The Patriot Post® · Tough Guys & Gals

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I know that Democrats have for years conveyed weakness when it comes to dealing with foreign invaders, criminals and, on college campuses, opposing opinions. They seemed to think that it showed how tolerant and peace-loving they were. Even Jewish Democrats thought it conveyed a Christian message, the one about turning the other cheek.

But that was then and this is now. This is no longer your grandpappy’s party. These folks don’t take guff from anyone. And I mean absolutely anyone. Heck, Joe Biden and Cory Booker have both threatened to take President Trump out behind the White House and punch his lights out. And if they’re willing to take on someone who’s protected 24/7 by an army of Secret Service agents, imagine what’s in store for you if you give them any lip.

What’s more, it’s not just big tough guys like Biden and Booker who are sick and tired of being toyed with, now we have little Nancy Pelosi warning reporter James Rosen “Don’t mess with me.”

I like to think I’m as brave as the next guy, but even I might think twice before getting on the wrong side of the small, but feisty, Speaker of the House. Still, I can’t help wondering where Mrs. Pelosi gets off chewing out a reporter for simply asking her if she hates President Trump. Considering that she is now out to destroy the man and drive him from office, personal animosity wouldn’t seem to be out of the question.

Now, admittedly, I’m not a Catholic, but claiming that because she’s a practicing Catholic, she doesn’t hate anyone (except, perhaps, pushy reporters) strikes me as a hell of a stretch. Especially when St. Nancy of San Francisco insists that she not only doesn’t hate President Trump, but that she spends every waking hour praying for him.

What I can’t figure out when it comes to Speaker Pelosi and the Church is how it is that someone who has spent decades promoting abortion as an inalienable right is still being allowed to receive Holy Communion. It does suggest to an outsider that the Catholic Church is every bit as susceptible to strongarm tactics as the House of Representatives.

A word of advice to Mrs. Pelosi: You might consider knocking off the Botox treatments and, instead, invest a few bucks in Fixodent. According to the commercials, it’s all-day strong when it comes to keeping dentures from slipping.

To his credit, Joe Biden is keeping the primaries lively and amusing. If he’s not threatening to box Trump’s ears, he’s regaling us with tales of taking on a black gangbanger named Corn Pop in his youth and confessing that there are few things he enjoys more than having children bouncing around on his lap. In his latest attempt to revolutionize political campaigning, he called a guy who had shown up to hear him speak in Iowa an old, fat liar.

Is the guy whose chief claim to fame is that he spent eight years with his lips glued to Barack Obama’s butt, unaware that if it weren’t for old fat guys, he’d be trailing Marianne Williamson in the polls?

He even went so far as to challenge the geezer to a push-up contest. Somewhere, I suspect, Nancy Pelosi was swooning.

Speaking of Obama, the man who has turned ingratitude into an art form, you may have been wondering how he and Michelle were able to afford to buy a 7,000-square-foot seaside estate on Martha’s Vineyard for $12 million. It so happens it was easy-peasy. They didn’t even have to go to the trouble of creating a Family Foundation like some people. It was all made possible by a $65 million advance of her upcoming memoir, “Becoming,” and an additional $50 million from Netflix for the TV rights to what I’m sure will be a “spell-binding page-turner,” at least according to the New York Times and the Washington Post.

To cover household expenses, she will continue to give canned speeches titled, rather ironically, “Capitalism is Killing America,” at $225,000-a-crack.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that when Barack Obama campaigned in 2008 on the promise of redistributing the nation’s wealth, he meant redistributing it from the pockets of others to his own.

These days, whether we’re talking about the Obamas, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other Democratic millionaires in Congress, Hollywood, the Silicon Valley or the media, that’s what passes for Socialists. Norman Thomas, Saul Alinsky and Leon Trotsky, must be spinning like tops in their graves.

If you own stock in Uber, you might look into selling it. If you’re thinking about using Uber, you might think about walking.

Over the past two years, Uber passengers have reported 6,000 incidents of sexual assault. Another 107 people have died in crashes and an additional 19 were killed in physical assaults.

Apparently, the only people who owe their jobs to shoddier vetting than Uber drivers are members of Congress.

Bob Hunt passed along a meme. It shows Michael Bloomberg and identifies him simply as Hypocrite. It makes the case by pointing out that the man owns two helicopters, three planes, six boats, 11 houses and 42 cars, but insists you should take the bus to help fight climate change.

I suppose it was only space limitations that prevented the person from mentioning Bloomberg’s 12 drummers drumming, 11 pipers piping, 10 lords a-leaping or even the two turtle doves and the lonely partridge in the pear tree.

Russ Mothershed shared a few memorable military quotes. Starting with Admiral John Paul Jones, who said in 1779, “I have not yet begun to fight,” down through Admiral David Farragut, in 1812, at the Battle of Mobile Bay, when he said, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead,” military leaders have inspired even those of us who have never smelled cannon fire.

Sometimes, under the proper conditions, even a one-word response to the enemy’s demand of surrender, can capture the imagination of American patriots, as did General Anthony McAuliffe’s “Nuts!” when the Germans had our infantry surrounded at the Battle of the Bulge.

These days, unfortunately, when only Democratic officeholders and Joe Biden seem capable of talking tough, we are left with the likes of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman declaring that “I felt marginalized by President Trump’s tweets.”

I can’t claim that the people credited with the following statements actually said them, but somebody did and they’re worth sharing.

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” (Aesop)

“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.” (Nikita Khrushchev)

“Why pay good money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for free.” (Unknown)

“Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.” (Oscar Ameringer)

“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be a better idea to change the locks.” (Doug Larson)

“If God wanted us to vote, He would have given us candidates.” (Jay Leno)