The Patriot Post® · Teen Attacked for Wearing 'Make America Great Again' Hat

By Todd Starnes ·

A 16-year-old Trump supporter wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was viciously attacked by a left-wing goon inside a San Antonio Whataburger restaurant.

Hunter Richard and his friends were eating burgers when a grown man came over and ripped the iconic red hat off his head. The teen said some of his hair was torn from his scalp.

One of his friends videoed a portion of the attack when the menacing thug grabbed a beverage and threw it in Hunter’s face.

“You ain’t supporting s—t n—r, little b—h a—s motherf—r,” the foul-mouthed creep screamed at the boy.

As he stormed off the attacker continued to hurl obscenities.

“This is going to go great in my f—g fireplace, b—h,” he said.

Hunter told our Fox television affiliate in San Antonio that the attack was unprovoked.

“I support my president, and if you don’t, let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off. I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me,” he said.

Police are investigating the incident, but the attacker has not been positively identified, television station KABB reports.

The owner of Rumble, a local bar, posted a message on Facebook acknowledging that one of its part-time employees was “captured on cell phone video assaulting another person at a local eatery. The assault took place, presumably, because this employee did not agree with the other individuals political stance.”

“We have since terminated this employee, as his actions go against everything that this establishment stands for,” the statement read.

“I didn’t think it was going to generate the amount like what people are doing. I was looking at the comments by some people and they are like ‘This is uncalled for’ and other people are like mixed opinions, but I didn’t think it would blow up to what it is now,” Hunter said.

[WARNING: Video includes extremely foul language.]

I told you this was going to happen, folks. I told you that conservative were going to be hunted and attacked by low-life, left-wing predators.

I blame the mainstream media and Maxine Waters for this debauchery. Their rhetoric has led to a 16-year-old boy being brutally attacked.

But I doubt that will satisfy their bloodlust.