The Patriot Post® · Trump the Magnificent

By Burt Prelutsky ·

There is a terrific scene in “An American in Paris” in which my friend Oscar Levant got to give full vent to his sizable ego. In his daydream, Levant’s character fantasizes a concert in which he is not only the conductor and the pianist but gets to play every instrument in the orchestra and, at the end of the performance, is seen in a box seat, giving himself a standing ovation.

I think President Trump has earned his own standing ovation for the way he’s played the Democrats. After years of people like Pelosi, Schumer, Richard Blumenthal, Ben Cardin, A O-C, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, telling us that those who sneak across our border are better, more honest and harder-working, than American citizens, Donald Trump essentially said: “Okay, you want them, you can have them. What’s more, I’ll provide transportation in order to make it easier for them to reach those sanctuary cities and states that are so eager to have them that Democratic mayors and governors are happy to provide them with immunity from criminal prosecution.”

But instead of applauding his offer, they question his good intentions and accuse him of playing politics and using the Central Americans as mere pawns.

By taking the approach the Democrats have chosen, they have played right into Trump’s hands. They appear to be unaware that they’re coming across like a spoiled kid kicking Santa Claus in the shins because he delivered a brown pony with white spots instead of a white pony with brown spots.

But for those who love irony, there’s a lot to be said for Democrats showing their true colors. For those who hate hypocrisy, however, there’s a lot that should be said about those who have used illegal aliens as chess pieces for decades suddenly condemning Trump for doing the same.

Funny, but when President Obama dumped thousands of Muslims in places like Lewiston, Maine; Hazelton, Pennsylvania; Saginaw, Michigan; and Minneapolis, Minnesota, I don’t recall the Democrats accusing him of treating human beings like pawns. Could the reason possibly be that 80,000 Somalis in Minnesota turned Minneapolis’s 5th congressional district into a cesspool where Muslim Keith Ellison could quit the House to run for state attorney general and be replaced by the loathsome Ilhan Omar?

But even Obama knew better than to dare move a bunch of illiterate Islamists into places like Boston’s Beacon Hill, New York City’s Upper East Side, San Francisco’s Pacific Heights or L.A. County’s Beverly Hills, because those are the places where the Left’s not-so-tolerant donor class live and where their Mexican nannies raise their children.

While those in the ranks of the far-Left media are constantly calling Donald Trump on the carpet for his alleged lack of civility, the Boston Globe ran an op-ed article calling for those in the Resistance Movement to poison the President and those of us who support him.

Jeff Bezos owns Amazon and the Washington Post. That just might be enough to make him the single most influential individual in the ranks of the Never-Trumpers, unless, of course, George Soros wishes to argue the point.

That must be the explanation for why those who are forever insisting that the superrich pay their fair share of income taxes never raise a stink when, for the second straight year, Amazon, with earnings of $223 billion, didn’t pay a nickel to Uncle Sam.

The most recent Conservative speaker to be shouted down on a college campus was Michael Knowles for the crime of insisting there are actual differences between men and women. Apparently, questioning sexual dogma is not permitted at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, where a number of the perpetually confused members of the LGBTQ community showed up to take part in the modern reenactment of Galileo’s heresy trial.

Back then, Galileo’s crime was questioning the Catholic Church’s insistence that the Sun revolved around the Earth. These days, defending biology against the barbarians has no place on college campuses. Mainly, that’s because college chancellors like Missouri’s C. Mauli Agrawal are themselves biological freaks, homo sapiens who lack even the semblance of a spine.

As bad as going through life without a backbone is, imagine the hardship of managing without a brain or a conscience.

That’s the pathetic plight of the Democrats serving in New York’s State Legislature. How else to explain that shortly after voting to spend $27 million to help pay the college tuition for the offspring of illegal aliens, they shot down a proposal to do the same for the children of American soldiers who have been killed or severely injured while serving in the military.

Recently, while watching the New York Yankees lose yet another home game on TV, I found myself wondering how their home borough came to be called the Bronx, which I think you’d all agree is a very odd name.

It seems it got stuck with it because the area was originally settled by a Dutchman named Jonas Bronck.

While I was in the general area, I decided to check into Brooklyn, a word, which, when I was a kid, was enough to set an entire radio audience off into gales of laughter. It was at that early age that I first came to realize that large groups of people were only rarely to be trusted.

In any case, the original colony was called Breuckelen, a Dutch word meaning marshland, although there are those who trace its derivation to Breukelen, which is or was an allegedly scenic town in the Netherlands.

Apparently, Mark Levin has more defenders than I imagined when I called him out for constantly screaming on his radio show.

Joseph Lang wrote to say: “I understand your not enjoying Levin’s screaming at callers, as I also find it unnecessary. I do find him, however, mostly on target with his positions other than the Convention of States, where I also agree with you. I do find his Sunday evening show on Fox worth watching. I agree that his books are not easy reads, but they do contain much wisdom and insight, to me worth the effort.”

It wasn’t easy for me to disagree with someone who, in the main, agrees with me, but I persevered and replied: “You are clearly more patient than I am. Unless a book deals with, say, physics, space science or is written in a foreign language, it should be a relatively easy read for a moderately intelligent person.

"My problem with Levin as a writer isn’t that he uses big words or deals with arcane subject matter. It’s that he’s not a very good writer. Which, I suspect, is because he is an out-of-control egotist who is out to impress his readers, not to inform them. I would also wager that he rarely edits or re-writes, assuming that if he wrote the words, there’s no conceivable way to improve them.

"It is a failing most commonly found among professors and associate professors whose fate it is to churn out unreadable claptrap for academic journals because the rules that dictate their chosen careers require that they either publish or perish.”

William Watson, who could teach Mr. Levin a thing or two when it comes to pithiness wrote to say: “After ‘Black Lives Matter’ was replaced by ‘All Lives Matter’ and then, in appreciation of the police, to ‘Blue Lives Matter,’ why didn’t someone come up with ‘Small Lives Matter,’ to protest wholesale abortions.”

I replied: “A little late, perhaps, but, fortunately, someone just did. You.”

(Because I am unable to comment below, I want you all to know that if you wish to communicate directly with me, my email address is [email protected].)