The Patriot Post® · Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up!

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Unless he winds up in Leavenworth, Andrew McCabe will basically receive a free pass in spite of betraying his oath time and again on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Much has been made of his losing his FBI pension just hours before his retirement became official. Inasmuch as the pension hasn’t been rescinded but merely postponed until 2025, I’d say far too much has been made of it.

That’s particularly the case when you realize that a 50-year-old with McCabe’s experience and insider connections — and whose crimes were all committed in order to get Hillary Clinton elected or, failing that, getting Donald Trump impeached — can now write his own ticket. The only question is if McCabe wants to get rich working for a DC law firm, serving on the board of any number of left-leaning corporations or, perhaps, moving to California and accepting an executive position in the movie industry or with one of the tech outfits in the Silicon Valley.

We just learned that the email exchange between Peter Strzok and his tootsie, Lisa Page, regarding how best to influence a FISA judge, Rudolph Contreras, has been around for a while, but had been redacted from one of the million pages that was reluctantly handed over to a congressional committee. If a staff member hadn’t taken it upon himself or herself to do a little digging, the damning evidence might never have been uncovered.

One of the questions that a second special counselor should make certain is answered is who is authorized to redact content from government documents, and on what basis those decisions are made. I know the answer that is inevitably provided is that it’s a matter of national security; however, the suspicion has always been that it’s in order to conceal malfeasance and incompetence by those entrusted to protect our nation.

Considering what we have discovered over the past several years, it is less likely to be America’s security and more likely their own that the folks at the FBI, the Justice Department and NSA deem most important.

Speaking of which, it was only recently disclosed that in the final days of Obama’s administration, he had the Justice Department delete several hundred thousand names from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) unless it was proven that fugitives from justice had crossed state borders.

Since its creation in 1998, the system had prevented 1.5 million people from purchasing firearms, 180,000 of them fugitives.

By removing the names in late 2016, Obama left yet another ticking stink bomb for Donald Trump.

Once again, we have evidence that the Left is only concerned with keeping guns out of the hands of those most likely to use them in defense of freedom and liberty in America.

Shortly after he was elected, some of us were pointing out that if Donald Trump cured cancer, the media would predictably report that he had put thousands of doctors, nurses and medical researchers out of business.

Even today, there are a great many people, even Republicans, who can’t get past his tweeting or what they regard as his unpresidential way of speaking in order to give him his due and acknowledge all he has done and is trying to do in keeping true to his campaign mantra to make America great again.

He is definitely something new when it comes to American presidents, but so was Franklin Roosevelt, and the Left never had a problem with that. Among FDR’s revolutionary moves, he was the first to conduct weekly radio deliveries that he called Fireside Chats; the first to try to inflate the number of Supreme Court justices (“pack the court”) in order to get more favorable decisions for his socialist agenda; the first to run for a third term, and then a fourth; and the first to manage the media to such an extent that millions of Americans were left unaware that he was paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair.

For his part, Donald Trump, a businessman, takes the title of America’s Chief Executive to heart. And although it might come as a shock and a grievous disappointment to the media elitists, CEOs don’t function like social workers. They are not interested in listening to sob stories; they expect results, and if their subordinates fail to deliver, they can expect a pink slip.

How refreshing it is in a town filled with bureaucrats who are rarely fired to see Trump clear out deadwood, which is about as close to draining the swamp as one man can do. In Washington, DC, even people who are severely reprimanded — people like former congressman Charles Rangel and former Attorney General Eric Holder — get to hang on to their jobs, whereas that would not be the fate of a civilian who was found guilty of tax evasion or in contempt of Congress.

I wish I could urge every parent of a college-age boy or girl to pay attention to Mike Rowe. Apparently, Mr. Rowe had a TV show called “Dirty Jobs” for several years. He now heads up a foundation that provides grants to youngsters who wish to learn a trade. Never having watched his show, I am only aware of Rowe from his occasional appearances on Fox News.

Most recently, he was a guest on Jesse Watters’ show, where he pointed out yet again that in a country that has four and a half million jobs available for pipe-fitters, plumbers, carpenters, mechanics, electricians and welders — jobs often paying more than $100,000 a year —parents were mortgaging their homes and the kids were mortgaging their futures in order to waste four years being indoctrinated in Marxism at a liberal arts college, at the end of which time they would be four years older, deeply in debt, and no more employable at 22 than they’d been at 18.

The only noticeable difference is that they’d be likely to believe that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders walk on water, and that their conservative, religiously observant parents are dumber than dirt.

Bert Black, one of the few things that Silver Spring, Maryland, has reason to boast about, sent me some old-time ads that prove that it’s not just our politics, music and manners that have changed radically over the years.

Lane Bryant ran an ad offering charming clothes for “teens too chubby to fit into regular sizes.”

Colt ran one headlined “Isn’t it time you gave yourself a Christmas Gift?” and pictured a number of pistols starting at $69.

Kenwood announced that their Chef blender “does everything but cook — that’s what wives are for!”

Lloyd Manufacturing boasted that its Cocaine Toothache Drops provide “Instantaneous Cure!” and for only 15 cents!

Tipalet cigarettes that came in several flavors, including cheery, grape and blueberry, assured manly men that if you blew the smoke in her face, “She’ll follow you anywhere.” And to prove it wasn’t just blowing smoke up our rear ends, it showed a cool guy blowing smoke in the face of a ravishing beauty, and she didn’t not even blink. Of course, I have no way of knowing if she was at that very moment sucking on a Cocaine Toothache Drop.

Motorola ran a heavy text ad that listed the many ways that “Television Benefits Your Children.” Among the benefits, Motorola promised was “better behavior at home and better marks in school.”

Blatz Beer claimed in an ad headlined “How Mother and Baby ‘Picked Up’” that a case of Blatz in the home “means much to the young mother, and baby obviously participates in its benefits.” The presumption was that the baby would be “picked up” if he guzzled at his mother’s breast. Otherwise, the tot would have to settle for his formula while he watched mommy get sloshed on a case of Blatz.

Still, that’s probably preferable to an ad provided by the Soda Pop Board of America that showed a beaming mother and baby agreeing with the headline “For a Better Start in Life, Start Cola Earlier!” Judging by the age of the baby in the picture, the board would have liked to see cola piped directly into the womb.

Yet another company, Camels, showed equal concern for our health by showing a guy in a white smock assuring us that “More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette.” But because false advertising then, as now, is banned, it couldn’t also claim that if you blew Camels smoke in her face, she would follow you anywhere.

My favorite ad showed a man embracing his wife, who’s wearing an apron and holding a feather duster. In the accompanying balloon, he is saying, “The harder a wife works, the cuter she looks!” In the smaller picture on the page, although he is seemingly filled with overwhelming lust, hubby pauses to say: “Gosh, honey, you seem to thrive on cooking, cleaning and dusting, while I’m exhausted by closing time. What’s your secret?” “Vitamins, darling! I always get my vitamins!” Those of you who imagined it might be another ad for Blatz will be surprised to learn that the secret to her being able to magically turn an apron into a black negligee and a feather duster into an aphrodisiac was Kellogg’s Pep.