The Patriot Post® · What's New, Green & Dumb?

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Someone tossed out the possibility that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, creator of the Green New Deal, is a mole whose meteoric political career has been financed by Donald Trump.

On the face of it, it just sounds like another of those bizarre conspiracy theories that screwballs in tin hats provide for our general amusement and to assure us that there are actually people out there who are even crazier than we are.

But it’s been four days now and I can’t seem to cut it loose. I can’t quite dismiss it because it’s one of those things which, if it isn’t true, should be.

What a brilliant bit of political jujitsu it would have been if Trump had engineered the young woman’s emergence as a party favorite. How could be have better ensured his re-election than by promoting this pinhead who, just a few weeks into her first term in Congress, is leading the Democratic lemmings over the cliff?

Imagine Trump getting to run against a candidate who is espousing an end to plane travel, the retrofitting of every structure in the nation and an end to hamburger, steaks and, by the way, milk.

That’s on top of the Democrats calling for our borders to be swung open to accommodate every rapist, drug dealer and sex trafficker in Central America and, while they’re at it, adding infanticide to their 2020 platform.

I found it oddly coincidental that shortly after Secret Agent Ocasio-Cortez called for airplanes to be mothballed in favor of high-speed trains, here in California, Governor Gavin Newsom scuttled Jerry Brown’s legacy item, a high-speed train running between L.A. and San Francisco, explaining it would be prohibitively expensive.

And when a left-wing nutball like Newsom says something is too expensive, you have to sit up and pay attention because those are not words one associates with Democrats.

One of the glaring problems with doing away with planes is that we can’t take the train to Hawaii or France or South Korea. I suppose Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s would suggest we take the subway. After all, that’s how she got around New York.

The fact is, unlike the lady I will only refer to as AO-C from now on because her name is too damn long to keep typing, I have actually ridden on Japan’s bullet train. It worked fine because I was only going from Shizuoka to Tokyo, which is roughly 107 miles. It moved very fast, but the trip still took about two and a half hours because trains have to make stops to pick some people up and let other people off.

At that rate, it would take you about three days to go from L.A. to New York.

But at least Democrats could no longer refer to fly-over-country.

I believe that one of the oddest success stories in American political life is Bernie Sanders. He is a very odd duck who looks and sounds like the kibitzer in every Jewish pinochle game that’s ever been played in New York, Chicago or L.A., and yet he’s a senator from Vermont. Moreover, he’s a hardline Socialist and proud of it, and yet he owns three homes just like a very wealthy Capitalist.

And, finally, he’s such a weird fellow that he and the equally weird Mrs. Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union.

I never saw the sense of the Civil War. Propaganda and myth aside, it was not fought to free the slaves. Even Lincoln admitted that he was only out to preserve the Union, otherwise he would have freed the slaves in the border states along with those in the Confederacy.

At the start of the War, there were 23 states loyal to the Union, 11 in the Confederacy. During the War, West Virginia and Nevada were added to the Union. Over the next century, 14 more states joined up.

So if the Confederacy would have been left to its own devices, slavery would have inevitably vanished from the scene, as the industrial revolution would have made slaves redundant. And today there would be 39 states, not 50. But at least those of us who reside in liberal conclaves would have an English-speaking, conservative country we could readily escape to.

One could argue, and many have, that even one additional day of slavery would have been reprehensible. But more reprehensible than a war that left 750,000 men dead, millions crippled, families divided, homes burned, farms destroyed and an entire region of the nation left embittered and impoverished?

Picking up on my theory that Sen. Cory Booker is probably gay, one of my readers thought that, if true, it could prove his undoing.

I disagreed. I actually believe it could boost his chances among liberal voters. After all, a great many people voted for Barack Obama because they thought that voting for a man who was half-white/half African Muslim but who could pass for black made them seem tolerant. Voting for a black man who was also a homosexual could make them feel even better about themselves, if such a thing were even possible.

Someone sent me a series of photos of President Obama placing Medal of Freedom ribbons around the necks of Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, with a caption reading: “I didn’t know there was a sexual predator award.”

Each time that anyone raises the notion of passing and enforcing photo IDs for voters, Democrats shout “Racist!” insisting that it’s just a Republican stunt to suppress the votes of blacks and Hispanics. All the while, the Democrats make a sham of elections by enabling non-citizens and dead people to cast ballots.

The fact is, there are very few, if any, Americans who couldn’t provide a photo ID. That’s because without it, they couldn’t board a plane, drive a car, buy cigarettes or beer, enter a courthouse, cash a check, send a package FedEx or attend a presidential debate.

I suppose there might be one or two guys who don’t do any of those things, but they would be a couple of hermits living in caves and they’re really not interested in voting.

Stephen Hanover sent me a pair of lists,. The first tells us that Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics German, the lovers French and it’s all organized by the Swiss.

Hell, on the other hand, is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss and it is all organized by the Italians.

A third, even more hellish, list might have it that the police are Liberals, the chefs are Liberals, the mechanics are Liberals, the lovers are Liberals and it is all organized by Nancy Pelosi.

Between the billionaires who reside in Seattle and the Silicon Valley, one could easily conclude that there is something in the vapor of the Pacific Ocean that corrodes the brain, especially if you toss in the politicians whose careers were launched in the San Francisco Bay area, including Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

Besides being self-congratulatory Leftists, these tech billionaires are cheap. Although they accuse Republicans of not caring about the little guy, these business titans pull every trick in the book in order to augment their bottom line.

For instance, Amazon and Facebook make it a practice to import foreign workers because they’ll work cheaper than Americans. They also see to it that they limit the hours of employment so they can keep from having to pay pensions and provide health insurance.

Instacart, a company worth $6 billion, pays its delivery staff $10-an-hour, but if the driver gets a $6 tip for delivering a meal, it means Instacart counts it against his hourly wage so that they only have to make up the $4 difference.

It does help explain why these schmucks all call themselves Socialists. Everyone knows that Socialism means the government pays for everything.

I only heard the tail end of a discussion on the radio dealing with whether people should consider marrying someone if that person doesn’t like your pet or happens to be allergic to dogs or cats.

As I say, I only came in at the, you might say, tail end of the debate, so I have no idea what arguments were presented. But I say if it calls for dumping your pet, I’d advise you to dump the creep — male or female — who presents you with such an outrageous ultimatum.

To me, a pet lover setting up housekeeping with someone who insists their home be a pet-free zone makes no more sense than a Conservative consorting with a Liberal.

For one thing, Liberals always think they know best. For another, they’re impossible to housebreak.