

They finally got around to releasing most of the Osama bin Laden material that the Navy Seals swept up when they killed the mastermind behind 9/11.

I’m sure that others will have reason to delve into the darker mysteries, but I was particularly fascinated to discover that, while the creep was planning additional massacres, he liked to unwind by watching the BBC’s “Great Wildlife Moments;” a documentary titled “Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?” and a few movies: “Chicken Little,” “The 3 Musketeers” and “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs,” along with a porn collection that apparently rivaled Hugh Hefner’s.

Until they get around to letting us know the porn titles, one can merely assume, knowing the man and his culture, they were something along the lines of “Three Men and a Camel,” “Goats Gone Wild” and “Shimal Does Baghdad.”

The oddest thing about so many people insisting that diversity is an ideal that all of us should aspire to in our schools, neighborhoods and places of worship is that they don’t mean it. After all, Muslims worship in mosques and they don’t appreciate strangers showing up. In fact, they claim it proves they’re being profiled and surveilled.

About 50% of the Mexicans and Latin Americans in the U.S. only speak Spanish in their homes. As for the schools, the only diversity they encourage is that of skin color. Harbor an independent thought and you are banished to the seventh circle of Hell.

If you utter an opinion unwelcome to the Left, the students will either stone you or go running off to sanctuaries stocked with stuffed toys and blankets, whimpering about being under siege by Nazis (a.k.a. Republicans).

What leftists call diversity is in fact conformity. They refer to themselves as individuals, but they all think alike, speak alike, dress alike, pierce the same portions of their anatomy and have identical tattoos. Peas in a pod have greater claim to individuality than the typical Democrat.

As usual, the mass media took advantage of the ISIS-inspired truck attack in Manhattan that killed five Argentines, a Belgium and two Americans to leap to the defense of Islam.

In the wake of the massacre, NBC ran a headline reading: “Muslim Americans Again Brace for Backlash After New York Attack.” The only surprise is that they didn’t wrap it up with a hearty “Allah Akbar!”

While appearing on Tucker Carlson’s Fox show, Mark Steyn quoted an Australian wag who had come up with a parody headline a few years ago: “British Muslims Brace for a Backlash After Tomorrow’s Train Bombing.”

Congressional Democrats continue to embarrass themselves. Even after we’ve all found out about Hillary Clinton handing over a fifth of America’s uranium deposits to Vladimir Putin in exchange for an enormous bribe, Schumer, Pelosi, Franken and the other jabbering monkeys keep trying to tie President Trump to the Russians.

What nobody seems to acknowledge is that the Russians weren’t pulling for one candidate over the other; they merely wanted to create suspicion and hostility between Republicans and Democrats, and it was all so unnecessary. Both sides were already about as suspicious and hostile as they could get.

Speaking as a Republican, how could we not be? So far as we were concerned, the Russians had apparently been paying more attention to our politics than the Democrats had. Otherwise, how on earth could 63 million of our fellow Americans, after eight hellish years of Obama, have voted for more of the same by casting their ballots for Hillary Clinton?

A jokester sent me an email in which he claimed that Al Sharpton reported that Disney was cancelling its plans to produce an African-American version of “Snow White,” which was to be called “Jet Black.”

He went on to claim that the seven dwarfs, Dealer, Stealer, Mugger, Raper, Drive By, Homeboy and Shank, refused to sing “Hi Ho” because it offended black prostitutes, and they surely had no intention of singing “It’s Off to Work We Go.”

I realized that the second paragraph was a put-on, but I asked him if such a movie had actually been in the works. After all, there had been black versions of “The Wizard of Oz,” “Golden Boy” and “The Odd Couple.” Why not “Snow White”?

He assured me it was all a prank.

“Great!” I replied. “I’m going to pitch it to Disney, and if it turns me down, I’m going to take my complaint to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus, and if that doesn’t work, I’m going over their heads and straight to the NFL!”