The Patriot Post® · Judgment Calls

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Federal district judge Timothy Kelly has decided that President Trump had no constitutional authority to deny CNN’s obnoxious Jim Acosta a White House press pass.

That would constitute an amazing overreach of Kelly’s own authority except that such misreadings of the Constitution have become commonplace. It began when Supreme Court justices pretended that privacy was one of our nation’s enumerated rights, which gave them license to make abortions on demand and same-sex marriages as inalienable as freedom of speech, religion, and peaceful assembly.

With that nonsense as legal precedent, it was inevitable that a couple of federal judges would decide they could prevent President Trump from denying people from various hellholes entry to the United States.

But you can hardly expect better when a justice on the Supreme Court, namely Ruth Bader Ginsburg, expresses her own contempt for the Constitution by stating that if an emerging nation sought a model for its own constitution, she would strongly advise it not to adopt ours.

Getting back to Judge Kelly, I wonder if he also believes I have the constitutional right to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.

We are often told by those who regard themselves as our betters that when it comes to Muslims, Arabs, so-called transgenders, and illegal aliens, we shouldn’t be judgmental.

Among the many nonsensical things elitists say, that is one of the goofiest.

We are all judgmental every day. For example, people are always stating such things as a preference for salmon over tuna, football over baseball, and Meryl Streep over Emma Thompson or Jennifer Lawrence.

For their part, liberals never hesitate about declaring they prefer, say, gays to straights, Muslims to Christians and Jews, and certainly blacks and Latinos to white conservatives, even if they don’t personally know any blacks or Latinos but are related to Republicans.

With the constant attention that young people pay to their electronic devices, I foresee genetic changes that will result in future generations being born with tiny heads and massive, muscular thumbs.

But that, of course, assumes that there will be future generations of Americans. The fact is that there are two female college students for every male currently on campus, and that margin just keeps increasing.

Over the next 20 years, the ratio could be four or five to one.

The inevitable problem is that women don’t tend to marry men whom they regard as their intellectual inferiors. And there’s nothing like a college degree, even if it’s only in Grievance Studies, to endow people with an overblown notion of their intelligence.

Do you know a lot of college-educated women married to plumbers, mechanics, and bricklayers? No? Neither do I.

One can only wonder if Stacey Abrams will finally concede she lost the gubernatorial race fair and square to Brian Kemp before 2020 rolls around.

It’s rumored that when asked about it, Mrs. Abrams said: “It’s been two years since my good friend Hillary Clinton lost her election and she hasn’t conceded yet. So, why should I?”

Sen. Kamala Harris of California, who replaced Barbara Boxer in more ways than one, has compared ICE officers to Ku Klux Klansmen. In a sane nation, that would preclude the black racist from holding elective office. Instead, she is one of the front-runners in the race to be the flag bearer for the Democrats in 2020.

But, then, in spite of losing their recent elections in Florida and Texas, Sen. Harris will still have to claw her way past Andrew Gillum and Robert Francis “Beto” O'Rourke.

Although everyone who appears on CNN and MSNBC has downplayed the danger, sometimes even the very existence, of the Honduran caravans, the mayor of Tijuana says his city is buckling under the unwelcome presence of the thousands of Central Americans, many of whom he has found to be criminals.

I’m waiting for the Democrats to call the Mexican mayor a racist.

The gall of liberal politicians is often so huge that you have to wonder how they manage to cart it around. Take Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, yet another pretender to the throne. Here’s a guy who has openly campaigned for late-term abortions but insists that he’s speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ when he calls for open borders.

Speaking of which, since Democrats have made open borders the central plank of their 2020 platform, insisting that our policy should be “the more the merrier,” I have a suggestion to make to which they could hardly raise an objection.

I would like us to start flying in as many millions of eastern Europeans as wish to come.

For one thing, they are far better educated than the illiterates who have been flooding across our southern border for the past 30 years.

They are far more likely to be bi- or even tri-lingual and to be fluent in English than the Latinos.

And what’s more, having experienced the yoke of communism and socialism up close and personal, they are far likelier to appreciate the freedoms available to them in America and the endless opportunities provided by capitalism.

It’s time to stop rolling out the red carpet for the teeming masses from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, and start bringing in Poles, Czechs, and Hungarians.

Someone shared a cartoon showing Donald Trump stating “Fake news is the enemy of the people,” while nearby a TV reporter is announcing “See?! Donald Trump is attacking the 1st Amendment right to report false information.”

After I recently claimed that because Barack Obama’s mother was an American, although admittedly a moron, it made him an American, I heard from a friend who wrote: “We’re only assuming his mother was an American. I haven’t seen any proof of it. So he could very well have been born to foreign parents in a different country. If that’s the case, then ObamaCare and every other destructive thing he did in office would be null and void. That’s why the birther thing has been important to me.”

I confess her email threw me. But I soldiered on and replied: “We can never be sure who the father is, but the mother is pretty much a given. As for Obama, we know he was raised from the age of 11or so by his mother’s parents. Even if your worst fears were true, it isn’t even conceivable that we could simply erase eight years of legislation and executive orders. Fortunately, Trump has been getting rid of everything he can, but, unfortunately, you can’t get toothpaste back in the tube or unscramble eggs.”

After I referred to bamboozles in an article, Stan Young challenged me with the following: “How do you end a bamboozle? Give an example of a bamboozle that was ever ended.”

I replied: “In Obama’s case, it was ended thanks to term limits.”