The Patriot Post® · It's a Bird, It's a Plane ... It's Donald Trump!

By Burt Prelutsky ·

It’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to understand why so many Americans are seemingly anxious to place a lump of coal in the president’s Christmas stocking.

So far as I can see, he’s doing a terrific job. He has placed a justice on the Supreme Court who is more interested in James Madison’s opinions than in those of the editorial board of The New York Times.

He has cut through the business-killing regulations created by Obama; stopped trying to get North Korea to mend its evil ways by bribing them with food and oil; stopped kowtowing to the terrorists affiliated with the PLO by announcing that we are finally moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; and is passing the first meaningful tax reforms in 30 years.

While I understand why his political enemies, people like Schumer, Pelosi, Blumenthal, Durbin, Murray, Feinstein and the rabble that constitutes the Congressional Black Caucus, would oppose Trump and try to portray him as a combination of Hitler, Caligula and Bozo the Clown, I’m at a loss when it comes to the allegedly apolitical members of the FBI, the CIA and National Security Agency.

What makes the actions of these people all the more mysterious is that they have all apparently pledged their troth to Hillary Rodham Clinton, a person so corrupt that she has repeatedly placed greed and her political aspirations ahead of the lives of those she betrayed in Benghazi, jeopardized the security of the nation by turning over our uranium deposits to Russia in exchange for a bribe, and illegally conveyed classified information over an unsecure private server.

How do the likes of James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, Peter Strzok and Sally Yates square those facts with their unflagging support of the insufferable Mrs. Clinton?

Mr. Strzok, a particularly shadowy figure most of us had never heard of until a week ago or so ago, has played a central role in all this. It was he who watered down the language in FBI Director Comey’s summation of the Clinton investigation, making it appear that she was guilty of nothing worse than making an innocent mistake, the sort that could be made by any well-meaning house frau who thinks that one “wipes” a computer’s contents with a dish towel.

It was also Strzok who conned Michael Flynn into thinking he was being invited to an informal meeting where he wouldn’t need to have a lawyer whispering legal advice in his ear.

In fact, if it hadn’t gotten out that he’d been texting insults of Trump non-stop to his doxy, he’d still be at the center of the FBI’s attempt to pillory the president. But even his dismissal from the investigation, and the reasons for it, were kept secret from congressional committees by Robert Mueller.

As for Mueller, I’m getting sick and tired of hearing what a sterling reputation the man has. I understand what it means when someone is said to be respected in Knoxville or Des Moines, Dallas or Tucson. It means that he is a patriot, honest, trustworthy, a loyal friend, a considerate neighbor, a good husband and father. In Washington, DC, it means he hasn’t been accused of sexual harassment, accepting bribes or using campaign funds to add a second story to his home. At least not yet.

Frankly, even if I didn’t know that Strzok is a duplicitous schmuck, I have to confess I’d be naturally suspicious of anyone with a name containing four consecutive consonants. I used to joke that I didn’t have a middle name because my parents were too poor to get me one. But even they were able to afford a reasonable number of vowels.

I had to laugh when I heard Palestinian President Abbas, the natural heir to Yasser Arafat, claim that Trump’s decision to finally move our embassy — the only one in the world not located in a national capital — from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would derail the peace process.

You remember the peace process, don’t you? That’s the charade that nearly every president during my adult lifetime has engaged in and which has left him standing, whether at the White House or Camp David, with egg on his face.

The Palestinians keep talking about a two-state solution when what they really mean is one state, theirs, and the extinction of the Jewish one. Anyone who believes that Hamas and Hezbollah are looking to make peace with Israel and live in harmony with the Jews still believes in Santa Claus and has the Easter Bunny on speed dial.

I believe that Donald Trump, in addition to his other virtues, is the first president since Ronald Reagan to have a solid grip on reality. Which, I assume, explains why the professional and amateur shrinks who populate the Democratic Party have all concluded he’s delusional.

What is delusional is that we continue to contribute millions of our tax dollars to the Palestinians, who use a portion of it to reward jihadists who murder Americans and Israelis.

Alan Dershowitz doesn’t think that the Justice Department should investigate Hillary Clinton’s misdeeds. He objects to politicians going after their political rivals, arguing it should be left up to the voters.

Who am I to argue with a Harvard law professor? Well, for openers, I’d say I’m someone who doesn’t believe that anyone should be above the law, especially someone who has lied, chiseled and taken advantage of her lofty status for most of her life.

Furthermore, I don’t believe that losing an election exonerates her and wipes the filthy slate clean. On the contrary, it finally makes it feasible to hold her accountable for her multitude of crimes and sins, which would have been impossible if she had, God forbid, won the election.

Want to feel old? I mean really, really, really old? I don’t know why you would, but just in case you’re in a very peculiar mood, read on.

Do you recall “The Goodbye Girl”? It was a very good movie with an original script by Neil “The Odd Couple” Simon. It co-starred Marsha Mason and Richard Dreyfuss and garnered her an Academy Award nomination and won him the Best Actor Oscar, making him, at 30, the youngest man to ever win one.

Well, the little girl, Quinn Cummings, who was also nominated for an Oscar for her performance as Mason’s 10-year-old precocious daughter, just turned 50!