The Patriot Post® · The Civil Wrongs Movement

By Burt Prelutsky ·


I dare say that if Martin Luther King, Jr., were reincarnated, he would be terribly disheartened to see the state of race relations in America 52 years after his death. He wasn’t the hero to me that he was to others. I didn’t care for his politics, which were solidly left-wing, or his morals, which were highly libidinous, but there’s no denying that he opposed violence.

Today, we see those who insist they’re demonstrating against racism burning and looting in an attempt to violently overthrow the government. There was a great deal of violence in Reverend King’s life, but all of it was provided by the other side, by the likes of such mossbacks as Theodore Bilbo, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddux, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, George Wallace and Eugene “Bull” Connor. Many of these segregationists were members of the U.S. Senate with whom Joe Biden said it was his honor to serve.

These days, any black person who was even alive in the 1960s is likely to be described as a leader in the civil rights movement in his obituary.

But however large or small a role he may have played in bringing about an end to the vile Jim Crow era, I can’t help wondering how he views America in 2020.

Is this the society all those people envisioned when they absorbed the Billy clubs and tear gas as they marched across Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 7th, 1965, on their way to the state capital in Montgomery?

Surely, some of the survivors of that bloody Sunday must be looking around these days and asking themselves that question.

On the streets of our major cities, we see black Marxists insisting that ours is a racist nation, pretending that burglaries of jewelry stores and high-end fashion shops are a form of reparations, painting our present-day cops as the equivalent of the thugs who attacked their grandparents with dogs and firehoses.

Sadly, but ironically, they would find on our college campuses that segregation is once again in vogue. But this time around, it’s the blacks who are demanding separate but equal.

That goes for living arrangements, classes and even graduation exercises.

In spite of the fact that those who argue the loudest for diversity on campuses as a necessity to bringing people together, the fact remains that there are nearly a hundred colleges and universities that have separate graduations and commencement speakers for black and white students.

Those schools include Harvard, UC San Diego, Arizona State, Cal Berkeley, UCLA and Yale.

Harvard, ever the pace-setter, has gone even further, proving itself to be not only elite, but, as Ivy Leaguers would insist, enlightened, by hosting an “UndocGraduation” for students in the country illegally.

Some other colleges and universities also hold separate events for Latinos and members of the LGBTQ cult, all in the sacred name of diversity.

It would appear to be time to change the nation’s motto from e pluribus unum (from many, one) to e unum pluribus, which I assume means from one, many.

When it comes to abortions, the Democrats hold, as the Brits say, the sticky end of the wicket. On the one hand, there is probably no single issue which divides the two parties more than abortion. On the other hand, if the Democrats ever stop defending Roe v. Wade, they will lose their far left base.

Although you might never guess it from the crowds that show up anytime there is a possibility of a state placing restrictions on abortions, the polls show that Americans have become increasingly opposed to the procedures since the passage of Roe v. Wade. They are particularly against abortions after the first trimester and the majority regard late-term abortions as premeditated murder.

What’s more, 29% of Democrats identify themselves as pro-life.

That is why more than 100 current and former Democratic officeholders, including nine members of Congress, wrote to the Democratic Party’s platform committee, begging them to back off from its radical support of “abortion at any time for any reason right up until the birth of the child.”

Frankly, it amazes me that a major political party could support such a vile policy, especially in 2020, when even a slightly backward monkey could quickly be taught how to avoid pregnancy.

It figures that one of the items on the Democrats’ wish list if Joe Biden becomes president and Chuck Schumer becomes the Majority Leader of the Senate, is removing the Electoral College from the Constitution.

Because the Democrats control the major population centers of America, they have long wanted to have presidential elections determined by popular vote. From now until Doom’s Day, they will point out that Al Gore got more votes than George W. Bush and that 16 years later, Hillary Clinton received nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump.

Unless you’ve thought about it, you might think they have a point. After all, we’ve all heard the cry for one man, one vote. So how is it that Gore and Clinton didn’t deserve to win?

It’s because the Founding Fathers were divinely inspired. They understood that if the states were to be united in fact and not just in theory, they had to find a way for all 13 states to feel included as equals and not merely as minority stakeholders in a country controlled by three or four of the most-populated states.

It was because of their genius that a candidate can win by two million votes in, say, New York, but have it offset in the Electoral College, by his opponent’s garnering winning margins of 50,000 in Indiana, Georgia and North Dakota.

It is even possible for a candidate to make up for losing a behemoth like California, with its 55 electoral votes, by carrying Texas, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Oklahoma.

The Democrats are clearly better-suited to win popular votes, but when it comes to representing a geographical diversity of states, there’s no comparison. Once you get away from the west coast and the northeast, you find very few blue states.

Marilyn vos Savant, who appears in Parade magazine, answers one question a week. This past Sunday, she was challenged to make an argument in favor of the Electoral College.

She started out by making the argument I just made, but then cleverly concluded: “Suppose there were a United Countries of Earth. Would we like the idea of China (population 1.439 billion) and India (1.380 billion) running the show because our population is just 331 million? Or would we want a leveling factor?”

Scoot Nielsen passed along a meme titled Our Nightmare. It showed Hillary Clinton as Nurse Ratchet asking: “What room is the President in?”

Bob Hunt shared a selection of items called Ponderisms.

“How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?”

“How is it we put a man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?”

“Why is it you’re in a movie but on TV?”

“Why do doctors leave the room while you get undressed? They’re going to see you naked anyway.”

“Why do toasters have a setting that burns the toast to a crisp?” (Probably for the same silly reason that cars have speedometers that go way past the speed limit anywhere but on the German Autobahn.)

“Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?”

“If the Professor on ‘Gilligan’s Island’ could make a radio out of a coconut, why couldn’t he fix a hole in a boat?”

“Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets annoyed, but if you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window.” (In both cases, it might be his not too subtle way of letting you know you have really stinky breath.)

“How did the man who made the first clock know what time it was?” (My guess is that he asked his wife who was wearing a wristwatch.)