The Patriot Post® · The Truth Will Set You Free. But What Truth?

By Mark West ·

We’ve all heard the saying, “The truth will set you free.” It’s possible we’ve even quoted it. But have you ever asked yourself, “What truth?”

In this age of relativism, it’s also often said, “Truth is whatever you believe it to be.”

But how can both of these statements be true? For if you or I want to be free, and truth is whatever we believe it to be, then can just anything you or I believe give us the freedom we seek or long for?

Of course not. Believing such absurdity can easily be disproved. Consider this example. If the one struggling to free himself of his addiction to meth also believes the cursed chemical frees him from his struggles, then the second “truth” will never lead the addict to the freedom he desires.

So it’s incumbent for us to define and limit truth to its absolute claims in order for truth to set us free.

When Jesus stood before Pilate just moments prior to His crucifixion, Pilate asked Jesus a question every human must ask: “What is Truth?”

It’s ironic that Pilate asked this question of the One who had earlier claimed, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6).

This would be akin to asking Elon Musk the question, “What is an electric car?” or asking Ronald Reagan, “What is a conservative?” They were both authorities in their fields, so they were equipped to answer their respective question.

Jesus had spent His entire earthly ministry living and explaining Truth. His teachings revealed Truth. And His life was a living example of Truth. So when the Authority on Truth shared the secret to being set free by the Truth, we should consider His words:

“You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” —John 8:31-32

Did you catch that? There is only one way to know the Truth, and that is: 1) to know the teachings of Jesus, and 2) to remain faithful to those teachings.

Simple? Yes!

Difficult? Yes!

His teachings are both. But the teachings of Jesus are also profound. If you want to truly know those teachings, they will not be learned solely in a class, a YouTube video, or by sitting in church (although these may all be helpful).

Rather, the teachings of Jesus will be learned as we spend time daily in the book of Jesus’ teachings (the Bible). They will be learned as we “pray without ceasing” (meaning live our lives in a constant state of prayer). His teachings will be learned as we try them, stumble, get back up, and try them again. They will be learned as God’s Spirit reveals them to us and empowers us as we earnestly seek God. And His teachings will be learned as we meditate on them and share them with others.

Ultimately, we will be “faithful to Jesus’ teachings” as they become the Truth that literally consumes and dominates our lives. As we faithfully do this, “the truth will set us free.”

Are you ready to be set free from whatever entraps you?

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” —John 8:36