The Patriot Post® · Misplaced Blame

By Guest Commentary ·

By M.P. Maloney

We all owe thanks to The Patriot Post team for steadfastly offering this beacon of Liberty. It is altogether necessary when truth in media is in such short supply. I also applaud you for taking down comments as the vitriol needs to subside.

In reading commentary from some of your op-ed writers, I felt compelled to reach out to you with some points for consideration.

First, it is somewhat myopic to think that this is all about Donald Trump. Trump was simply a trumpet heralding a deeper feeling that has been simmering in our country for decades. Whether he comes or goes is not particularly consequential. The movement that he helped give voice to will, if we’re able to maintain our Republic, influence our political leadership for decades to come.

Many Americans, perhaps a majority, have lost faith in our political leadership. This has been prompted by a growing list of misdeeds by elected officials, appointees, heads of federal institutions, etc. that go completely or disproportionately unaccounted for. Combine that with a growing divide between the rights, privileges, and “essentialness” of our politicians and the rest of us Troglodytes and you can understand that the tension in our country was going to come with or without President Trump. Congress is equal in blame to President Trump for what happened on January 6.

As is increasingly popular, I see many media pundits now quoting Abraham Lincoln: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” But did any of them read further? Lincoln’s point was that the country must become all one thing or all the other — meaning all states allowing slaveholding or all states prohibiting it.

Likewise, our current house cannot stand without becoming all one thing or the other thing — so what are those choices? What has the “left” broadcast to us that it wants vs. the “right”? Even those right/left terms are “misinformation,” as this really is a conflict between moving toward oligarchy or preserving our Republic.

The “Oligarchists” — What they’ve broadcast to us that they want for our country and what they’ve given us:

1) A planned breakdown in the fundamental checks and balances of our government. Why? One can only assume they want and we can predict that this will create one-party rule in our country, inevitably leading to oligarchy.

2) Censorship — or at least the acceptance of censorship in our social discourse. Censorship, doxxing, and canceling are not constructs of the right or of Republicans (not meaning the party but those believing in rule by law). If Democrats and those that vote for them think tolerating censorship by Big Tech is simply the end justifying the means, they might want to rein in their Silicon Valley dogs because they’re about to break their chains. Goodby First Amendment rights, inevitably leading to oligarchy.

3) Planned and stated intention to confiscate weapons. You cannot prevent a crime by taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens. Goodby Second Amendment rights, inevitably leading to oligarchy.

4) A narrative of labeling and systemic racism. I know this firsthand as my children have been indoctrinated with this narrative in public schools for the past seven years. Perhaps we should all dust off Art Schlesinger’s The Disuniting of America — and learn from it! What is it Democrats expect to accomplish with this narrative? Unity?

I ask my daughter (who’s indoctrinated), “Do you believe you’ll accomplish social justice and harmony by blaming half our population for something they don’t identify as being guilty of nor responsible for solely based upon the color of their skin? Do you expect that doing so will decrease racism and bigotry or increase it?” Of course, maintaining high levels of racial and labeling tension in our society will only further advance the descent into oligarchy.

5) Continued and accelerated redistribution of wealth. Here, lacking in basic math skills, the left will quickly run out of money, which will lead to oligarchy.

6) A false narrative of anthropomorphic climate change (I’ve researched this in detail in a professional capacity). If you “follow the science,” there is NOTHING there. Maintaining this false narrative will have much the same impact as item No. 4. If you desire a healthier environment, plant trees, reduce deforestation.

We can go on and on.

The “Republicans” are clumsily trying to work within the law (mostly) to preserve rule by law. Starting with elections and their integrity. Frankly, it’s not working so well. Thus far, all we’ve seen is an awakening of ramped-up rhetoric from the right. This implies motivation and awareness but is ultimately destructive and will burn out. Tactics must change if we are to preserve our Republic.

Republicans, believing in rule by law, must fight this battle WITHIN the law. The left disregards the law in the name of “public safety” or “social justice.” Because it doesn’t feel beholden by the law, it holds the high ground (not in a moral sense but in a tactical sense). We who want to preserve our Republic are fighting uphill and will be until this battle is won, period. We cannot violate the law expecting to preserve it.

So as a country we must, by Lincoln’s premonition, become all one or all the other. Oligarchy or Republic. THIS is the fight today, not squabbling about how saintly or despicable Donald Trump is. We are hyper-focused on Donald Trump at our own peril — it misses the mark. This is a major reason why efforts from Republicans are so ineffective. They lack unity of purpose and message. Half are focused on Donald Trump and half are trying desperately to fend off oligarchy.

If we have any hope of preserving rule by law, it must start with trust in the legitimacy of our elections. What the American people need now is TRANSPARENCY! Many in the media, even conservative media, now imply that anyone who believes reports of fraud in this election has accepted lies for fact. I strongly disagree. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that something was very strange about this election. So why not PROVE its validity to the American people with an impartial audit and examination? PROVE to us that this election was legitimate.

As parents, we all know that if a child isn’t transparent, it most likely implies guilt. The dismissing of any need for transparency by simply saying “there’s nothing to see here” isn’t adequate and only gives those already suspicious the impression of guilt.

With trust in our government so low, give the American people something they CAN believe in. Just having the same talking heads that have lied to us about so many other things tell us now to believe that the election was wholly legitimate isn’t enough. We deserve to know. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe fraud changed the outcome, maybe it didn’t. We need to know in order to restore some faith in this most sacred activity.

One last comment regarding this relatively new term “elites” when it comes to describing billionaires or politicians. That is a oligarchical term that is divisive, insulting, and degrading. Perhaps we need to alter the meaning of “elite” to include “wholly self-absorbed, lacking in accountability, disdainful of truth.” It’s concerning that we have so loosely adopted that term in our media discourse. It portends how far we may have already slipped toward oligarchy.

I am a former Naval Officer, F-14 pilot, and graduate of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School. I take my oath very seriously and am saddened by where I see our country going today. I believe we are far closer to losing our Constitutional Republic and way of life than most others believe. It CAN happen here in America. President Reagan warned us about this.

Thank you for what you do, being a light for liberty. God bless you and your staff. God bless and help us preserve our precious Republic.