The Patriot Post® · The Left's False Narratives

By Gary Bauer ·

As you know, there was a terrible attack Monday at a Boulder, Colorado, King Soopers grocery store. Ten people were murdered, including a courageous police officer who ran into the store attempting to save lives.

Officer Eric Talley leaves behind a wife and seven children. He is a reminder of what we owe the brave men and women of law enforcement. Does anyone still want to “defund the police” now?

But two narratives quickly emerged after the shooting. Both of them are despicable.

When a photo of the killer first appeared, leftist race-baiters immediately jumped to the conclusion that this was another white man engaged in mass violence.

As the hours passed, we learned that the shooter was a Syrian man named Ahmad Alissa. We also learned he was a Trump-hating ISIS supporter who regularly accused America of being a racist country.

Suddenly all the leftist race baiters attempting to exploit this tragedy to stoke more racial hatred went silent. Among them was Hemal Jhaveri, who posted, “It’s always an angry white man. Always.”

Who is Jhaveri? She’s USA Today’s race and inclusion editor. I assume that means it’s her job to make sure that the paper’s writings are free of racism and welcoming to all. She should be fired for her racism, but I’m not holding my breath.

Another prominent progressive to comment on the attacks was Meena Harris, Vice President Harris’s niece. She tweeted, “The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.”

She later explained (but didn’t apologize) that she “made an assumption based on … the fact that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. are carried out by white men.”

Well, Meena, making assumptions based on race is … RACISM. Maybe your aunt can explain that to you sometime.

The definition of race baiting is stoking racial discord for political gain. That’s exactly what the left is doing. It’s being used to not only stoke fear and hatred of white people, it’s also being used to stoke fear and hatred of the United States. And now our enemies, like communist China, are using the left’s rhetoric for the same purpose.

The Assault on the Second Amendment

The second despicable thing that happened occurs after every criminal use of firearms. The gun-grabbers on the left immediately insisted that it be harder for law-abiding Americans to own a gun.

President Joe Biden said he would act immediately, perhaps through executive action, to restrict your rights to defend your family. Senate Democrats once again threatened to change Senate rules in order to ram through more limits to our Second Amendment rights.

The reality is that gun ownership grew rapidly in 2020 because Americans saw mobs running rampant in our major cities while progressive politicians handcuffed our police. People of all races rushed to buy firearms to protect their families.

Murder rates in major American cities have spiked to levels not seen in decades. But all the left has to offer is “defund the police” and more limits on your right to self-defense.

Leftists need to stop demonizing the police, and they need to read the Constitution that guarantees us the right to keep and bear arms.

Another Known Wolf

It turns out that the extremism of Ahmad Alissa was known to the FBI, but it did nothing about it. He was apparently linked to someone else under FBI investigation. Those who knew him said he had a temper “like a demon.”

Meanwhile, police are still struggling for a motive. Well, here’s one possibility. King Soopers advertises itself as “Your One-Stop Shop for Kosher Groceries.” It was well-known to the Boulder Jewish community. And Passover starts this week. Hate crimes, anyone?

Authorities frequently tell us that they are most worried about “lone wolves” who attack unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there is a growing list of attacks carried out by “known wolves,” people known by the FBI but not stopped before they attack.

Officials at various levels were aware of concerns about the Fort Hood terrorist, Nidal Hasan. They were aware of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers. They were aware of the Parkland killer.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said recently that his agency needs more resources. Maybe he’s right. But maybe it wasn’t necessary to send more than a dozen agents to arrest Roger Stone. Maybe it wasn’t necessary to send 15 agents to investigate a rope hanging in a NASCAR garage.

Maybe they should be spending more time on Chinese spies and radical Islamists.

Get Off Google

Folks, if you’re still using Google, get off of it and find another search engine.

My staff and I have noticed in recent years that its searches skew left, with conservative sources completely buried. I have seen reports indicating that Google search results related to the Boulder mass murderer downplayed links to radical Islam.

I’m not surprised. Two years ago, a study found that “Google Heavily Favors CNN and Left Media in Mass Shooting Coverage.” You can read more about Google’s bias here.

Emergency at the Border

Gila Bend, Arizona, is a tiny town on Interstate 8, about 70 miles southwest of Phoenix. Mayor Chris Riggs just declared a state of emergency. Why? Because his town is being overrun with illegal immigrants and surging crime.

To make matters worse, Mayor Riggs was just informed that the Biden administration is now dropping off even more migrants, after their brief 72-hour detentions, in his town of just 2,000 residents.

“We have no charity organizations that can help, no non-governmental organizations that a lot of the larger cities and towns do have to assist these people,” Mayor Riggs said. The potential costs of caring for these migrants may well exceed the town’s property tax revenues.

Gila Bend’s experience is about to be repeated in communities all over the country because the left insists this is the “compassionate thing to do.” And Joe Biden wants to take in two million migrants a year.

He may get a lot more than that. According to Gallup, 42 million people in Latin America want to migrate to the United States. And they know Biden and the left will let them.

In fact, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is blaming Joe Biden for creating the border crisis, as is the president of El Salvador.

Meanwhile, Admiral Craig Faller, America’s top military officer for Central America, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week. He was pressed about the conditions there and whether Central American governments were persecuting their citizens based on the characteristics that would qualify migrants for asylum in the United States.

Admiral Faller replied, “I’m in lockstep with our embassies, and we’ve got great diplomats, and we don’t see systematic exploitation.”