The Patriot Post® · Abortions and Other Abominations

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I suspect that the reason that there is still so much support for abortions is because the Pro-Choice side has been able to depersonalize the gruesome reality. They casually dismiss the taking of a human life by likening it to the removal of a mole.

In some circles, an abortion is celebrated as an affirmation of life. The woman’s life, that is. The idea is that she has been freed from the bondage of being held captive by the alien dwelling inside her, tormenting her every waking hour.

And because we’re not witness to the actual butchery, some of it performed on fully-formed tiny human beings, abortions are relegated to being just another political issue, like drilling on public lands and raising corporate taxes, just something else for Republicans and Democrats to squabble about.

But the other day, as I was thinking about it, I realized that for many people back in the 1940s, the true horror of the Holocaust was only brought home when they saw the bodies of dead Jews piled like firewood in the yards of the liberated concentration camps.

Perhaps if we could somehow illustrate the reality of 60 million dead babies, everyone would grasp the selfishness of these women who refuse to carry the babies to term so that other people could adopt them.

If practicing abstinence or safe sex is beyond the ability of some people, the alternative should not be cold-blooded murder.

Of course the women aren’t entirely to blame. If the men who impregnated them would either marry the women bearing their children or at least assume the financial responsibility of raising the children, it’s the number of abortions that would be cut in half, not the babies.

Speaking of men, Candace Owens points out that “There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the West, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack. Bring back manly men!”

It is a shame that Ms. Owens, one of the clearest black voices in America, is heard nearly exclusively by white people. It’s the same way it’s been with the likes of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Jason Riley, Clarence Thomas and even Martin Luther King. Their words have most often fallen on deaf ears in the black community. They prefer to listen to the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Don Lemon, LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick, Louis Farrakhan, Ayanna Pressley and the Obamas, the folks who tell them that their lack of success is the fault of other people, of white people, the very people, in fact, whose tax dollars help keep them alive.

While listening to Nancy Pelosi bloviate recently, it occurred to me that if certain people hadn’t had the foresight to enter politics, today they would be complete nonentities. By and large, none of them would have had the smarts to succeed in any other field. Yet here they are — Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Harris, McConnell, Waters, Schumer, Schiff, Omar, Cuomo, Warren and Sanders — determining how the rest of us will live.

In a just world, these people would either be home babysitting the grandkids or housed in nursing homes, watching the clock tick off until suppertime and hoping that chocolate pudding and not tapioca is on tonight’s menu.

How is it that Eric Swalwell, after his long-term affair with a Chinese spy, is still allowed to serve in Congress and sit on the intelligence committee? I know the House is a joke, but some jokes really aren’t that funny.

Even though Anthony Fauci is lying through his teeth when he denies that, through the NIH, he sent millions of dollars to the Wuhan lab to help finance research into how to infect people with a bat virus, the point is that it was done, no matter which of our idiotic experts was responsible.

My question is why we are spending our money in that country. If the research were benign, why wouldn’t we be conducting it in our own country? The only logical answer is that the research is so evil and so dangerous that the demented likes of Fauci and his associates have to farm it out to a place that is equally evil and dangerous.

It took a while, but FBI Director Christopher Wray has decided that when Bernie Sanders supporter James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on a baseball field covered with Republican congressmen, it wasn’t an act of domestic terrorism. No, no, no, it was a case of suicide-by-cop.

One can’t help wondering how Director Wray, who, except for the height difference, is exactly like James Comey, came to that conclusion. After all, when the would-be assassin was killed, a hit list of Republicans was found in Hodgkinson’s pocket, not a suicide note.

The shooter may eventually have wanted to be killed in a hail of police bullets, but not on that day and not in that place. He fully intended to take a few hundred Republican lawmakers with him. But perhaps Wray doesn’t consider that an act of terrorism, but merely an overdue thinning of the herd.

Ever since Vanessa Redgrave attempted to camouflage her antisemitism by declaring she was only opposed to Israel’s policies others have played the same game.

So when in retaliation to the non-stop missile attacks, the Israelis bombed buildings housing Gazan militants, including one building that also contained the AP office, some people portrayed it as an attack on America’s press.

One of the things that the Jew-haters ignored was that Hamas, which makes a practice of launching missile attacks from schools and hospitals, ensuring that when Israel defends itself, there will be plenty of children and other civilians among the dead, also had offices in that building.

A second item that most of the news reports failed to mention was that Israel had warned the occupants that the building was being targeted for bombing, so there were no casualties.

It’s a funny way to fight a war, but Israel is always at a disadvantage because they’re always having to simultaneously wage a public relations war because the world media is always on the side of the Arabs and Muslims.

Driven no doubt by envy that Mendel Weiss got so much space with his list of word plays, Bob Hunt passed along a few that he had collected:

  • I’ve got a great joke about construction, but I’m still working on it.

  • I have a pet tree. It’s just like a pet dog, but its bark is quieter.

  • My email password has been hacked again. This is the third time I’ve had to rename the cat.

  • I’m glad I know sign language. It’s pretty handy.

  • Did you hear about the optician who fell into the lens grinding machine? He made quite a spectacle of himself.

  • That last one reminded me of the fisherman who fell into California’s Feather River and was tickled to death.

You can email Burt directly at [email protected].