The Patriot Post® · The Children of Parkland Need Some Adults in the Room

By Guest Commentary ·

By Howard Sachs

One of the basic laws of medicine is that children are not just little adults. They get different diseases. They respond differently than adults to medicines and illnesses. And one of the basic laws of life is that kids morally, psychologically, and intellectually are also not adults. Wise adults should love our children but have no care about their opinions on adult subjects like God, government, education, marriage, or going to war. These kids are by nature not equipped to understand or answer. If one is to ever be equipped, one needs lots of time, experience, usually marriage, work, childrearing, and some gray hairs. Often, even with all that, adults may remain childlike in their lack of wisdom, prudence, maturity, and judgment.

Just days ago an editorial writer at the Miami Herald lauded the opinions and strident activism regarding the Second Amendment from some of the kids who survived the Parkland High School murders. It was the occasion of the anniversary of the horrible evil of that day. These kids want this part of the Bill of Rights repealed so we may, in their view, then live in a beautiful, peaceful land where the lion lies with the lamb and all will be well again.

I, and the majority of American adults, have not the slightest interest in what they think about our Constitution or any of our Bill of Rights. They are children and their views are informed only by inexperience, immaturity, lack of knowledge, emptiness of wisdom, absence of good judgment, and, now, a debased American culture.

They have no inkling yet of human nature or human history. They have yet to learn that humans are not by nature good. We are not by nature bad, but wise adults know that each of us has, and will always have, the capacity to do horrific evil to each other. We have that capacity not far beneath our surface to brutalize others on our streets or come together as tyrannical governments and exercise control over or murder millions. It is the never-ending story of human life on planet Earth. Hence, in order to be a free and safe man or woman , it is nature’s law — God’s law, if you wish — for every good and free citizen to have the right to own and carry a very powerful handgun to protect themselves from that ever-threatening part of human nature. That is why our Founding Fathers placed that wonderful basic freedom right up there as No. 2 of fundamental human rights.

They also understood that every liberty comes with risk. The freedom to speak means the risk of hearing some awful things. The freedom to raise your kids means you may help shape an awful character in a citizen. The freedom to pack a Glock means a stray bullet may harm an innocent person. True liberty always comes with costs.

These kids haven’t a clue that they live in a world where billions of fellow humans are still enslaved. They are clueless that much of their enslavement is due to a lack of a Second Amendment. A billion people in China know if they hold up a sign saying “Down with the tyrant communists in Beijing” that their slave masters will soon be by to whisk them away in the dark of night, never to be seen again. Just 90 miles away from the school where children are begging to be disarmed are tens of millions of fellow humans in Cuba who have been enslaved for decades by a barbaric group of despots. Millions of these folks would give anything for a powerful handgun to break their shackles.

These kids shouting and begging to be disarmed have not a molecule of knowledge that six million innocent Jews and maybe 150 million Soviet and Chinese innocents lie in the dust of Europe and Asia because they had no Second Amendment and were disarmed of their God-given right to own a powerful gun. Our Parkland children are deaf to the prayers these people had to be handed a handgun to defend their fundamental right to life and liberty.

They haven’t a foggiest idea that over millennia, millions of slaves spent miserable lives under the iron fists of their enslavers because they could not reach for a gun.

Theses Parkland activist children are not immoral or bad people. They are just kids. They know no better. The adult reality is that humans murder other humans. Pieces of metal called guns do not kill, murder, or have any moral characteristics. We fight human violence, not gun violence. Guns, knives, bombs, and airplanes are morally neutral things.

Our country was awash in guns a hundred years ago. A teenager then could buy a powerful gun from the Sears catalogue and have it delivered in the mail. But there were no evil young men running into schools murdering innocents. Now the culture has been poisoned. And with the poisoning, the souls of many of our young is rotting and turning to evil. Many teenagers all over America have lost their moral bearing because the culture has been debased by the Left.

People with these toxic values have for over a century been on a campaign to sterilize America of its Jewish and Christian moral moorings. They have turned many God-fearing people into a radical secular pagan people who do not fear God, do not know God, do not believe in God, laugh at God, laugh at the idea of attending church or synagogue each week, laugh at getting married, laugh at respecting authority, laugh at being a father married to a woman and raising a good son, and laugh at saying a prayer to God to bless America at the start of a school day. These are the new “woke” young who demand their neighbor go out to work and hand them money to live by. These are the new young and lost Americans who have lost meaning in their lives. They spend their days trying to figure out if they are girls or boys, fighting plastic straws, pouring water over the head of our wonderful law-enforcement officers, mouthing off to our dear teachers, or showing ingratitude to a country that has given them so much. That’s another reason we no longer can walk our city streets on a hot summer night unafraid and unmolested. It’s not because we don’t have enough commonsense gun laws. It’s because we have lost a God-fearing American people — a people with a strong moral compass and proper meaning in their lives.

So, this is the childish idiocy we have come to — idiocy lauded in editorials in our major newspapers. We should have young, good, vibrant kids like David Hogg from Parkland High School blessing our Second Amendment and thanking God we had a group of founders who enshrined it in American law. Instead, we have these loud children raging and demanding they stay enslaved to the idea that they, once free, brave, strong, and independent Americans, must be disarmed by their overlords — the false and very dangerous moms and dads of the state. How un-American. How childish. How demeaning. How un-Godly. Us adults must enter the room and put them in their place and help them to grown into good, moral, strong, brave, free Americans with true meaning in their lives.