The Patriot Post® · While Biden Slept

By Gary Bauer ·

A dozen missiles launched from Iran on Saturday night slammed into the area near the U.S. consulate in Erbil, Iraq. Was Biden awakened to be briefed on the barrage? Probably not. Why bother? He needs his sleep.

But surely our commander-in-chief was already sipping his morning coffee at Camp David when Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRG) took “credit” for the attack. The IRG felt no need to deploy subterfuge or camouflage. This was a very open, public display of disdain for America under Biden/Harris.

Think of the context. Biden/Harris/Blinken desperately want to reenter the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal that President Trump wisely withdrew from. Biden has ordered our negotiators to make escalating concessions to get the deal. Some of our honorable negotiators, having no stomach for the naked appeasement they have been asked to serve up to Iran, have actually resigned in disgust.

Biden wanted this deal even before his war on the American energy industry sent gas prices sky high and blew up the budgets of America’s working families. Now he desperately wants the deal because he needs to replace Texas oil with Tehran oil. He is willing to crawl to Tehran even though at this very moment they have assigned assassination squads to kill former officials of the Trump Administration, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

But Biden can’t even do appeasement well. The talks have hit a snag. Putin’s Russia is serving as our “intermediary” in the talks (yes, you read that correctly). Neither Iran nor Moscow sees any reason to bring the negotiations to a conclusion. Each day brings them more “goodies” from our doddering “Surrenderer-in-Chief.”

The Iranians are demanding that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the same group that launched the missiles, be removed from the terrorist list. The Russians are demanding that they will also be able to trade with Iran without sanctions. There are no reports on what Biden is demanding because he makes no demands of our foes. He is much more comfortable being tough on American patriots than he is on America’s enemies.

Dead Babies In Ukraine And America

The images from Mariupol — the City of Mary, mother of Jesus — are searing and unforgettable. The wreckage of a maternity hospital struck by Russian forces, an obviously pregnant woman being stretchered from the rubble, and now word that both she and her baby have died.

There is only one civilized reaction to this new Pieta: Horror at these war crimes and the yearning for punishment of those who are taking the lives of women and children across the territory of Ukraine. Americans from all walks of life and every political persuasion recoil at what this is — an act of barbarity that will echo forever in the corridors of history.

Moral consensus is so rare in the modern world: This is the epitome of evil.

Scenes like those from Mariupol leave us heartbroken — but they should also leave us conscience-stricken. What have we done, what are we doing today, to allow our own nation to succumb to violence that is both bloody — and routine?

Each day in the United States the lives of some 2,300 unborn children are taken — babies at every stage of development, including just before birth — and newborns, if a bill advancing in Maryland has its way.

If polls are correct, half or more of our fellow Americans are mortified by this unimaginable toll. But another half, and maybe even a larger slice of our national elites in the political and media class, don’t find this repugnant at all.

Worse, they spent the month of February pushing for a bill in the U.S. Senate called the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). Imagine using the label of “health” to describe a bill that eradicates every law in the United States that protects the life of the most vulnerable human beings in the womb. When abortion “care” succeeds, one human being survives rather than two.

The Russian shelling of the Mariupol mothers’ hospital will live in infamy. How grievous is our own infamy that we have let the assault on mothers continue in the United States for half a century? That we have embraced a methodical destruction that some want to celebrate as the highest manifestation of the Constitution to which our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor?

Now the speculation rises that the Russian army’s next brutal thrust will be a chemical attack. If Putin does this, the lives of every Ukrainian will be at risk, but especially the young, the disabled, and the frail elderly.

In the United States, we are much more matter of fact. In California and a few other states, chemicals to end pregnancy are coming to vending machines and mailboxes in university dormitories. A night of sexual carelessness will lead to a lack of care for the result, and a cycle — a standard — will be reinforced where the importance and beauty of conjugal bonds are dismissed.

In her book A Distant Mirror, historian Barbara Tuchman explored a time in human history with similar aspects to today. The 14th century featured the Bubonic Plague, the decline of the Medieval Church, the Hundred Years War and the rise of concentrated wealth and power on the European continent. We can look into that mirror now and see the reflected truth of what Tuchman wrote, “When the gap between the ideal and real becomes too wide, the system breaks down.”

It isn’t too late to avoid another calamitous century, but the hour is late and we can tell the time in the ruins of Mariupol.

Biden Did It — Not Putin

Let’s take a trip down “memory lane.” On March 15, 2020, the country witnessed a “battle of wits” between two unarmed opponents — Biden and Bernie.

The question was U.S. Energy and the argument was about who would do more as president to gut the U.S. energy industry. Biden won when he said this: “Number one, no more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry … No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one!”

That sentence summarizes Biden’s mindset when he took office about arguably the biggest asset the U.S. has in a dangerous world — our domestic energy.

Special note to the RNC: Now’s a good time to open up mobile voter registration sites — at gasoline stations!