The Patriot Post® · The Not So Swell Swells

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Unlike many others here in the Colonies, I never had a problem with the English Royal Family. I guess it was because Queen Elizabeth always seemed like a good dame. It was almost like one of those sitcoms where the central character is normal (think Mary Tyler Moore, Hal Linden, Judd Hirsch, Bob Newhart) but is surrounded by assorted screwballs.

It now turns out that the screwballs surrounding the Queen aren’t nearly as lovable as the ones we had grown accustomed to seeing on the tube.

I had no illusions about them. For instance, I had always figured that Prince Philip had had his way with half the women in Britain. But I confess I was shocked to discover that Prince Andrew had had his way with half the children on Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island.

I was even more disturbed by the politics of the family. After all, when you’re a member of a royal family, you have an awful lot of free time on your hands. It figures you are going to engage in sexual improprieties. It just goes with the territory.

But what the hell is Prince Charles doing joining the self-anointed elite at Davos, Switzerland, where the head of the World Economic Forum, a German fascist named Klaus Schwab, talks about a world-wide reset like a James Bond villain.

Prince Charles, who had always struck me as a tea-and-crumpets sort who might ride to the hounds occasionally, but preferred hanging around the castle, playing gin rummy for a penny a point with Camilla.

I couldn’t have been more mistaken. Here he is, addressing the likes of Henry Kissinger, the Rothchild’s and the other mischief-makers who are always getting together in places like Davos, Geneva, Brussels, Paris and Rome, to decide the best way to subjugate the rest of us: “Changing our current trajectory will require bold and imaginative action, together with determination and decisive leadership. We need to evolve our economic policies. We need nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action of revolutionary levels and pace. We simply cannot waste any more time.”

As Alex Newman wrote in The New American: “While Charles is a fervent advocate of population control, his father, Prince Philip, was even more blunt, expressing his desire to kill large numbers of people. ‘In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.’”

Were I to get my wish, Prince Philip would be reincarnated as an English fox. And the sooner, the better.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is definitely a screwball. When she’s not busy insisting that the school shootings at Parkland and Newtown were hoaxes and that 9/11 never happened, she’s blaming California wildfires on an Israeli satellite, insisting that the fires were set on purpose in order to enrich Jews such as Dianne Feinstein and her husband.

I don’t see how that should get her removed from House committees or banished from the House. It’s not as if the place is a bastion of intelligence or integrity.

After all, look at the creeps on the other side. For three years, Adam Schiff swore he had conclusive evidence that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin, but he never produced it. For the past couple of years, Muslim members of the House Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, have voiced their own anti-Semitic remarks with no fear of censure, even from their Jewish colleagues.

At least, all 434 House members agree that Rep. Greene is a dunce and a bigot. But there are over 200 Democrats who are proud to have Schiff, Omar and Tlaib, on their side of the aisle.

So, please, no lectures.

The New York Times has seriously suggested that the Biden administration (God, I hate typing those two words!) should appoint someone to be what they’re calling a reality czar.

Although it would probably require that I wear long pants, I’d like that gig.

On my first day in office — as presidents and czars like to say — I’d point out that the reality is that Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden, and that it is he who should be appointing czars.

On Day Two, I’d be on my way back home, and the new czar, a fellow named Hunter Biden, would have settled into my former office.

It’s not only in the United States, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and China, that truth has been deported for the crime of being offensive to government leaders.

Even Canada isn’t immune. The Canadian Heritage Minister has recently declared “Not all truthful statements must be free from restrictions.”

I’m sorry but that’s how bureaucrats talk. What he said once you straighten out the syntax is that truth is no defense if somewhere someone’s feelings may have been hurt if you, for instance, point out that blacks commit more violent crimes than people of other races; that just because some freak insists that he’s a woman or that some woman claims to be a man doesn’t make it so; that if wearing masks and avoiding friends, loved ones and classrooms for nearly a year hasn’t eliminated Covid-19, maybe following Sweden’s lead to let its people live a normal life makes a lot more sense than trying to follow Tony Fauci’s contradictory orders.

Have you noticed how much more impressive James Bond’s villains are than those, like George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who bedevil us?

Take John Kerry. I bet I’m not the only person who was shocked to see that Joe Biden brought the stiff out of mothballs to serve as his climate czar.

It so happens that the man has all the charisma of a mothball. You could doze off in between his saying “hel” and “lo.”

It’s too bad that he has had a totally undistinguished career because with his Stonehenge-like head, they could just unscrew it from his neck and stick it up on Mt. Rushmore.

When asked how he justified flying on a private jet to pick up an environmental award from the Arctic Circle Organization in Iceland, he patiently explained: “Flying in private jets is the only choice for someone like me. I have to go to a lot of places in order to get things done.”

Well, of course he does. And one of those things is making a 7,000 mile round-trip in a private jet to pick up a plaque from a group about which nobody, including those folks in Iceland, has ever heard.

His explanation reminds me of Chicago’s tiny lesbian mayor Lori Lightfoot announcing that as the face of her city, she simply had to have her hair done during the city’s lockdown.

Speaking of Chicago, I wish to tip my hat to that city’s teachers, who just happen to be the highest paid in the country. By refusing to get back in the classroom, they are doing the children a favor.

Unintentionally or not, the teachers are forcing the young sprouts to engage in critical thinking. All on their own, I suspect they are beginning to see through the lies that certain adults tell when they periodically go on strike for higher salaries, fatter pensions, fewer students and shorter hours, all while claiming to be doing it for the kids.

I don’t happen to think the young tykes are in any danger of Covid-19 if they return to school, but I suspect that nothing can kill off brain cells quite as efficiently as listening to the yahoos with their teaching certificates that aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on yammer on for six hours a day.

At the rate with which President Biden is obliging the Leftists in his party with his record number of executive orders, Alan Ainsworth believes we should start referring to him as “Uncle Joe,” not as a term of affection, but to reference that other favorite Uncle Joe of the American Left, Joseph Stalin.

Steve Maikoski passed along my favorite meme of the month. Superimposed over a picture of Jeff Bezos and his Washington Post, it reads: “When a Republican is in the Oval Office, they all want to be Bob Woodward. But when a Democrat is in the Oval Office, they all want to be Monica Lewinsky.”

Email Burt directly at [email protected].