The Patriot Post® · Stage Being Set for Climate Change Hearings

By Joe Bastardi ·

Well, this headline from The Daily Caller is interesting: “Democrats Will Hold A Series Of Hearings On Global Warming Once They Take Power.”

I volunteer to come in and explain to them how, using nature, we predicted several major events that ended up being blamed on climate change. As a patriotic American, I consider it an honor to have a chance to explain this to people who may not readily know about the forecasting aspect of the climate situation in real terms, where lives and property are involved.

1.) First up is the wildfire season prediction, made on May 17:

2.) Our forecast for a hot summer was made two days later:

3.) On July 13, I wrote about our concern about the East Coast being struck by a hurricane:

4.) I explained the natural aspect of wildfires and provided hints about them in August:

There are many reasons for why wildfires occur, but the point is that “climate change” is at best tiny among them and represents a gross oversimplification of the matter.

5.) On Oct. 8, I showed “the why before the what” with Hurricane Michael and also linked the major hurricane phenomena in October to the onslaught of an early cold and stormy winter, which you are seeing evolve in front of your very eyes.

All these articles appeared not only on our website but were issued publicly on The Patriot Post.

So if the duly elected party wants to have these hearings in the middle of a cold, stormy winter, it should keep in mind that this was our initial winter forecast, which came out on Aug. 7!

The forecast was updated in October, but as you can see, it’s still very cold for much of the country.

This would put significant pressure on energy prices, and this realization is beginning to take hold. In addition, other companies and industries, from retail to big box stores to salt producers — in fact, anything you can think of — are affected.

At this time, the U.S. climate model shows this for the winter:

As you can see, there is a quite an argument between what we are seeing and what this model is seeing.

On Oct. 21, the same model had this for November:

We currently look like this:

In the meantime, we are seeing a true hockey stick as the market is beginning to worry about our cold start to winter — which, again, the model missed.

Only God knows the future, but what we do here at is to try to show the why before the what, not wait till after the what and blame climate change. I would be glad to go before Congress and show what we are looking at. In fact, I believe that proper research and knowledge of the past and understanding how nature works are giving us longer lead times, as are demonstrated in all the links above. All have been blamed on climate change, but the record shows we discerned the why before the what.

And now winter is approaching. This was the headline of our winter forecast:

“The time will come when Winter will ask you what you were doing all Summer.” —Henry Clay

What were we doing? What we always do — study hard what nature is up to with the wonderful tools science has given us in an attempt to give anyone with an open mind and an open heart an idea on the why before the what.

Joe Bastardi, a pioneer in extreme weather and long-range forecasting, is a contributor to The Patriot Post on environmental issues. He is the author of “The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won’t Hear From Al Gore — and Others.”