The Patriot Post® · Abortion Insanity

By Gary Bauer ·

Yesterday, we briefly mentioned Stacey Abrams’s insane suggestion that abortion was a solution to inflation.  It was a very revealing comment that deserves more attention.
During an interview with MSNBC, Abrams said:
“Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs… You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child.”
Her response was barbaric! 
By the way, “barbaric” increasingly describes virtually every social policy the left is pushing — whether its abortion at birth, mutilating children (see below), open borders or pitting us against each other over race.
Abrams is getting slammed, as she should.  Her argument justifies infanticide. 
Can’t afford gas?  Kill your kid.  Grocery bills too high?  Abort your baby. 
Who thinks like that?!
The solution to high gas prices isn’t more dead babies.  It’s less government regulation and more oil drilling.  And bringing down gas and diesel prices would go a long way toward lowering food costs.  (Here and here.)
But, once again, this shows just how totally unhinged the left has become. 
Herschel Walker, who knows how to play offense, demanded to know if Reverend Raphael Warnock agrees with Abrams.  There’s been no comment yet from the Warnock campaign.
Ground Zero
Georgia is rapidly emerging as Ground Zero in the battle for control of Congress.  Here’s what I’m doing.
Through our super PAC, Campaign for American Values, we are partnering with others to finance television ads exposing Stacey Abrams’s pro-abortion extremism. 
Meanwhile, the Walker/Warnock race could very well decide whether the Senate remains controlled by pro-abortion radicals or flips to a pro-life conservative majority.
I believe Abrams is going to lose her race for governor — AGAIN!  But her defeat and Brian Kemp’s victory could be so big that it may help Herschel Walker become the next senator from Georgia. 
And we need a conservative, pro-life senator from a state like Georgia — not a socialist like Raphael Warnock, who votes 93% of the time with Bernie Sanders!
Here’s something else to keep in mind:  Several rising progressive stars appear likely to go down in flames in 2022.  Stacey Abrams, Beto O'Rouke, John Fetterman, Raphael Warnock and others could not only see their political careers and ambitions cut short, but permanently ended in the process!
The Media’s Big Lie
Early voting in Georgia is underway and there are long lines for early voting.  Turnout, so far, is running at presidential election levels, not midterm election levels. 
But it wasn’t that long ago when Republicans in Georgia were being accused of threatening democracy, of returning to the days of Jim Crow, of imposing apartheid in Georgia.  All these charges came from the media and Georgia Democrats, like Stacey Abrams. 
But the really disgusting part is how woke Corporate America — Apple, Coke, Delta, Facebook, Home Depot, even the Georgia Chamber of Commerce — attacked the law and threatened to punish the state by taking their jobs elsewhere. 
Under pressure from Stacey Abrams and Al Sharpton, Major League Baseball moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta, hurting minority businesses in the process. 
All of this was done to stop efforts meant to ensure that only legal votes were cast. 
I would say to these gutless CEOs:  There are plenty of reporters who would gladly take your call today to apologize for slandering the people of Georgia by repeating false left-wing talking points.
The Real Threat
According to the latest New York Times poll, 71% of Americans believe democracy in America is under threat.  But who exactly is threatening it?  Well, the Times asked that obvious follow-up question, and the answers might surprise you.
As you know, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and their media allies have been on a jihad lately to convince us that “Ultra MAGA Republicans” are “semi-fascists” and a “dagger at the throat of democracy.” 
So, it’s not surprising that 28% of respondents told pollsters that Republicans were a major threat to democracy, and 45% said the same of Donald Trump. 
But 33% said Democrats were a major threat to Democracy, and the same percentage identified the federal government (the Deep State) as a major threat to democracy.  Moreover, 38% said Joe Biden was a major threat to democracy.
Now think about that for a moment. 
Donald Trump is out of power. How much of a threat can he really be?  In contrast, Joe Biden is in power, occupying the Oval Office today.  And the federal government IS power! 
Just look at what Joe Biden and his Justice Department are doing to pro-life activists and concerned parents at school board meetings.
But there was still an even greater danger: 59% identified the mainstream media as a major threat to democracy! 
The lying, left-wing, fake news media is the biggest threat to democracy in the eyes of the American people. 
By the way, the latest Gallup poll finds that public trust in the media has plummeted to a new low.
The media are supposed to inform the American people, and act as a check on government power by exposing corruption. 
Instead, the media are enabling government corruption by misleading the American people with the lies of the left.  That’s what the Russian collusion hoax was.  That’s what the coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop was — Big Media in bed with the Deep State to subvert our democracy and empower Democrats!
But something tells me you won’t read about this poll in the pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post
Not So Pretty
The growing surrender of Corporate America to the woke left is beyond infuriating.  Far too many corporations are promoting extreme climate change theories and threatening states that protect election integrity, the sanctity of life and religious liberty.  Now some apparently believe it is in their corporate interest to push gender confusion and body mutilation on our children.
The latest example is Ulta Beauty.  
The company recently hosted an online interview with Dylan Mulvaney, a man who acts like a teenage girl.  The interview was about how women can be anything they want, but there were no women on the show. It was a man interviewing another man!
One of the themes of the interview was, “Trans Girls Can Do It All.”  Evidently, Mulvaney just can’t wait to be a mom.  He is clearly in need of mental counseling.  But instead, Ulta Beauty is holding him up as a role model to other children. 
Do you want a boy competing against your daughter in school sports?  Do you want boys walking into your daughter’s locker room or bathroom? Apparently, Ulta Beauty is okay with that because it is telling boys it’s “cool” to become girls. 
Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker praised Ulta Beauty, which is headquartered in his state.  Pritzker said, “Hate has no home in Illinois.”  Evidently, insanity does.
I know many women like Ulta Beauty’s products, but please don’t support this.  Women who believe in common sense should find other products to buy and other companies to support.  If you would like to share your concerns with the company, you can send a message here.
Just a reminder, Joe Biden and his party are exerting all the power they have to spread this sickness.  And if you oppose it, they want to put you in jail.