The Patriot Post® · Sandmann v. Hogg

By Burt Prelutsky ·

One of the latest and clearest examples of biased reporting by the media can be found in the way the frauds posing as journalists treated David Hogg, the teenage scold the media hyped as the conscience of America when he used a school shooting as a springboard to attack the Second Amendment and to kickstart a cheesy political career.

You didn’t hear anyone attacking him as a creature of white privilege or as a bigot or as someone who should be smashed in the face or put head-first through a wood chipper.

But, then, you also don’t hear any outrage from the media against a 19-year-old illegal alien who recently robbed and murdered four elderly people in Nevada.

Rick Sandmann’s inexcusable crime is that he was thought to have smirked at a Indian who, uninvited, approached the 16-year-old and started beating a drum and chanting in his face. This was after Sandmann and his fellow Covington High students had been verbally abused by a gang of black thugs calling themselves Black Hebrew Israelites, who, in spite of their misleading name are an anti-Semitic cult.

Placing any blame whatsoever on the Catholic kids who had journeyed up to the nation’s capital in order to march in support of the Pro-Life movement is utterly contemptible.

Although I tend to think there is far too much litigation going on in this country, much of it simply to the financial advantage of lawyers, I hope the kids, their parents and the school, all of whom have been trashed by newspapers, cable news networks and the sleaziest of politicians, sue and win large judgments.

Even though we know that far too often rape victims are raped a second time by the rapist’s defense attorney who tries to convince the jury that his client is a choir boy and the alleged victim is a slut who was just asking for it, we saw a revised version of that with the young Catholics being cast as the rapists.

After all, according to the new gospel, it’s not possible to suggest that a gang of black thugs and a creepy redskin who lied about having served in Vietnam could possibly be the bad guys in this cocked-up morality play.

While these Catholics were behaving like true Christians, trying their hardest to forgive their enemies and turn the other cheek, their religious brethren at Notre Dame were once again turning into craven politically correct nincompoops.

As I’m sure we all remember, at the behest of President Obama, the college administrators covered the cross in the auditorium when Obama came to address the student body. After all, the Muslim world would have been offended to see a cross and their favorite president in the same shot.

This time around, the wimps decided to paint over a mural of Christopher Columbus, lest some jerks somewhere might be offended on behalf of so-called indigenous people; “indigenous” being a ten dollar word for illiterate savages.

Radio talk show host Dennis Prager raised a good point the other morning, when he was discussing whether liberals actually know when they’re lying. His conclusion, like mine, is that they do. As proof, he asked if the dopes (my word, not his) actually believed in the climate change hoax and took seriously Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that the earth will be destroyed in 12 years unless we do something drastic, such as shutting down the coal processing plants and stop oil drilling; or believed those slightly smarter people who actually know how to spell “climate change” and insist the oceans will submerge our coastlines in 20 years, would all those celebrities and various millionaires be building mansions next to the Pacific Ocean?

In the same way, if people like Michael Moore, Al Gore and Tom Steyer, took their climate crapola seriously, wouldn’t they feel morally compelled to stop jetting around the world and living in massive homes? Wouldn’t all those concerned politicians in Washington stop riding around in SUVs and block-long limousines?

I have concluded that people like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Patrick Leahy and Adam Schiff, do not belong to a political party. They belong to a very dangerous cult. Even more dangerous than the Black Hebrew Israelites.

But, then, it’s hardly news that liberals comfort themselves in the belief that because they are good people — which we happen to know because they and their flunkies in the media keep telling us so — they are impervious to criticism or the slightest suggestion that they’re hypocrites.

For instance, they were all over TV crying crocodile tears over the unfortunate, but easily avoidable, deaths of two little kids who died because their Honduran parents decided they had the right to sneak into our country, but they’ve never given a second’s thought to the 137 border patrol agents who have been murdered by these wonderful people.

They also decided that Kate Steinle was just someone who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, as apparently were the kids on Long Island who were tortured and slashed to death by members of MS-13, as are all the little kids who are smuggled into this country so that pedophiles no longer have to travel to Bangkok in order to have sex with children.

I wish someone with standing — which, by all rights, should be any American citizen — would ask the Supreme Court to reinterpret the 14th Amendment so as to deny pregnant Hispanic and Chinese women from entering the U.S. in order to give their babies automatic American citizenship.

Anchor babies make a mockery of citizenship, just as so-called dual-citizenship does.

In the past, I have asked how dual-citizenship is in any real way different from bigamy. I have yet to receive a coherent answer.

I just heard of a basketball coach of a predominantly black high school team who refused to play a scheduled game against a school that had a pro-Trump banner on display. He is not facing any disciplinary action, even though his team refuses to take the court for the playing of the National Anthem. Funny how you never hear anybody talking about black privilege.

I heard a caller to a talk radio show, a female realtor, point out that homeowners with a swimming pool often build fences around them. It’s to prevent their being sued if a toddler happened to fall in and drown. They would lose the suit because the pool is regarded as an “attractive nuisance.”

It could be argued that for millions of Mexicans and Latin Americans, America is an attractive nuisance. Just another argument for a big beautiful wall. After all, we wouldn’t want to be sued if a non-swimmer fell into the Rio Grande and drowned.

It strikes me that Nancy Pelosi is not only unbelievably stupid and exhibiting early signs of dementia with the tics, weird hand movements and bouncing eyeballs, but possibly the single most arrogant human being in America. I mean, where the heck does she get off telling President Trump he can’t deliver his State of the Union address from the House of Representatives?

Someone needs to remind the crone that it’s not her house; it’s ours.

Even though I am unable to post my own comments, I do read all of the comments, pro and con, that you folks post about my articles. I am therefore taking this opportunity to thank all of the loyal Patriot Post readers, along with the staff, who sent their condolences on the passing of my wife Yvonne. Because I don’t have a large family of my own, it was quite moving to discover what a fine extended family I have at this terrific site.