The Patriot Post® · Biden Deepens the Divide in America

By Adriana Cohen ·

President Joe Biden is set to address the nation in a prime-time televised speech Thursday night in a disingenuous attempt to restore the “soul of the nation” and “unify” the country.

Talk about malarkey! Americans would be wise to change the channel, as Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric and hostile actions to date have been anything but unifying.

Take the unrelenting, yearslong political persecution of former President Donald Trump — including the unprecedented FBI raid at his home in Palm Beach, Florida, just a few weeks ago. Never before in the history of our nation have we witnessed the U.S. Department of Justice raiding a former president’s home, with dozens of armed agents in tow, treating a duly elected former commander in chief like a common criminal. In an early-morning raid on Aug. 8, Biden’s Department of Justice rummaged through former first lady Melania Trump’s closet, ransacked former Trump’s home office, reportedly seized privileged documents, broke into his private safe and wrongfully confiscated his passports.

Hardly “unifying,” wouldn’t you say?

Now add that Trump isn’t just a former U.S. president; he’s also Biden’s likely top political opponent in 2024. The latter a perhaps an even more troubling scenario, given that in America, we don’t use the police (or FBI agents) to take out one’s political opponents. That’s banana republic stuff we’ve long seen — and rightfully condemned — in corrupt authoritarian regimes where those in power deploy militants or utilize other thuggishly despicable methods to retain power.

Biden has now imported similar tactics to America while lecturing us about “protecting our democracy” and restoring the soul of our nation.

Talk about living in the twilight zone …

But that’s not all. Just last week at a Democratic fundraising event in Maryland, Biden went on the attack against millions of fellow Americans by comparing Trump supporters to “semi-fascists.” He told donors, “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy.” Adding, “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

And later at another Democratic Party event at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockland, Maryland, before thousands, he spewed, “I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans. There are not many real Republicans anymore.”

Again, Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric against approximately 74 million Americans that voted for Trump in 2020 or elected him in 2016 isn’t “unifying” to say the least. It’s downright divisive, hostile and repugnant. A harmful trifecta tearing our polarized nation even further apart.

What we know is that Hunter Biden’s dad was evidently just blowing smoke during his inauguration speech when he pledged to be a “president for all Americans,” not just those who voted for him. If you recall, while being sworn in as the 46th president, he said, “I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as those who did.”

What a load of cow manure!

That hollow promise proved to be the lie of the century, as his extremely hostile actions toward his predecessor and concerned parents at school board meetings shockingly labeled “terrorists” by his DOJ, and his ongoing poisonous rhetoric directed against conservatives have spoken otherwise.

Truly shameful.