The Patriot Post® · Trump Is All We Have Between This Jew, America, and the Evil of Leftism

By Guest Commentary ·

By Howard Sachs

I am called a deplorable. I’m too old to care about the foolish name-calling. I’m labeled this because I am one of the rare Jews, particularly here in very “woke” Bethesda, Maryland, who is voting for President Trump again this fall. I do it with enthusiasm and with a clear mind and conscience. I think my moral compass is true. I vote only Republican because I am voting for at least a modicum of Americanism and against the regressive and deeply illiberal value system of leftism that is now fully entrenched in the Democrat Party and our elite institutions.

The Democrat Party has been an anti-American institution from the start, when its members supported slavery. Now it supports something just as bad — radical anti-Western, anti-American values. It is a force of evil on our shores, and generally always has been. Now it’s unleashed, fully exposed, and relentlessly trying to overturn the American Revolution with a new Bolshevik one.

There is a great Matthew Arnold poem talking about people eradicating God and faith from their world. He says:

The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

That poem reminds us of what is happening today in America. It is the long withdrawing roar of Judeo-Christian values from our land. Those values very much include God and faith. It’s a catastrophe.

The tidal wave of destruction hit in force in the early 1960s, when a few cosmically foolish lawyers in black robes at the Supreme Court gave us the moronic and destructive pronouncement that it’s against the Constitution for a school child to invoke God. Sixty years later, it’s not uncommon for a student unschooled in the basics of God or even the Ten Commandments to say “F—k you” to a teacher. But the Left will tell us we have “progressed.”

Now men and women on the Marxist Left have come fully out of the closet and announce daily their disdain for all that Americans with values hold dear. Just recently, on the great Dennis Prager talk-radio show, I heard a chilling report that leaders of The National African American Museum say flat-out they hate “whiteness” — namely, Western civilization. They produced a pamphlet you can pick up with your kids when entering this racist institution. They tell us, in like fashion to Joseph Goebbels from 1930 Germany, that “white culture” must be overthrown. The pamphlet says we must get rid of such white notions like self-reliance and autonomy, the nuclear family, rational thinking, the primacy of Greek, Roman, and Judeo-Christian ideas and traditions, the Protestant work ethic and delayed gratification, and respect for private property. The KKK couldn’t produce a better screed.

Now millions of our young walk into our leftist indoctrination centers, otherwise known as our public schools and universities, and learn the lies of the New York Times’s 1619 Project — namely, that our country stinks and was founded on the evil of slavery and still stews in racism. Today, even our leftism-enamored clergy can’t utter a single word for the most defenseless — our unborn baby girls and boys.

Just reflect on how we trash one of the Ten Commandments — “Do not steal” — as we blithely steal trillions of dollars each year from our kids and grandkids to fund unconstitutional government programs we cannot otherwise afford. Reflect on the image last week of several of our precious young stomping and kicking a large American flag lying on a street by the White House. Or on our school leaders now teaching our kids they are not boys or girls. Or on the hundreds of thousands of our brainwashed kids now shouting it out for socialism, supporting the eradication of free speech, and demanding “free” stuff from cradle to grave.

Contemplate our innocent little kids sitting doe-eyed while listening to drag queen stories or other variants of sexual practices in our third-grade classrooms. Or the destruction of the black family, which is due to leftist policies that leave 70% of our precious boys home without a dad, creating legions of lost boys. Or how the Left is creating anarchy on our borders by calling for millions of potential Democrats from all over the world to flood into our land. Or a football player writing recently that Hitler was correct. Or the Left now telling us that what matters is not character, behavior, self-control, or merit but rather skin color, class, and sex.

Chiseled on the wall above the speaker’s platform in the House of Representatives is one of the basic values of America: “In God We Trust.” Our leftist-propaganda media never pans out so we can see that saying. I’m sure the plan by the Left is to chisel that off someday soon so we can then complete the eradication of every core value of this great country.

In the Biblical story of Eden, Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree because they would decide between good and evil. They would become like God. And indeed, that is what is occurring.

The only thing standing between this anti-American, Marxist ideology of the Democrat Party and the complete destruction of America is a flawed, rough, sometimes crude, but very strong and tough man named Donald Trump. He is a man who knows evil when he sees it, and he isn’t afraid to look it in the eyes. That’s the reason for all the rage. He is a man who clearly loves this country and takes the Judeo-Christian God seriously. Many Republicans stand behind the values he fights for — albeit sheepishly. No one in the core of the Democrat Party does. That is why I, an American and Jew, will vote passionately for this man again.

If he is rejected, America is done. Down the vast edges, dreary and naked, we will go. Things like this happen all the time — great civilizations crumble. Our Founders were right: Such devastation could only come to America from decay from within. I will do my little part to fight the decay by voting this fall. May God give President Trump and every Republican strength to win this fight.