The Patriot Post® · Loose Lips Sink Countries

By Gary Bauer ·

When President Biden makes verbal gaffes and misspeaks on domestic issues, we can all poke fun at him. But when it comes to foreign policy, the words a president speaks are no laughing matter. It is a matter of life and death.

In fact, in September of 2020, Biden himself said this:

“The words of a president matter. No matter if they are good, bad or indifferent. They matter. No matter how competent or incompetent the president is, they can send a nation to war or they can bring peace.”

Well, by Biden’s own standard, his trip to Europe last week was a disaster for our country.

The president was asked about the “real threat” that Russia might use chemical weapons in Ukraine. Biden initially indicated that our response would “depend on the nature of the use.” To some, this answer was reminiscent of Biden’s “minor incursion” remarks that seemed to green light Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

So, reporters pressed again for a more definitive answer. Knowing just how delicate this issue is, Biden paused, and then said, “It would trigger a response in kind.” That means the United States would use chemical weapons against Russia!

Later, while talking to U.S. troops stationed in Poland, Biden told them that they would see firsthand the courage of the Ukrainian resistance, saying, “You’re going to see when you’re there.” But our troops aren’t going to Ukraine. Sending them there would put us in direct conflict with Russia.

But the worst mistake of all happened at the end of his major address in Warsaw, Poland. While closely following the teleprompter, Biden delivered remarks that were generally good. Then at the end of his speech, he inexplicably uttered these words, “For God’s sake, this man [Vladimir Putin] cannot remain in power.”

Everyone immediately understood that this was the only sentence that mattered.

Biden was announcing that our goal was not only to stop Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, but to also remove Putin from power. He was calling for regime change in Moscow.

The reaction was swift. The White House went into damage control mode. Multiple administration officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, were desperately trying to clean up Biden’s mess, claiming his words were misinterpreted. That’s nonsense — there was no “misinterpretation.”

Our NATO allies, France, Germany and Great Britain, immediately repudiated Biden’s remarks and disavowed any suggestion of trying to remove Putin.

But the damage was done. Putin took the statement and broadcast it non-stop on Russian state-controlled media. Putin knows that whatever Russians think of him, they are a proud people who do not want the U.S. to pick their leaders.

Commentators and analysts pointed out that Biden’s statement, which was reportedly not in the prepared text of his speech, is likely to convince Putin that the battle in Ukraine is a “fight to the finish.” The possibility of the unthinkable — a direct confrontation between two nuclear-armed nations — just increased.

Vladimir Putin is a dangerous man. Unfortunately, Joe Biden, in his own bumbling way, is becoming dangerous, too. He is impulsive. He appears to be suffering from failing mental acuity. He slurs his words. He repeats the same rambling stories that are not actually true, but his staff seems powerless to stop him.

Biden is physically frail, but that isn’t the problem. FDR ran World War II from a wheelchair. The problem is the declining “strength of mind” that makes him a danger to our national security and our safety.

President Biden has suffered aneurysms in his brain that required two life-saving surgeries. It is time to take a serious look at the 25th Amendment and whether Biden is competent to fulfill his duties. Meanwhile, let’s hope and pray that peace talks between Russia and Ukraine taking place in Turkey produce results.

Bad News For Biden

The latest NBC News poll is full of bad news for Joe Biden and congressional Democrats. Here are the key results:

  • Biden’s approval rating has fallen to 40% — the lowest level measured by NBC News — while 55% of Americans disapprove of his job performance.

  • 71% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track.

  • 53% believe we’re beginning a long-term decline where America is no longer the world’s leading nation.

  • 63% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy.

  • Asked what is most responsible for the crushing level of inflation, 38% of Americans blame Biden’s policies, while just 6% blame Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

  • Only 12% of Americans are “very confident” in Biden’s ability to manage the crisis in Ukraine.

  • 57% of Americans fear that we already are or will be at war with Russia within the next year. (A new Associated Press poll finds similar results.)

In short, most Americans believe that Joe Biden’s policies are destroying the economy and risking America’s long-term future while also risking war with Russia.

America needs hope and change. But if we’re going to have hope, we must change the leadership in Washington, D.C.!

Trump Was Right

The left-wing media will never admit it, but recent events have once again proven that Donald Trump was right. Let me give you one example.

In July of 2018, he sat across the table from Jens Stoltenberg, the General Secretary of NATO, and directly confronted him about the lunacy of what our European “allies” were doing — intentionally becoming dependent on Russian energy while expecting the United States to bail them out when the bullets start flying.

Trump was attacked for “undermining NATO” and “alienating our allies.” But he was right!

Dissing DeSantis

A regular theme at Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony was to attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida for passing a law upholding parental rights in public education.

The “controversial” Florida law is meant to prevent young children from being indoctrinated with inappropriate lessons about gender fluidity, sexual preferences and grotesquely distorted ideas about human sexuality.

There’s nothing controversial about this law at all. In fact, a majority of Florida Democrats support the new law! But the media will never tell you that.

The left knows it cannot win this debate even in modern, more secular America if everyone understands what the legislation does. So, they come up with propaganda slogans to deceive people.

The mantra of calling the legislation “Don’t Say Gay” is a lie. The media know it is a lie, but they repeat it, providing more evidence, if any was needed, that they are not the “free media” our founders tried to protect in the First Amendment. They are a radical propaganda arm promoting the leftist assault on normalcy and the family.

Corporate giants and their woke executives have thrown their weight behind this false narrative, threatening governors and state legislators if they pass similar laws. Conservatives routinely defend these corporations from big government socialism, but these corporations are making common cause with big government leftists when it comes to indoctrinating our children and dictating our values.

The “culture war” I just described between moral insanity and normalcy built on Natural Law and Judeo-Christian values will decide the fate of America and the future of your children and grandchildren more than the outcome of the Russian/Ukrainian war.