The Patriot Post® · Sleepy Joe: His Lights Are on but Nobody's Home

By Guest Commentary ·

By Noel S. Williams

Biden earned the moniker “Sleepy Joe.” Unfortunately, his undisciplined unconscious mind is always awake.

Biden’s incessant blabbering made me conduct the following web search: “Do humans only use 10% of their brains?” I was hoping the answer would be “Yes,” because that implies there’s much room for improvement by working on challenging mental tasks. Alas, it turns out that we use most of our brains all of the time. On average, about 95% of our brain activity occurs at the unconscious level, the remaining 5% at the conscious level.

Biden may be below average, even accounting for age. Short on self-awareness, he could always bloviate, but he was never the sharpest tool in the shed. He won’t voluntarily submit to a deserved cognitive test, but it’s likely his conscious thought patterns comprise less than 5% of his overall brain activity. After all, a lot happens subconsciously when a person is resting or sleeping, which is his default state.

Our conscious mind integrates information from our subconscious and makes final decisions. Clearly, Biden is malfunctioning; he succumbs to silly solutions that support his progressive proclivities. Rather than a fluid synaptic symphony, his neuronal orchestra is totally out of tune.

Disturbingly, our president is proving to be a mental midget whose conscious mind is underutilized. It’s all too easy for his runaway advisors to script the teleprompter and to plant and cultivate ill-liberal ideas in his head. But the role of the U.S. president is not a figurehead who has lost his head — that’s more for the vice president. Oh, I almost forgot: Biden thinks Kamala is president.

As these scholars point out, “A key function of conscious thought is to enable the unconscious to derive new insights from the information it already has.” But new insights are not something one associates with the dotard, who proclaimed that nothing can be done about inflation — except to make it worse by espousing Modern Monetary Theory and by dispensing more bread and circuses from the inflated public coffers.

Biden’s surreptitious subconscious may also explain why he keeps rattling diplomats with ill-conceived remarks, only to retract them upon regaining consciousness. He may be using all of his brain, but that’s the deep, dark recesses in action, not much of his enlightened consciousness. The lights are barely on, but nobody is home.

Psychologist Donald Hebb observed that neurons that fire together wire together. By contrast, Biden seems sloppily disassembled, his neurons firing haphazardly, bypassing disconnected synapses such that, after a speech, he turned to offer a handshake to a progressive phantom. Or when he aimlessly wandered away from First Lady Jill during one of her speeches, only to shuffle back again like a disoriented toddler not all there. That’s just peculiar behavior that argues against free will.

Biden’s unseemly threats to pop people in the mush who disagree with him, whether it be in the schoolyard or in corporate America, unveils the dark machinations pinging in his unconscious. While he commits innumerable gaffes, this comment at the Port of Los Angeles he really meant: “Every once in a while, something you learn makes you viscerally angry. Like if you had the person in front of you, you’d want to pop them. No, I really mean it.”

Yikes. He’s not avuncular Uncle Joe. He’s a curmudgeon with no impulse control. His constant misstatements and misdeeds provide a glimpse into his subversive subconscious dwellings. No wonder the White House won’t let Biden be Biden. No wonder Dems are abandoning him, feeling the country is falling apart.

It’s at times like these we could use a humble narcissist to lead us. Instead, we’re misled by a vulnerable narcissist exhibiting the following traits: hyper-sensitivity to rejection, negative emotions, social isolation, a distrust of others, and increased levels of anger and hostility. Even the Easter Bunny has more awareness, having the wits to escort a bewildered Biden from questioners lest he spiral into the rabbit hole during the Easter Egg Roll.

Another function of consciousness is to organize ideas percolating up from below. Lack of integrated thought may lead to cognitive dissonance and other mental maladies. Indeed, were it not that Kamala Harris were his VP, and next in line per the 25th Amendment, a cognitive test would be appropriate for Biden.

First Lady Jill had to take hubby’s hand and lead him away from the podium after a presser. Jill needs to take his hand again, and lead him back to his bunker to hunker, for as his agenda unravels, this is no time to let Biden be Biden. Pending a Republican upsurge, let those who are conscious run things.

Biden earned the moniker “Sleepy Joe,” but he’s also Sloppy Joe due to his primitive, unruly unconscious mind. He’s a confused, creepy president whose lack of neuroplasticity is confounding our problems. With most Americans, including many Dems, believing we’re on the wrong path, he unthinkingly recommits to failed policies.

Sleepy and Sloppy Joe: the lights are on (barely), but nobody’s home. He has an active subconscious brain, but is mindless.