The Patriot Post® · What Do Their Kids Think?

By Burt Prelutsky ·

When I used to go to movies regularly, I would sometimes come across fairly explicit sex scenes in some of them. Although I am not, strictly speaking, a prude, I used to hate them. For one thing, if I had come to like the characters, they made me feel like a voyeur. But even if I didn’t identify with the characters, those scenes invariably took me out of the movie. Instead of thinking about the characters, I would sit there wondering what the actors and actresses’ kids, friends, spouses and parents, would feel when they watched the movie. Yes, I know they’re just acting and that there are 50 members of the crew looking on, but none of that would matter when it came to the emotional response of their friends and family.

These days, I rarely go out to see a movie. But I am left having somewhat similar reactions when I see the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff and Sheila Jackson Lee, devoting all their time to lying about President Trump in order to undo an election for strictly partisan reasons.

I’m assuming that all their children aren’t as squalid and as morally bankrupt as Chelsea Clinton and Hunter Biden. Are they having as difficult a time as I would be if one of my parents or even a friend was behaving in such a contemptible way? Does it even occur to them to speak up and question the role their parent is playing in this unconstitutional farce? Do the participants themselves ever wonder how they have wound up here, dog-paddling through the muddy swamp?

As I see it, nearly every man and woman, including some very bad people, has a conscience. Of course, there will always be exceptions. There are famous psychopaths, monsters like Hitler, Stalin and Mao; and less famous ones that include serial killers, rapists and pedophiles – those who are born lacking the empathy gene.

But there are no creatures so vile, so lacking in human feeling, as the typical mob. So long as they’re part of a group — be it the Cossacks, the French revolutionists, the Red Guard, a lynch mob, Antifa or the U.S. Congress – they will commit the vilest, cowardly, most gruesome acts with impunity.

One of the mysteries that has come out of the House impeachment hearings is the charge against President Trump of obstructing Congress. How it is even possible to obstruct a government body that has devoted three entire years to obstructing the President is a question I can’t even begin to answer.

Once sideshows disappeared, the carnival freaks needed to find work elsewhere. Apparently, they all found their place in politics. If you think I’m making this up, consider the dwarf (Michael Bloomberg), the former fat men who went on crash diets once their weight was no longer a means to gainful employment (Jerry Nadler and Al Sharpton), the pencil neck man (Adam Schiff), the hermaphrodite (Michelle Obama) and the wild man and woman of Borneo (Al Green and Maxine Waters).

There’s no question that the Internet has been a boon to the world, including me. But the drawback is that it has enabled lies, in the memorable words of Mark Twain, to travel around the earth while the truth is only getting on its boots.

This truism was brought home to me recently when someone passed along what appeared to be a nugget. The claim was that Adam Schiff’s daughter Alexa was dating Rep. Schiff’s favorite whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.

I looked into it, so anxious to share the glad tidings that I was drooling all over my keyboard. It turns out that Ms. Schiff’s boyfriend is named Eric, but it’s not Eric Ciaramella.

While I’m at it, I’ll also scotch the rumor that Adam Schiff’s sister is married to one of the sons of George Soros. Someone else named Schiff, not a relative, is married to the Hungarian ghoul’s son.

Most rumors, I’m convinced, are just lies gussied up in their Sunday best.

The bad news on the economic front is that the feds are subsidizing the pot industry and we taxpayers are subsidizing the electric car industry. Sebastian Gorka reported that virtue-signaling rich people who buy $80,000 Teslas are receiving $7,000 tax credits that you and I are paying for. What’s more, half the Teslas are sold to environmental faddists in California.

I suppose since we’re helping pay for it, some of that reflected virtue is rightfully ours. But, personally, I’d prefer the cash.

A lady weighed in on the question whether disagreements in marriages are resolved through compromise or because, as I suggested, one side—usually the husband—finally capitulates to the wife. My correspondent insisted that it’s always compromise in her home. But then she added that she always leaves the final decision up to him, concluding “And I never say: ‘I told you so.’”

That certainly doesn’t sound like compromise to me. It also sounds a little too good to be true. I warned her that if she really never says “I told you so,” the pressure can build and build until one day she simply explodes. “So, for a small fee, I will write to your husband and tell him ‘She told you so, moron’ whenever you sense the pressure gauge is entering the red zone.”

As I am often on the lookout for a way to make a little extra money, I thought I would offer this service to all you husbands and wives who have swallowed your “I told you so’s” for so long that you are in real danger of popping your cork.

Patrick Miano let me know he has come around to my way of thinking when it comes to Chris Wallace. He wrote to say that Wallace recently accused President Trump of being “the greatest threat to a free press in our country’s history.”

Mr. Miano went on to say that Lincoln, Wilson and FDR, all tried their best to muffle the press. Obama tried to ban Fox News from White House press conferences. But not one of them had to deal with a press corps that was aligned against him the way they are against Trump.

Every time that Trump tries to defend himself against the Marxist propagandists, the twerps at CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, the Washington Post and even, in the case of Chris Wallace, Fox News, pretend he’s setting fire to the 1st Amendment.

Chris Wallace is as big a jerk as his father Mike was. And like his father, Chris blew his cover as an impartial journalist a long time ago. Back when I used to tune in his Sunday morning show, I couldn’t help noticing Chris always stacked the deck by having kneejerk Liberals on one side and spineless RINOs like Karl “The Architect” Rove on the other. Not exactly fair and balanced.

Penny Alfonso sent me a meme. On the top half, there’s a photo of President Trump announcing that he’s signing an executive order protecting American Jews. On the bottom half of the page, it shows how the news is reported on CNN. It shows Trump in a Nazi uniform and the copy reads: “Donald Trump targets Jews with executive order: He is literally Hitler.”

Bob Hunt, who never takes a nap, passed along a few memes:

“Bread is a lot like the sun. It rises in the yeast and sets in the waist.” (Someone else pointed out that even though bread has existed for thousands of years, it wasn’t until a few years ago that people suddenly woke up and discovered they were allergic to something called gluten.)

“Apparently, you can’t use ‘beef stew’ as a password on your computer. It’s not stroganoff.”

“A guy is shown holding a note while talking on the phone: ‘How could you just walk out on me like this? Oh, and by the way, 'nit-picking’ has a hyphen.”